I was feeling pretty great this morning as I walked into my classroom.
I loved my new haircut, and am still thanking the Gods that the “gray hair gene” has apparently skipped the members of my family. (We won’t talk about the other ones that did not.)
I visited the nurse’s office scale and was happy to see that I was still losing the baby weight I had been clinging to for the past 12 years. Frankly, I think that might have been the last of it. (Uh oh. Did I just jinx myself?)
To top if off, I was able to make a trip to Starbucks before school after receiving a gift card for contributions I had made to a project at the university. (Those incredible barista’s thought I had fallen off the face of the earth.)
So, when one of the other kindergarten teachers called me into her room after the children had arrived, I was on top of the world.
“Mrs. Smythe,” she said, as she put her arm around me in front of her class, “we were just sharing with each other what we did last night, when Joshua told us something very interesting. Joshua, do you want to share your fascinating fact with Mrs. Smythe?”
He was beaming as he looked at me. “My mom’s name is Suzy Snowflake. You were her TEACHER in FIFTH GRADE!!”
blink. blink.
“Why yes I WAS, Joshua! What an incredible coincidence!”
And in one fell swoop he managed to remind me that no matter how many gray hairs I DON’T have, I am probably old enough to be his grandmother.
Oh Sweet Lord.
Ha Ha! At least you weren't her HIGH SCHOOL teacher! I'm not looking forward to that. xo
Love it!
as I "Love it!" when I meet kindergarten parents that could almost be my children.
Hahaha...the rapid ups and downs of being a teacher. Man, his mom must have been a baby when she had him!
When do the numbers start going backwards? WHEN???
But a think good-lookin' one with no gray hairs! I'd say that's a win!
I meant, "THIN," not "think."
He he ... I've had experiences like that with the kids I used to babysit and change diapers on. Except they're graduating college just now.
Today we had a visitor that I worked with when he was 18. I was a mature 41. Now he's an expectant grandfather and 57 years old! Egad!
That mom was a child bride, right? right?
You look great!! xo
Yeah, yeah, that mom had a kid in 8th grade, right? That's gotta be it. Surely.
My 8th grader goes to school with a kid who's Mom is 30. I don't even know how that is possible. So I hate her.
I don't even want to tell you how many students I have in class that I taught their parents sophomore English, too. Frightening.
Until your own grandchil...
I think I'll stop this thought right there. :-)
Well, I get CALLED grandma in my class sometimes. And I am a 30 something white dude.
Funny. You might like my latest post. It's about what teaching is like.
I'm with those that think his mom was pregnant in 8th grade and it was only a few short years ago!
Don't let him take away your good day. Don't do it :)
I have run into former students in shops and been introduced to their children, but I haven't had the pleasure of teaching any second generations. Nevertheless, I still say all classrooms should have rocking chairs as standard issue...
My daughter's first grade teacher has been at the school forever. One of the moms told me she started at the school when SHE was in sixth grade! This mom had to be close to 50 years old! Wow!
Yeah, but grandmothers are COOL!
Aww.. I may not get "Franked" very often but I do have a ton of gray hair
and wasn't it SO nice of your fellow teacher to share that with you! You MUST come up with a wonderful way to thank her!
and I recently found out the kids I babysat for when I was a young teen (I was 13, they were 2 and 3) are now GRANDPARENTS!!!! Yikes!!!
You're only as old as kids make you feel.
What a sweet co-worker! I say direct the next kid with the throw-ups towards her room. :) I've taught a few children of former students....I call them my grand-students and am frequently heard to mutter comments about babies raising babies>
Nothing like a little kid to throw you back on your ass!
25 pounds? How the hell am I going to recognize you in San Diego?
Ouch! Those moments hurt...
LOL ... (I love the names you come up with, Suzy Snowflake) .. But I remember that you were the youngest one in your class to graduate and to become a teacher .. why you are barely old enough to be their older sisters ! or something like that.
from someone older than you.. I betcha
I know a teen who got pregnant last year at age 14. Her mom also had her when she was 14... So yeah, grandma at 28 :(
See??? There are ALWAYS explinations to having 2 generations. :)
TOO bad it wasn't an April Fool's joke :(
We can't deny reality, can we?
You will always be young at heart. I know, I know, that's what you say to old people...but, still...
you will.
Oh dear lord......
Yep my old students are now LEAVING college.
Oh, yes, that is how it goes, isn't it? I'm 43 now... ugh. How the hello did that happen? I am now suddenly talking about things that people around me have never heard of... Gilligan's Island and the like. They just give me the pity look.
I love that story. I can totally relate. I returned to my hometown after 12 years in Seattle. I went to work for the same early learning program that I worked at in college, this time as the supervisor. One of my teachers was a former preschooler of mine. Ack. Really?! It can't be.
I knew I had crossed over when the construction team where I work introduced me to the guy who would lay the slate in our spas. He had a full beard and mustache. At first I didn't recognize him. Then he grinned at me and the twinkle in hid eye gave him away. I was one of the den mothers in his first grade cub scout pack when he and my son were in first grade. I immediately went and booked an appointment with my stylist to get rid of the grating evidence proving I was now part of the middle aged generation. That threw me for a moment.
-->Congrats on the weight loss. My "I just had a baby excuse" is 4 1/2 years old now. Grrr....
I can't believe he's going into Pre-K in September. I should start stocking up on gift cards now for his teacher.
Ooooooh SHOOT!
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