My mother had a gaggle of brothers and sisters. (Nine that lived to adulthood, to be exact.) It was common knowledge that my grandfather used to say every time he hung his pants on the bedpost, they ended up with another child.
One of my lovely aunts, who may or may not be in her late 70’s, has just gotten the hang of gmail. And when I say gotten the hang of gmail, I mean she forwards me every funny email she gets.
Sure, I love to laugh, but who has time to read forwarded emails all day??
At first I was just deleting them, but then I read one the other day that was entitled, “Divorce vs. Murder.” Considering my current situation, I decided to read it.
It was @(#* funny. Here it is!
A nice, calm and respectable lady went into the pharmacy, walked up to the pharmacist, looked straight into his eyes, and said, I'd like to buy some cyanide."
The pharmacist asked, "Why in the world do you need
The lady replied, "I need it to poison my husband."
The pharmacist's eyes got big and he explained, "I can't give you cyanide to kill your husband, that's against the law! I'll lose my license! They'll throw both of us in jail! All kinds of bad things will happen. Absolutely not! You CANNOT have any cyanide!"
The lady reached into her purse and pulled out a picture of her
husband in bed with the pharmacist's wife.
The pharmacist looked at the picture and said, "You didn't tell me you had a prescription."
haha, cute. ;)
Very funny! Thanks for the laugh!
I love it!
Hahaha...I have a few people that forward me funny emails...drives me nuts! This however, was actually funny!
That's the only way I got cyanide too!
That is one of the good'uns :) Funny!!
hahahahahahaha!! Love it!
Now THAT was funny!
A laugh on a monday! Thanks!!
Funny. I had to send it to my sister. She is a physician now, but she was a pharmacist before she went to medical school.
I love it! Now I'm off to forward it. :)
LOL... have a great week!
You need a prescription for cyanide?
Look at your Auntie this way: I used to grouse about an elderly relative who forwarded the same jokes repeatedly. My brother said, "At least you know he can still press the Send button."
Email is a way of staying connected. Perhaps you might prefer a daily list of her complaints?
That one IS funny. :) I have a couple of "lovely" relatives who forward EVERYTHING. You're lucky to have found a diamond in the rough! Happy Monday. :)
hmmm...i need pictures to get the meds....
For a Monday, that made my morning! I snorted my coffee. My SIL and husband are both pharmacists. Trust me, they would see the humor in this probably more than most and I swear if you ask her for some meds, she just pulls out her purse. And I'll deny I ever said that if anyone asks.
That is priceless!!
And way to go Auntie for figuring out email! I know a few who are MUCH younger who won't even attempt it!
In a really weird coincidence, I just got that joke an hour or so before I read this!
We grew up with a family named the McNally's who had 15 kids I believe. Every single one of them a little red headed clone of the next. They live in a big house they found a couple of miles up the canyon from us, and their dad was talking to my dad one day all excited that they found the perfect house for their family. "The whole upper floor is full of these small bedrooms, somebody else must have had a big family"!
My dad had to break the news to him that he had purchased what was once the local brothel during the mining days that had not been remodeled...
Now that was funny!!! What kind of picture gets me one of those, take this every morning, happy pills?
One of my brothers used to send all of us (I'm one of 8 kids) some really raunchy filthy jokes. My sister (the nun, I swear!) had to ask him to please stop sending the jokes to her!
Don't think I hadn't thought about the arsenic joke at one time or another!
Now that's funny! I don't care who you are!
Thanks for sharing that!
A friend of mine once told is ex.... if I'd a killed ya when I met ya, I'd be getting out by now.
I wish I would have heeded those words of wisdom. How simple my life would now be.
"One of my lovely aunts, who may or may not be in her late 70’s, has just gotten the hang of gmail."
She forgets that I've been online 10 years longer than she has, so I do a lot of deleting too. lol!
Yep. Every now and again one of those chain emails is actually worth it.
If only it came with flashing lights and a siren so we could automatically delete the rest.
Hehehe. VERY funny indeed!
Yoga eh? Try the Rodney Yee videos - I discovered them in December and LOVE them!
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