
What boys do when they're mad.

Sassy and Bitchy have an uncanny ability to reek havoc with a mere glance in Golden Boy's direction. (It's a talent)

Here's what my laptop looked like this morning after a particularly exciting night. (YOu might have to click on the picture- I'm as stupid as I look when it comes to pics on this blog.)


I am still cleaning the coffee from my screen.


Mrs. E said...

Children. They are so dear! :)

Anonymous said...


Ohmygawd... that's priceless... Wow, wiped tears of laughter from my eyes with that one...

man, your children are PRICELESS!!!


Liss said...

OMG LOVE it. Can you print and frame it and put it amongst your REAL ones? Priceless!

Rima said...

I think that's genius! And I see a possible IT career in his future :)

Rima said...

Also, I would love to take a peak at the files in that folder!

forsakenidentity said...

That is priceless.. Gotta love seeing into the heads of siblings.

Ann Imig said...

Open the file to see Golden Boy's complete dossier...

(SO funny)

WeaselMomma said...

I like the way that kids mind works.

Anonymous said...

seriously...your house sounds like my house (on old town road..you remember..bedlam manor is what my dad called it in our teen years). it is like the star aligned and created a mini version of my childhood house out in oregon..the biggest difference would be..hmmm..you need one more child..so any thoughts on that subject! love ya.

Scope said...

Creative focus for the anger. That's a good sign. I like this "Golden Boy" of yours.

Hopefully no one gives him the idea to but small bits of toilet paper in the toes of their shoes, so they don't fit right. He doesn't read this, does he? If he does, substitue "pudding" for "toilet paper", k?

Brian Miller said...

they sure know how to tell the truth dont they..

Jules AF said...

hahaha (that's all I've got.)

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious! Suitable for framing, actually. Keep up the good blogging!

CSY said...

LOVE IT!!! I guess that's because I'm the oldest of 5 and I've been there. But being the youngest is hard for him, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Oh ya.. once I clicked on the pic and saw the whole thing. What a hoot!


Anonymous said...

LMAO, I am surprised the captions aren't meaner, though.

Joanie said...

What a creative kid you have there!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA! Brilliant. That is all.
(And totally frame it if you can)

Carolyn...Online said...

That. Is. Awesome.

Sodermoto said...

That is the best picture ever! LOL

As Cape Cod Turns said...

Kids are so lovely, aren't they?

Ellie Belen Ambrose said...

Wow the most creative way to get the message across I have ever seen. Funny.

My son saw it and said it was the best passive aggressive move ever!

Roshni said...

now if that isn't innovative!!

Ashley King said...

that's freakin hilarious!!!!!!!

Captain Dumbass said...

Wow. They've taken it to a whole new level.

justmakingourway said...

Hilarious! I'd like to see the contents of that folder!

ChiTown Girl said...

PRICELESS!!! I love your kids!

Cheryl said...

He can come live with me where no one would bother him. I'm so glad you took this picture. It's priceless.

The Mayor said...

Universal sibling speak:
"the one who gets whatever she wants".
"the girl who is mean to me".

I wish I had a dollar for every time I've heard one of those phrases, usually when I'm giving someone a talking to. I think that's defined as deflection.

G. B. Miller said...


Fortunately with only two juvenile deliquents, I don't go through that...much. :D

Happy belated Mother's day to ya.

jessica said...

hilarious!! he's got your sense of humor- i love it!

Cora said...

And he didn't even use swear words. Impressive.

♥ Braja said...

hehehe....classic :) I love it when kid humor gets mature :))

Melissa B. said...

I need a folder like that. Although it would probably say, "Administrators thats mean to me all the time."

flutter said...


Pseudo said...

Creative brood you got there Vodka. Not letting my own kids see this and get any ideas. They have too many of their own already.

Missy said...

LMAO! I feel your pain!

tulpen said...

so funny. kids are such a**holes.

Bill Lisleman said...

over from pseudonymous HS teacher's blog - That's a creative idea and not very destructive. Golden boy could have gone even further and doctored up the desktop picture and replaced it.

I remember playing with the sounds on other co-workers computers.
Oh since they "play" with your computer you should back it up often.

Rachel Cotterill said...

He's going to need a new nickname soon - the male equivalent of 'Bitchy' or 'Sassy'...

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

Love him! Too funny.

Lucia said...

I gave you a blog award on my blog... I love your posts!

MommyToTwoBoys said...

Oh I can't wait. I see all that my future holds in that picture...

kanishk said...

I think that's genius!
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