
Be true to your school...

Sassy attends a rather large high school here in this quaint college town in Oregon. There are approximately 754 young men and women graduating with her next weekend.

Last week she came home and as soon as she walked in the door she threw down her backpack and shouted (cause that's how we communicate in this house), "Mom! I am on the front of the yearbook!"

"The front? Like the front page?"

"No - the cover."

I thought for a moment, and replied, "The COVER page? Like the first page?"

"NO! THE COVER. THE. HARD. FRONT. COVER. Oh My God. How did you EVER become a teacher?"

And then she pulled it out of her backpack, flung it on the table, and ran away shaking her head.

She was right. The HUGE fifty pound yearbook on the table? Her pic is SMACK on the front cover.

And yes, in case you were wondering, it DID bring a tear to my eye. Or two.


Notes From ABroad said...

"God, how DID you ever become a teacher ? "

LOL ... they have so little patience with us old folks, don't they ?

Congrats on her first? book cover ! May there be many more , along with the big paycheck they get .. :)

Malisa said...

Congratulations! What an honor for your daughter and for you! Hope the weather is Oregon stays nice for graduation!

I talked to my granddaughter, Madisyn, yesterday. It was after her last day of school. She was crying because she will miss her teacher! They were already texting! Watch out second grade!

Vodka Logic said...

How cool.. how did she manage that? Please extrapolate

Vodka Mom said...

It was a close up crowd scene at a basketball game- kids in the stands cheering- and she is with four of her friends. it is AWESOME.

and just dumb luck. She doesn't know anyone on yearbook committee.

Anonymous said...

That is AMAZINGLY cool! Lucky her...


SSP said...

soo cool...as the person who didn't merit a SINGLE picture in the yearbook, other than the one I had to pay for, and the group shots for the clubs I was in, I am majorly impressed!! go Sassy!

Anne said...

I was on my cover too... only I was in our mascot outfit... I was a huge bee... not quite the same I guess.

Brian Miller said...

nice...way cool for her...and get with it mom. lol.

have a wonderful weekend!

SkylersDad said...

It wasn't the girls gone wild shoot, was it? ;^)

Sprite's Keeper said...

It certainly makes it easier to find herself! :-)

Anonymous said...

how cool is that....beautiful memory for you both. ;)

Brenda Susan said...

Yay! So cool! A true cover girl!!

Anonymous said...

VERY COOL!!! I am jealous and I have been out of school for *a few* years ;-)

Candy's daily Dandy said...

HAHAHAHA!@ Sky's Dad.

Oh mommy...she's beautiful and she's blossoming into an adult before your eyes.

Congrats on her supermodel status.

Alexandra said...

Love that conversation exchange...reminds me of my mad "angstpeak" skills.

Congrats to her,what a high!

Formerly known as Frau said...

She makes my laugh so hard! So I gather to her that is a bad thing...right! So cool in a Mom's eye! Congrats to your Saay Grad!

Mrs Catch said...

This is super! And I know how proud you're feeling.

When my son started at his high school, they were refurbishing. We arrived one morning to find a huge photo-board (with some educationally inspiring words) had been erected in the foyer for the students to read every day. And my son was front-centre, taking up most of the photo.

Every time I visit,even three years later,I get a little thrill...

sAm said...

I am the yearbook advisor for my school. And it is stories like this I LOVE! Reminds me of just how important that angst filled yearlong stressful class really is! Congrats to Sassy!

WeaselMomma said...

We parents are so dumb. It's a wonder our children survive.

http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

How cool is that? Yay, Sassy! (Too bad about her idiot teacher mom, though. Ha!)

CaneWife said...

That's awesome!

Way to go, Sassy!s

Suburban Correspondent said...

I didn't even know they still did yearbooks. In case you were looking for someone you could point to as dumber than you are...

I was on yearbook in high school...back in the old days when cut and paste literally meant cut and paste. What do the kids do now, just move some photos around on the computer? Pshaw!

Liss said...

How funny. Oh, in about 5 years she'll be proud of that and you'll be saying 'How did I become a teacher...? By choosing my moments!'

You must be so proud! xx

Scope said...

I love what she's done with her hair recently, and the complexition is really clearing up.

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