It was a particularly difficult day for Frank. And when I say particularly difficult, I mean that he went above and beyond the call of duty in his effort to exact a sabbatical from this teacher.
He was conveniently sitting at my table at the end of the day, completing a project that the rest of the group was working on in their comfort of their very own workspace. Frank sighed as he cut out the lily pad, and looked up at me.
“I was thinking maybe I should try out some of the other teachers.”
“Don’t think I haven't tried.” I replied -a bit too quickly.
Then I added with a smile, “But you know I wouldn’t give you up for all the stickers in China.” And at that moment, I almost meant it.
Give me a bath and a glass of wine, and I will.
awww kids. I'll take a glass of wine too! :o)
Too funny. . . what would we all do without Frank? Just keep loving that little "ray of sunshine" and one day you will smile at the person he becomes. We are all praying about "the person he becomes". . . LOL!
hehe...there are a lot of stickers in china...
China makes everything on the cheap. Including stickers. He best stick with you then.
Poor Frank; he doesn't realize that the grass is always greener....and that he's already got the best teacher for him!
Not for all the stickers in China...or even tea!!! Little Rascals...Spanky....
Those were the days!!!
That is just too cute! All the stickers in China, huh? LOL
I bet it's the kids like Frank that ultimately make you love your job, even if they're driving you out of your gourd at the time!
Awww, poor little guy! Do you think it's too soon to alert him that there is just a little more than a month left to the school year, so there is hope! Plus all the kids will have a different teacher next year!
Both of you can take heart that the end is near! :)
I'd be willing to bet a small sum of real money (very small) that he will miss you next year and you'll miss him to a bit! Course, you might get another kid like him in the next class, so it won't feel so bad!
Oh the life of a teacher!! LOL!
ya know they always get this way at this time of the year...
they go out with a roar
especially with the ones they love the mostest :)
I just popped in to check on The Frank Diaries. I am never disappointed. Hang in there girl! Before long you'll be enjoying stories about him in the teacher's lounge.
That Frank... he's a charmer!
Oh, how I hate to see this year coming to an end...for both of us.
Personally, I think we all need a Frank in our lives. Otherwise, how humdrum would everything be ?
And believe me, humdrum is not what it is cracked up to be.
lurve. C
I love that kid. I just LOVE him.
I love that you chose a picture of Spanky. That's my nickname for my husband for some really very good reasons. Also, my husband's middle name is Frank.
You will miss Frank as he moves on, and hopefully he will remember and miss you. There will be other children who are clever and outrageous and memorable, but there will never be another Frank.
Too bad you couldn't have that wine at work.
Cute little Frank. He is such a mess! Such a bundle of sunshine and hurricanes, all at the same time.
We really are going to miss him next year, aren't we?
I don't even want to think about it right now.
Gotta love these little kids. They make life purrtty exciting.
Out of the mouths of babes......with just a few weeks of school left, too! Love it.
See....you love the difficult ones the most! :)
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