
Looks like SOMEONE found a pot of gold...

I don’t know about the rest of you, but when I go to the ATM to get money from my checking account at the end of the month, I usually have about $10.00 in it. Or less.

Today I went to the ATM for milk and kitty litter. (Apparently Sassy used the last bag to get her car out of her dad's ice-covered driveway. She also neglected to inform me of this before she left town for a few days.)

I rolled my window down and noticed an ATM receipt sticking out of the machine. I grabbed it before it could blow away and took a peek.

Someone had made a withdrawal from their checking account. A checking account that has a balance of $30,218.96



Holy mother of all that is holy.

My balance? $23.59. That would be twenty-three one dollar bills.

(Now be honest, does anyone out there actually have that kind of money at the end of the month?)


Kenna said...

I do not have that much money at the end of the month. However, I think we should make no assumptions. Just imagine that this $30,000 possessor is very unhappy. That will make you feel much better.

Carrie Lynne said...


noexcuses said...

I don't know anyone with that kind of money in their checking account on ANY day of the month! Wowzer is so right!

We can dream, right?

Sodermoto said...

I don't have that kinda money at the middle of the month or any other time. I will be lucky if my tax return shows that I made that much this year! :) Yeah, think like Kenna and maybe that person is not happy because he has money.

Stacie@hometownperch said...

Holy Sh$%! My balance is like yours, and sometimes even has a nice - next to it.

I'm pretty sure I work with one of those other types of people. I swear she's a secret millionaire. She has lived in the same house since she was born. She has had the same job since the day she graduated from community college, oh 30+ years ago and is the most frugal person I know.

Lynn MacDonald said...

Yes, plenty of people have that type of money...most of them don't leave their receipts hanging around though!

BTW, I didn't even know you could get cat litter at an ATM...good thing I read your blog cuz I learn lots of stuff!

Sharon Rose said...

Okay, I am sidetracked by Lynn's comment! That is where I laughed out loud!

If you can get milk and kitty litter at the ATM, why the heck do I take time to drive to the store and wander through crowds of people who think their carts are kiosks in the middle of the aisle.

I'm going to the ATM next time.

Oh, and about that money it the account, thanks for not showing my account number, since you took a picture of it! LOL

RottenMom said...

I think peeps that have that kind of money in their checking account must be a trust fund baby. Or a dealer. Or something.

Brenda Susan said...

wow, not happening in this house!

Vodka Mom said...

Hell, Lynn, it's the NEWFANGLED ATM. Cash, kitty liter and milk.

and a receipt

Hope said...

I once was down to my last $27. I went to the ATM to get a few bucks for lunch only to find I had over $2700.00 in my account! A call to the credit union proved tht my lousy ex-husband's tax return had been seized and come to me. Huzzah!

CrazyLittleB_tch said...

@Pixie SCORE!

No one I know has that much in checking... ever.

Mom24 said...

I'm not sure what the big deal is, I often have $23 at the end of the month. $30,000???? Never. Not in this lifetime anyhow. Wow.

Anonymous said...

I worked at a bank for awhile and you'd be surprised at all the things I saw. There are people out there that look like they should be poor, but are super rich. The most shocking transactions I ever did was a wire for $50k (and it was *nothing* for these people) and then another guy who came in with $30k in CASH to deposit. Yeahhh... but I will say, working at a bank- it all becomes just numbers after awhile and you don't notice it.

Sandra said...

Apparently somebody does, but it ain't me...kind of unbelievable.
Are you sure you weren't on camera, or something? Getting "Punked?"

Mr. Halpern said...

I think the f*cker left the receipt there just to make the next person jealous. Rich and vengeful... not a good mix. I'll keep my pennies and happiness thank you very much. :)

Anonymous said...

I want to be friends with those "plenty of people" who have $30,000 in their checking. I'm right there with you on the end of the month balance. And why if you had THAT much anyway, would you need it in checking? Put that stash in an interest growing account!
Now, excuse me while I go to the ATM, we're out of milk and TP. Do they have TP at the ATM?

Anonymous said...

HEY. . . that receipt didn't have an address on it did it? Maybe it belongs to a very wealthy, very handsome, very intelligent, very nice, very single, very generous man?

Just sayin'. . . .

Anonymous said...

OMG. . . I was just balancing our checkbook and Sharon forgot to give me the receipt for the last ATM transaction. . .
May I have my receipt back please?

LivewithFlair said...

Never in my WHOLE LIFE have I had that kind of money. It's amazing to consider how different folks live and the means they have. I cleaned my rented house today and thought about how I used a flowerpot for a utensil holder. (I even took a picture!) http://livewithflair.blogspot.com/2011/01/our-uncommon-uses.html But seriously, and more importantly, I'm so glad you peeked. That made me laugh so hard!

Joanie said...

I'm lucky to have $23.59 at the end of the month!

Joanie said...

When John was in UPenn Hospital, I found a doctor's pay stub. Holy mother! That man had more taken out in taxes in a month than I made in a year!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

ummm, well yeah but not EVERY month.

smiles, bee

that would be dumb. ps

Kate Coveny Hood said...

Oh - that's happened to me before. And then when I met a group of people for lunch right afterward I made a big deal out of HOW could anyone have that much in their checking account? I looked at one of the guys across the table and knew that he totally had that much money in his checking account. Oh well.

Sandee said...

Was is a business account? Perhaps it was. That would make a big difference. Just saying.

I had a boyfriend a very long time about that made around $19,000 a month. You heard me. $19,000! He had a new Mercedes Benz and he took me to lots of really neat places. After about 6 months I couldn't stand him. What a a$$hat.

Have a terrific day. :)

Pearl said...

Well SOMEbody does, but nobody I know!


Mellodee said...

Well, I'll make it unanimous! Never had $30K in one place at one time in my life. Whoever it is, doesn't have the least idea of how to manage money, however!! That much cash should be in an interest earning account of some type. Of course, it could be that their investments and other accounts hold millions, so maybe the $30K is pocket change to them.

Hmmmpf!! I think I hate 'em!


Trish@Show and Tell said...

Don't worry. ATM also stands for Automatic Tosser Management.

If he or she has left the receipt behind to make other people jealous....they will already have been "taken out" by now.

Karen Harrington said...

Ahem...no, I don't! That gives me pause. How are you doing these days? :)

Melissa E. said...

I feel rich if I have more than $100 in my account by the day before payday. I can't imagine $30K in a checking account. I guess if you had that much, you wouldn't need to balance it!

Scope said...

Well, there was a time... but then I bought a condo, got married, blah, blah, blah.

J.J. in L.A. said...

I don't have that much money at the end of the year!

Nell Jean said...

Maybe it was Dave Ramsey, or someone else Living Like No One Else.

Sue said...

I don't even know how to count to "that" number!!

Take care, Sue

Anonymous said...

wow! I wish I had that problem. they probably leave the receipt in on purpose to make the next person feel like crap

Kyddryn said...

I've never made that much in a whole year, let alone had it at the end of a month...

But I have high hopes.

Hey, a gal can dream. Meanwhile, I bought some extra cat litter last week so I wouldn't have to worry about running out right after the baby's born...you are welcome to it, if you come 'n' git it. Save you fourteen bucks, that way.

Shade and Sweetwater,
K (who's still lookin' for that blogger-lovin' billionaire...)

Notes From ABroad said...

Fak ! I doubt we do ... maybe in pesos? :)

Captain Dumbass said...

Let's assume it was a business account. I wish it was my balance.

Unknown said...

You'd be surprised. I'm a (broke @ss) college student and when my loans come in they first go through my bank account so at one time I have $40,000 in my checking account just until the next day when it all gets sucked right back out for my tuition... I'd love to leave that slip in the ATM!

Anonymous said...

I want to find her and help her get back down to a nice healthy balance :)

Deb said...

-->Maybe it was a certain football head coach that was in front of you...although he probably has more.

Gigi said...

Holy cow - wouldn't that be a nice healthy balance to have in the account? I don't suppose I'll be finding out what that feels like anytime soon.

Carrieann said...

I think this person took out the $100 to give to the orphans or the otherwise needy, so we can't really hate him/her after all!

That Janie Girl said...

Was he eligible? Beautiful? Ah, who cares?

I'll do it. I'll RUN to him.

Wonder what his stock portfolio looks like. His house? His beautiful cars? Horses?

Oh, hell. Wait.

I'm married, and happily.


Suzy said...

Once upon a time I had even more than 30,000. Now I'm behind on my rent.

What goes up must come down?

Kathryn Magendie said...

Hey, you found my withdrawal slip, thanks

hahhhaha! *wiping eyes*

oh well, dang.

Joanna Jenkins said...

WoW! Who... a) has that much money... b) leaves that much money in a checking account... and c) is so casual about it as to forget the receipt??

Again I say, WoW.


Chrisy said...

I don't, but I have a son who squirrels money away like crazy. I need to check his balance...

Rebecca said...

To bad the ATM card wasn't still in there too! (Kidding, I would never steal!)
I bet they left it there to show off!

Maggie May said...

i'm NOT jealous, i'm NOT envious, i'm NOT

Jeanne Estridge said...

Hell, not even at the beginning of the month.

Ragemichelle said...

Ha! At the end of the month? I've never had that much money at once on any given day in my entire life!

The Nice One said...

Any one of my neighbors.

Me...my balance is like $3.00

Cora said...

Good Lord! If I had that kind of money in my checking account I wouldn't leave the dang receipt behind!

Two Demented Dames said...

I know there are people like that out there but I've never met them. My husband used to have money like that be he ate frozen burritos all the time and then he married me and we had children. That'll suck you dry, unless the whole family likes frozen burritos for every meal.

Carla said...

I have close friends to whom $30,000 is nothing, though they probably don't keep more than $10,000 in checking at any one time. I also have close friends who have never seen $30,000. And close friends at many points in between. The money isn't important. Sure, it's nice to have, but who you are and how you live your life is much more important.

crazy ramblings of a tired mom said...

You have been awarded! :)

Desert Songbird said...


AiringMyLaundry said...

I would love that much money. I'd be at Target every day. Well, maybe not every day. Every other day.

Lynn said...

Mine is like yours!