
Sometimes it's nice to reminisce.

I was looking through some of my older posts tonight, searching for something in particular. Remember those 200 or so posts I deleted with the click of a button when I was scolded by The Powers That Be? (To be honest, I don't think I've completely recovered from that. ALMOST, but not quite.)

Well, there were many that had me laughing, crying, and shaking my head in wonder. (I'd link to them, but they were DELETED. Unless you were following the old one, they won't be in your reader. If you WERE, well then you might be in luck.)

It also reminded me that Sweet Lord in Heaven I am SO hoping that we don't have to re-live every moment of our lives when we pass over to the next one. I don't think I can TAKE it one more time.

Anyway, I had to share this little gem; considering my new litter box and all.

I laughed my *$$ off this morning when I went to the, uh, um, when I was drinking my coffee. (Girls don't read on the toilet, right ladies?)

Anyway, this is RIGHT from Reader's Digest. (My sister seems to think I need this little magazine. After this morning, I decided she was right.)

Under the heading Wild Kingdom:

"I was babysitting a three-year-old when the stench from the cat litter became so overbearing, I just had to clean it. As I began scooping it out, I asked the boy, "Does your mother do this?"

"No," he said, "It's for the cats."

Yeah. Methinks that was worth a repeat.


Anne said...

I'm guessing if you planted the seed you would have a few kindies that would love to 'try out' the litter box... just to see how it would work. :-) Hope you have a wonderful Friday and an even better weekend. Here in my side of Oregon we are celebrating Valentine's Day tomorrow so we can skip the craziness of a Monday party. We thinks we are pretty smart.

Tom said...

Deleting 200 posts would kill me. I feel bad enough when I post a new entry by mistake or delete a comment.

Brenda Susan said...

It's fun to go back and read the oldies, isn't it? I've gone back to mine looking for something and end up reading them as if for the first time! Ha!
And I know yours are hilarious because i was there when you wrote them I think, at least some of them! Keep sharing and keep living the crazy ness so we can read it ok?

♥ Braja said...

I'm still pissed at you for deleting those posts.

Actually you should have "deleted" the people who did that to you.

I can do that while I'm there....

Lynn MacDonald said...

Hahaha...that's funny. I don't get readers digest but they do have a few really cute sections in the front of it. I didn't know you back then so I never read your old stuff...I guess I never will!

Cute post...I thought you were going to say the little boy used the litter box though.

Also, guess what! I'm going to do a standup routine!!!!

Mellodee said...

I'd lay odds that kid was Frank!!


Leah Beyer said...

You just can't make this stuff up!

SherilinR said...

that's awesome!
i once had a neighbor & we used to jokingly call his house the crack house cuz it was the eyesore on the block. then he moved out suddenly & it was discovered that he had no working toilets or running water, but he had several litter pans. and no cats.

Rima said...

Kids are so awesome.

Joanie said...

I love all the funny stories in Reader's Digest. I get that magaznine just for those!

Brian Miller said...

i am glad you survived the culling...and yes this was well worth it...smiles.

Sharon Rose said...

Yeah, well I think I may have met you after the old one so. . . whomever it was that "did that to you" as Braja says, well I hope they know what they are in for.

While she is deleting those. . . her sidekick will be right there as the backup plan. And believe me, NOBODY MESSES WITH A HOLLIS. We are like the Italians when it comes to family and friends.

Oh. . . my. . . I said that outloud. Now, being the good Pastor I am, let me get back to everything Holy.

尋人 said...
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討債 said...

hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!

討債 said...

Thank you, that was extremely valuable.

法律諮詢 said...

hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!

RottenMom said...

I found you after the deletes and I have to say, I am so happy for that.

And this, I have to say this, because I don't think it's been said enough,

hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!

Anonymous said...

I too found you after the deletes which makes me sad since I can only imagine the hilarity that much have ensued to make them have to 'disappear'. Love your stories and writing!

Also: looks like your Asian admirers are back. Because, you know, that was extremely valuable.

LivewithFlair said...

He, he, he. I love this.

Unknown said...

I remember the night of the big deleting...

it made you stronger :)

Macey said...

No, seriously, what made you have to delete?? That's sad.

McGillicutty said...

what in the world would make you delete all those posts???
and the litter story is very cute and totally worth repeating.

Casey Freeland said...

Reminds me of finding a bit of humor at my grandma's otherwise dull home by going through her massive stack of RD's and reading all the little haha's. Thank you. I miss her.


Reading Rosie said...

So wish I knew more of your back story. But really, I think your forward story will be just as interesting :)

Kimberly said...

I agree with Rosie. I'd love to know more of the history of your blog...but regardless, I'm here for the future.

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