I was waiting for all of my clients to come into the classroom this morning when I noticed that there were two kids who hadn't arrived.
You guessed it. George and Steve, who conveniently ride the SAME BUS.
I heard yelling, giggling and the pitter patter of feet running down the hallway. When I looked up I saw George run into the room and strike a pose.
He came to school wearing something like this.
I laughed the WHOLE (@*#& MORNING. He could do NO wrong today -cause every time I looked at him, my whole heart smiled.
And tomorrow? The whole class decided that if it was good enough for George, it was good enough for them.
Somedays you just got to wear your jammies.
I wore my jammies all day on Monday and no one thought it was cute or charming. WhatEVER people.
I love the kind of teacher you are. These days will become sweet memories to them...
I love your blog and your life. I read forever and ever the other day and never got around to telling you. THANKS!
I taught K for many many years and spent this year in first. I never want to go back to K. LOL Great job blogging!
maybe i will wear pjs tomorrow too...nope might get fired....too cool!
Would totally love to have a *boss* as cool as you so I could show up in my pj's and make his heart smile....
Oh wait. After reading that back that sounds really, really wrong....
Three has that exact outfit, and Six has a matching one.
With tits.
pjs all around,,,brilliant...it should that way at work, like casual friday but with pjs ;)
Yay! I hope my boss will understand.
It's a smart mom/teacher/whatever to know when you can't beat them and you SHOULD join them.
I always say, swimming against a rip tides is only going to make you tired.
Well done!
Are you taking on any new clients? You are totally awesome to be so understanding and open. Having spent a few years working at a preschool, I saw how much kids enjoyed themselves because they were comfortable in their skin!
Kudos to you!
I remember a fellow student coming to school with his PJ's on under his clothes because he'd overslept and his mom didn't want to wait for him to change.
Oh, yeah...this was in 7th grade.
I wonder how my sales would be if I wore Underoos to work?
And no one thinks it is cute when I stay in my jammies all day either .. harrumph !
Maybe if I started wearing SpiderMan jammies?
I DARE you to wear that to CheeseburHer with me? If you will, I will ......!
My mum dressed me in pajama's for kindergarten once. She told me it was a fleece tracksuit. I believed her.
A friend told me I was wearing pajamas and that she had the same pair. I argued back and forth with her for quite some time.
When I got home and told my mum about it she was like "Oh, well maybe she's right. I wasn't sure if they were pajamas or not but now we know."
hmmph. I was pretty embarassed
We should try this as adults!
Only, I'm sure someone who have us locked away.
What a fantabulous idea. And yes, I do think they'd love to see you in yours.
LOL....love it!
I wish I still looked that good in my Spiderman jammies.
Aw, pj's and summer reading camp, how perfect! I think George is my son reincarnated (except my son is still alive and would probably still wear those pj's at 22). But he would've had Spidey makeup on his face as well.
No coincidence that the kids at summer reading camp spent so much recess time on the bench I'll bet....they're lucky to have you!!
so glad they are making summer school fun for you.
Da na na na na na na na na na...oh wait, that's Batman.FAIL!
This pix reminds me of the time when I was about 8-years-old and I insisted that my parents buy me a yellow matching short/shirt set.
I wore that mess around the neighborhood for two days before I realized they were PJs. I still can't believe the feel of the material didn't tip me off sooner...or my parents.
Who knows, maybe they did know it and were just supporting my creative flair for fashion.
Looks like George's mom picks her battles and today PJs were not going to be the battle. Very cute.
LOL thanks for making me smile today! I have a kid like this in my room, today he was walking on all fours during a field trip ! All I could do was laugh
I might wear my pajamas all day today in their honor.
PJ days are the best days at school!
Children's pajamas are just the FUNNIEST. My class can earn a pajama day at school when they get to 100 class points and the whole day is always just hilarious. One student's Batman pajamas had black, mesh WINGS. Wings on pajamas, people.
I do NOT understand why you don't want to wear your jammies to school. All the kids are doing it ya know...
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