
I think I just found Frank a date for the prom. (Sure it’s ten years down the road, but it’s a match made in heaven.)

One of the billions of Halloween activities we did last week in kindergarten involved writing a story about a witch. We had been singing an adorable song about one for the last three weeks, and it just seemed like a cool idea.

I made cute little witch’s hats out of black paper, and attached some writing paper that I had cleverly shaped into a witch’s head. (I get my best ideas in the shower. Don’t you?)

When the kids shared their stories, Susie stood and proudly read hers to the group.

“The witch is flying and drinking.” Big grin.

I did not ask any probing questions. Some things are better left unsaid.


Joanie said...

She sounds perfect for Frank!!!

Joanie said...

OMG!! I was first!! This week is just getting better and better!!

Notes From ABroad said...

Flying and Drinking, like any Good Witch :)

Brian Miller said...

you know you can get your broom impounded for that kinda thing...smiles.

Unknown said...

would that be an FUI?

Anonymous said...

I think it was a PSA for alcohol... don't drink and drive.


Cora said...

Ohhhh! So THAT is what witch's brew means!

FRANNIE said...

What did Frank's story say?

tamilyn said...

It wasn't Bitchy or Sassy was it?

Anonymous said...

Here's what happens when you drink and fly:


Cheryl D. said...

That witch can get hired as a commercial pilot!

Just and FYI: my word verification is: rumballa

Coincidence? I think not.

Mellodee said...

Hmmmm. I don't know if Frankk should get involved with this one....sounds like she has "issues" in her family. Hold out, Frank, hold out!! Your princess is out there somewhere.


Liss said...

We're just putting our balloons out to trick or treat (we're in Australia so hey, we're ahead of you) and this was perfect timing.

Susie, I like your witch. xx

Msb said...

Clearly the child is a prodigy.

Irish Gumbo said...

Is she sure it wasn't drinking then flying? (snort)

Oh, Frank, watch out son, she'll get you before you know it!

Unknown said...

A multi tasking witch.. will wonders never cease!

Late Mommy said...

Vodka Mom,
You rock! I taught kindergarten and preschool before my life as a SAHM and I laugh out loud at your posts. I wish I had know about blogging (or that there was even such a thing) when I was teaching. There is a never-ending supply of material, that's for sure!

Thanks and keep up the great blogging (& teaching)!

Judy a.k.a. Late Mommy

http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

Flying and drinking... that's how I broke my leg!

Hilary said...

I get my best ideas int he shower too!

Missy said...

I know her mother!

SkylersDad said...

Have Frank and her already picked out their trailer?

Jeanne Estridge said...

It's lucky you're fluent in kindergarten. I thought it said something about her having the flu....

Bodaciousboomer said...

Sometimes soul mates are found early.

shrink on the couch said...

Which, of course, is perfectly legal in all states but Delaware.

WeaselMomma said...

Mr. W said the same thing about me last night!

CSY said...

Any self-respecting witch KNOWS you don't drink and FLY...you call up the flying monkeys for a ride!

Kat said...

I do believe the legal term for that is flying under the influence.