This morning in summer reading camp we began the day with our greeting, and a bit of telling sharing. As we progressed around the circle, two of my new clients decided it was a PERFECT time to practice some wrestling moves.
“George!! Steve! I want you to keep your hands to yourself, and sit on the carpet. I do NOT think you would enjoy sitting on the bench at recess today. Do you WANT to sit on the bench at recess?” I asked in my most serious and sad voice.
“Awww man.” George said. “This is JUST like regular school. On the bench. At recess.”
"Oh," I said, "Were you on the bench OFTEN at recess this year?"
George, "Yep."
“Me, too.” Added Steve. And then, like a chorus of angels, about a hundred voices chimed in.
“Me, too!”
“Me, too!”
“Me, too!”
“Wait!” I said, as a light bulb went off in my head. “Raise your hand if you were ever on the bench during recess this year.”
Almost every single hand in the circle went up.
I quickly looked over at my summer school para, who smiled and said,
“Looks to me like you just won the lottery.”
(And as an addendum- I made a vow that I would NOT put anyone on the bench this summer. That is cruel and unusual punishment- for not only the KIDS, but the teacher as well. )
Well, look on the bright side...all you'll have to do at break is sit there with all of them on the bench. (Good Luck!)
My name is steven, but I assure you I never had to sit out play time on the bench (if u believe me, I got somew beautiful swamp land for sale...lol)
LOL! Sounds like summer reading camp may be a challenging one - for you.
This is why I don't play the lottery. :-)
Ahem, from a mom whose kid was on the bench at recess, might I say that this punishment most definitely doesn't work for these types of kids? Taking away their one chance to burn off that extra energy isn't effective. Try the opposite: Whenever Evan is out of control, I make him do sit ups and push ups instead of sit still. If you've got a room full of wriggly kids, MAKE them move BEFORE they get into trouble!
What a blast. I'm just considering getting my foot operated on, but your summer sounds way more funner.
I say give 'em the bench... it's about behaving whether in school or not... and children need to know about consequences when they misbehave.
so just who in administration did you piss off this year? smiles.
I say no benches! They'll remember YOU forever!
Plus, you probably don't have enough benches. Smart move. ;)
I didn't know you were doing summer school, too. WHY did we agree to such torture!? Ours only come from 8:30-11:45, though, so there's no recess. Trust me, there aren't enough benches, anyway, for all the kids that would have to sit out in my group!! ;-)
Perhaps that question could be a first-day ice breaker to get a feel for the group....Who here has spent some quality time on the bench at recess this year?
and that is exactly why there are such things as vodka in this world.
I second what Tracey said above - I spent a lot of time on the bench at recess back in my day, and it was exactly the opposite of what I needed. If they have too much energy, it needs to get out somehow. Start the day with some aerobics and laps around the classroom, then get down to business.
you will be just what they need!
The kids who like school and were never punished were forced to go to wrestling camp.
No sitting on the bench this summer? I think your clients just hit the jackpot!
I hoe you are being paid well.
Uh oh! Someone's got their hands full.
I cannot even believe that you are teaching summer reading. Didn't you ever hear the phrase "take a break"??? Kudos to you though, seriously.
I say get crazy and give them overly-sugared Kool-Aid too. Then sit back and watch the show.
I was one of those kids but I do not recall being given an option. Kudo's to you.
At least they all sound honest.
Exactly why their parents put them in summer school. Ha Lucky you!
Look at the bright side. This summer will be a plethora of new blog fodder! You will not have a single day for a looooooooooong time where you struggle to find something to write (not that I ever got the impression that you ever do, but I'm just saying . . . )
Oh, NO, you are NOT teaching summer school, are you? I dreamed I was last night and woke up in a sweat!
Awe, I'm happy to hear that you weren't benching anyone! For my school, it was "go stand in the circle". Talk about cruel? At least let me sit down!
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