I am hiding over
here today, giving a little unsolicited advice about the event parents LOVE most; back to school! Feel free to head over and say hi! (I'm hiding from that crazy Anonymous Chinese commenter who won't stop stalking me and apparently wants me to have his children. I've told him over and over again I don't have a uterus, but he's a persistent little bugger.)
In the meantime, I DID manage to make it through the MRI yesterday, with a little help from a tiny orange pill. More good news to come, I'm sure.
And before you scoot over to where I'm hiding, this ought to put a smile on the face of every parent.
Back to school,,,*shudders* so glad that time of my life is over. Children turn into monsters in the school supply aisles, the clothing aisles and the check-outs. NOT the most wonderful time of the year... ha ha... so glad Staples makes light of it.
We're finished week one already. You should see the dragging butts.
I didn't realize they still made hand crank pencil sharpeners. Good thing I stopped by. Always learn something new in these parts.
I used to love/hate back to school.
No more sleeping late, no more trips, I had fun with the kids being home. I had my second child when I was 22 so you can tell, I was not the most mature mom on the block. But I did , over the years, start to appreciate having my days to myself ..
Those days go by too quickly.
That is my all-time favorite commercial. Sheer genius! And that was before I had kids...
I must admit...I miss my babies, all 25 of them :)
Peace ~ Rene
I am going to miss my son's first and second day of first grade...I'll be at a convenion in Chicago.....I'm already feeling guilty! Why are you hiding? I missed something.
After all these years I finally know why my parents seemed so excited and energized every year on the last week of August.
My oldest was watching with me, he didn't think it was funny. Heh heh.
Back to school is glorious!
Glad you had the MRI. My daughter doesn't go back for another 4 weeks. Yikes!
Mine started school yesterday (8/12)...I'm SO glad school is here, even if they aren't!
Oh bleck, back to school. No more sleeping in...At least I have an excuse for my Mom to buy me tons of clothes :)
Yuck. Not looking forward to back to school.
Yay. Looking forward to GREAT news about your MRI.
bwahahahahha - this one, and the fed ex cave man commercials are my FAVORITES. I don't have kids, but it means the gym is NOW quiet and peaceful and the pool is marginally less pee-ful! wha ahoooooo
GOD.. THANK YOU!!! Shawn was telling me about this commercial.. and I've never seen it. I LAUGHED SO LOUD and am still laughing.. That is so me... or was.. at Wal Mart last week.. I am reposting..
i have a little orange "pill" too... its in a tropicana package which made me think "OH ORANGES!" and i put one in my mouth and what do i get? Mint.
Yo Tropicana, thats soooo wrong.
I hope your orange pill was better! but out of curiosity did they offer you the red pill and the blue pill too?? considering taht you are still here, i think you chose the right pill! You go girl!
I forgot to mention that I also like little orange pills, and blue ones too ..
heh hehe heh -- good one.
I'm hoping for good results from that MRI. Hang in there.
Off to check out where you are hiding today - but wanted to tell you, I'm thinking of you. Glad you made it through the MRI. When do the results come in?
LOVE this commercial. Love it. glad you made it through the MRI.
Sometimes ad agencies are right on the money. Just watching those two kids dragging their feet, and you know exactly how they feel!
I remember when this first started airing on TV... hard to believe it was like what? 15 years ago?
A week ago, I was those kids!!
My classroom is al set up and ready to go... so now I'm more like the dad :)
My word verification was hyper...coincidence??? I think not :)
That commercial cracks me up!
My MRI pill was white but it "got the job done". ; ) I'm crossing my fingers, toes and eyes for an excellent result for you!
Super sorry I haven't kept up with you lately. MRI? Oh Lord, I'm going to pour over your site until I get to the bottom of this!
Hooray! School is near which means fall is near! And we don't have kids to deal with anymore. Woo-Hoo!
Sorry to gloat.
Sorry about the duplication. I've been away a bit as you can see.
One of the best ad campaigns, ever!
Love that ad.. if parents like back to school, how do teachers handle it.. you "lose" yours but gain a classroom full.
That is a really great ad! Your column over at the other side is very heart warming, I wish Skyler could have had you for a teacher.
Continued good thought on the MRI results. Glad the test itself wasn't so bad.
This is one of my all time favorite commercials and I don't even have kids!
xo jj
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