Because I spent the last four days with 19 five-year olds who don't know what a line is, what quiet means, and who can cry, laugh, yell, run, shout and cause their teacher to laugh uncontrollably - I am planning on sleeping for 12 hours. Straight.
However, as I've been promising, here are some of the swag items that I scored at BlogHer. I am still somewhat speechless.

Yes. It's a Vera.

Awesome headphones from Social Luxe. I didn't even get to TOUCH them.

INCREDIBLE!! I decided to keep this myself.

This, frankly, is life support.

Yes. It's a vacuum. IT IS! Now, if it comes with an operator I just might turn it on.
Did you really get a vacuum? I'm gullible so please be nice.
Sucks to be you.
Sorry, couldn't resist the completely lame joke. My best snags from tech conferences were typically t-shirts and ball caps. But on my China junket, I did come home with a GPS device and a laptop from HP.
I need to get out more often.
What size Uhaul truck did you have to rent to get all that home?
And by Vera do we mean WANG? Is that a bridal bag?
Did you get a Dyson vacuum, really? Because if you did, that totally rocks as do those earphones that you haven't got to use yet. A Dyson, wow!!
Take care, Sue
Wowee, wowee, wowee! What good loot! Girlfriend, stay in bed. Don't get up. Relax. Three day weekend...woo hoo!
Damn. I have to go to BlogHer.
I substituted today...now I remember why retirement was a good idea! Enjoy your three day weekend. After working today I'm taking a 7 day cruise!
You scored a friggin' vacuum? That's crazy!
-->We just got a powermat too. I love not having cords hanging out now.
Awesome swag!
But who has to put all that crap away? :)
Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep :)
FABulous swag !
Hey, that would be a good title for a book. hee hee.
I like most of the goodies you got, although vacuum cleaners are no longer "my thing" and I am not sure if I would be able to use that much Play Do... in fact, I have forgotten how to spell Play Do doe dough dooooo.
Happy Saturday, hope you are still asleep.
Wow! Very cool! Did you end up having to pay a fortune to ship it home?
Well, I can't wait to attend my first BlogHer! Very cool:)
Well, I can't wait to attend my first BlogHer! Very cool:)
You scored a lot of loot!
Sweet! I'm especially jealous of the Vera & the power mat! Good for you....maybe I should re-think my decision NOT to be a blogger! :) Cheers!
You did well!
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