
"My sister has mice."

Today during reading centers my little Suzie felt the desperate need to call attention to her after school plans.

“My BIBI is picking me up today! I am NOT going home with Jimmy and Ryan like I always do.”

“That sounds like fun! I know you love your grammy.” I smiled.

“Well, you know, Jimmy and Ryan are sick.”

Me, “They are? Together? I bet it’s chicken pox.”

She smiled, “No!”

“Is it the flu?” I asked, being the recent recipient of a version of this that FURTHERED my weight loss another FIVE THOUSAND pounds. (Or five.)

“No, not the flu.” She said.

“Hm. I give up. What is it?”

“They got bugs in their hair.” And with that she shrugged her shoulders and got back to work.

Yeah. And I was itching the whole rest of the *&@$ day.


~ Lopa said...

hahaha....bugs in the hair :P
that sounds itchy:D

Anonymous said...

Now Im itching, and I dont even have hair, lol

Carrie said...

you get the best blog stuff from those kids!

cheatymoon said...

Mice are so not my favorite.

Anonymous said...

ugh .. makes me need to itch! yuck

SkylersDad said...

I bet it's something cute, like Ladybugs... right?

Notes From ABroad said...

I think I would rather my child had come home with Mice in his/her hair than the Bugs :(

Joanie said...

Oh great. Now I'm all itchy too.

J.J. in L.A. said...

Mice in her hair? Cute! It's a nicer mental picture that what's really going on. lol!

Brenda Susan said...

Oh yuck, we recently had a lovely outbreak of "mice" in our kids church! Not fun! A friend of mine was on the phone & thought she heard the caller say that there is a serious problem with headlights!! She was very confused for a bit! Ha!

Sandee said...

Now I'm scratching. Thanks. Bwahahahahaha. This is so very common with the little ones. Sure lots of work for the adults though.

Have a terrific day. :)

Little Ms Blogger said...

I'm the same way. I get a word in my head and it gets me going -- usually, it is "hungry" or some type of food and then I crave it.

But lice...yeah, that would send me off for the entire day scratching my head.

justmakingourway said...

GAH! Now I'm all itchy too.

Southern Belle Mama said...

Now this is one time you wish it really was mice...they'd be better than the alternative!

Every time one of my students had "mice", I'd have the hubby check my head that night. I hated getting that itchy feeling, even though it was always paranoia!

Missy said...

We just got rid of the bugs! Love this art work!

MommyTime said...

My son's class has had an outbreak of "mice" too. Fortunately, not on his particular head. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Annie @ astonesthrowfrominsanity said...

When I was teaching, I would get in good with the custodians because they had an anti-lice spray that would use. I would always get me a can and then spray the daylights out of anything that touched my head. Seats, hats, etc. :)

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

i'm itching as i type.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a bunch. Don't you know that the mere mention of those little critters and they show up at my house? Off to buy more tea tree oil shampoo! That's the only thing that I can use on my girls sensitive heads.

http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

All you have to do is say the word "lice" and I start itching uncontrollably!

Heidi said...

Ahhhhh, I used to itch for days when there was a lice breakout at school! :) I'm itching all over just thinking about it...now I teach adults and I'm not sure some of them could avoid the bugs in the hair situation either the way they are always passing hats, combs, hooded sweatshirts and the like around.

Anonymous said...


MrsDixon said...

Gross! Now the world is itching! yucky!

The Mayor said...

I'm a lice expert, having to deal with them with 5 daughters. I don't mean to be crass, but they are the original "mother fu**ers"

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

I think I'd rather have mice than lice! :)

I'm off to get something for the itchies.

Formerly known as Frau said...

Yikes I'm itching now...

MommyToTwoBoys said...

Oh man! You just brought me back to when I taught in FL! We had to do checks almost every week! I had a kid that had it so bad you could actually SEE them on his head. It was during circle time and I pressed that call button and said, "Johnny will be at the nurse in 5 seconds. He needs to go home, 20 minutes ago!"

I wore my hair in a ponytail and kept it nice and dirty (lice like clean hair you know?) Several of my coworkers had it throughout my 5 years there.

rainy5982 said...

I believe I just got rid of it. Doing a nice thing for some family bit me in the butt! Their 3 year old gave it to my 1 1/2 year old took me 2 months to get it all gone! We would see them and he'd get it again. Gah now I'm all itchy just thinking about it!

Sara said...

I wish this hadn't happened to me, but it totally did.

And I think I'm lucky my mom didn't shave my head.