
Things I’ve learned in the past 4.5 days.

1. If your accident-prone husband tries to clean the house with a large pumping spray bottle filled with Greased Lightning, bad things will probably happen. These things MIGHT involve an explosion; chemicals entering all openings in husband's face; and a two-hour visit to the ER which conveniently coincides with the FINALE of the ONE show that you loved. (And Lost.)

2. When a bottle of chemicals says “Seek medical attention if this comes in contact with your face” you SHOULD. (But don't bring your wife. She'll only be bored.)

3. The check-in clerk in the ER knows my name. (Probably not a good sign. However, they were all making bets that it involved an exacto knife.)

4. Baby groundhogs do not run very fast even when being chased by two loud, barking dogs who will eat anything. Any I mean anything. (I’m still a bit nauseous.)

5. When your sister mentions the word biopsy and suspicious in one sentence, you can make a 7-hour trip to New England in 6.

6. Eleven-year old boys never, never, never shut up.


Mrs. E said...

I sure hope the husband and the sister are OK. Thinking of you!

Donna said...

Concerning #6, neither do 12-year-old boys!
Hope everything turns out for the best. And maybe they know your name at the ER cuz you're friendly.

Dawn said...

I thought for sure you were going to tell us something you had learned from a 5 year old. ~They are a wealth of knowledge, but it sounds like you learned enough to last a few days.
Hope your hubbie & sis are doing fine.

Roshni said...

hope things worked out fine in the end.

Anonymous said...

well i hope you got to dvr it...it was grrrrrrrrrrrrreat.

and Im 43, a boy and I still dont shut up.....I dont think we out grow it...lol

hope the hubs is fine

Anne said...

So sorry it has been such an eventful week. My magic #'s are 2-4-1.5 with represent the number of days in the consecutive weeks that I am with my little ones.

I have LOST on my DVR... feel free to journey to no-where-Oregon...keep going past 300 wheat fields and tree fields and then 30 miles later past the new white fence, you will find me. We can watch together.

Mrs Catch said...

Hope your husband is fine. And that your sister gets good news about the biopsy. Sounds like you've had a full week already and it's only Wednesday (in Australia..I can never remember whether the US is ahead or behind us...).

Hope the rest of the week goes a little more smoothly!

Alexandra said...

Please let us know about your sister...

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

Greased Lightening sounds a bit dangerous. Hope your hubby is okay.

Has your sister found out the results of her biopsy?

I hope and pray that all is well.

Stacy said...

I hope everyone is doing okay. I have to admit I laughed about the Greased Lightening induced trip to the ER. Sounds like soooo many of our trips there.

Lynn from For Love or Funny said...

Goodness - I hope your husband and sister are okay.

David J. M. Samson said...

I hope your sister and hubby are okay.

A busy week for you.


Brian Miller said...

hope hubs and sis are ok...

Cheryl said...

Thanks for the label at the end. Flammable and cleaning products always spell ER. How nice that they know you by name. Does that come with perks like not having to wait in line with all the sick people?

Vodka Mom said...

Husband is fine- a bit red and rashy- and a stuffy nose- but did everything he needed to do afterward to make sure no real damage was done.

SIs is fine- doc says not cancer, but will remove the lump anyway. We are thankful and relieved.


Lori P said...

Glad to hear everyone is fine. Maybe next week will be a little less adventurous - and it's only WEDNESDAY!

Strike that - maybe this weekend will be nice and calming. Put the boy in a padded room. He won't know the difference anyway, he's 11. :)

http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

Ugh! What a day. Hope the news today is better. In the meantime, here's a big hug for you... *HUG*

The Good Cook said...

Cleaning accidents are the worse ;-)

Glad your sister's lump is benign. Suspicious and biopsy are scary words to string together.

Scope said...

To shut up an 11 year old boy, ask him about what girl he likes.

Or start having "the talk" even if it is a repeat. Should clam him up.

Word ver = defie

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear everyone is okay. Hope the rest of your week goes better.

Formerly known as Frau said...

So true! Hope you hubs and sister are both okay! Man next week has gotta be better!

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Wait, is everyone okay? I mean, except the baby animals?? And Lost was weird, as you must know by now. But again, is everyone okay?? And PS, I want a sister like you!

The Only Girl said...

Hope your sister, and your husband's face, are okay.

CSY said...

Glad to hear hubs and sister are ok. as to 11 yr old boys not shutting up...neither do 10 yr old boys or 8 yr old boys...hell, neither do 13 yr old girls for that matter and if there are 2 in the car?!?!?! Yea - I'm LOVING the teenage years with the girl...for now.

word ver=phanses...are these like phat pansies?

Beth said...

Sounds like you have had a very full few days! Hope the next few are uneventful.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that hubs and sis are okay. And I'd still be nauseous too...

They don't ever shut up? Oh man, are we in for it...

Laura said...

I'm glad everyone is okay....prayers going out to you. One of my sisters is having two procedures this week...one yesterday (not bad news!) and one tomorrow. I wish I could be there, but the six hour drive with five kids would take eight, & then I couldn't help her anyway!
Hang in there!! One day (or hour) at a time!

SkylersDad said...

I hope husband and sister are doing OK.

Lola said...

Hope your husband is ok.

You can probably watch your missed show, either on the network's website, or on hulu.com or fancast.com.

Notes From ABroad said...

Now I can worry about your husband AND your sister too !!
Poor baby groundhogs.. Pup would just want to play with them .. he prefers his meat in his dish served by my hands only ... spoiled rotten hound...mutter mutter.
I hope we hear soon that both your husband and your sister are Just FINE !!
fingers crossed ! C

ShanaM said...

Learning is good.
Poor groundhog.
Glad hubby and sis are fine.

Kyddryn said...

Oh, dear...I hope all is well, now.

I happen to know that one can drive from Ga to upper NY in 14 hours if one is motivated.

Seven year old boys never shut up, either. I wish I could harness that energy...

Shade and Sweetwater,

MJS said...

Sorry about your hubby & sister, but the Lost finale & pre-show are both on ABC.com (watched the finale online Monday).

And thanks for breaking my heart. I was hoping the as the 9YO boy matured my ears might get a break.

An Unlikely Retirement said...

Glad it's good news for both. What a rough time you have had. ((((hugs))))
My 10 year old son is the strong, silent type. My 7 1/2 year old daughter, on the other hand, NEVER. SHUTS. HER. MOUTH. I swear, she even talks in her sleep. I'm getting her 2nd grade teacher a massage in thanks for this year, and her 3rd grade teacher a pair of earplugs in preparation.

Suzy said...

And other than that Mrs. Lincoln, did you enjoy the play?

Holyoke Home said...

I'm exhausted just reading that.

Are you still vertical? I hope you're horizontal somewhere quiet with a sippy cup of Benedryl.

By the way? A belated but no less heart felt 'THANK YOU!' for stopping by my blog on my SITS day. I really really appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

About the 11 year old boys and the not shutting up. They do eventually. About the time they get a girlfriend. Then they no longer talk to you at all and have the phone permanently attached to their ears with their girlfriend on the other end. Mrs. T. got mean today and told a bunch of 5th grade boys to shut up while practicing for the 5th grade musical. Can they fire a volunteer parent? Well we only have to deal with these particular 11 year olds for a couple more weeks!

12 year old girls on the other hand - start talking at about 7 years old and don't stop til - well I haven't gotten to that point yet so I don't know if it ever ends!

cheatymoon said...

Hope all is well with your sis.

Also hope your hubby is ok!

What a week. xoxo

Midlife Roadtripper said...


You can see the entire episode, although my son watched it on hulu, hula?

Didn't see a single episode this season in "real time" due to baseball games. Did see the final. Hmmmmm. Still thinking about it.

Lorraine said...

How did I miss this! So glad things turned out okay. You have a boy who won't stop talking? Take it while you can get it. Pretty soon he'll enter training to become a teenage boy who like government agents only give you name, rank and serial number (if you're allowed to ask 3 questions!).

Holly said...

Husbands and cleaning products are not a good combination. I once saw grown men try to dry up a wet baseball field with gasoline and matches. Seriously. You sound like a good sister.