We were working very hard in reading group yesterday, putting the finishing touches on our insect books.
We were discussing ants and Sam's head lifted as he shouted, "Hey! My dad works on a ant farm!"
"Really?" I asked.
"YEP!" he shouted happily.
"Sam, your dad works on an ANT farm?" I asked again, attempting to see if perhaps he wanted to change his story.
"Yep. He works on a ant farm. He feeds them, he takes care of them, and he walks them."
Suzy looked at him, her eyes growing wide. "Wow, " she said. "I've seen some pretty big ants. But I don't think I've ever seen any ants that big!"
I've decided to plan a field trip. To the ant farm. Anyone else in?
I will drive all the way there for that one!
yes my mind is wandering wondering how the ants tie in and what his dad must have said....
Count me in. We have some ants out back that I may bring along and drop off. At the VERY least, it'd be important for me to know how to walk them. Because I'll be walking them to another house.
I'm SO there!!!
I'm really hoping we can saddle up one of those bad boys and take a ride. :)
Perhaps he just watched Empire of the Ants--the cheesy 1970s flick where Joan Collins feeds bunch of unwitting real estate clients to the giant mutant ants. I'm not going. They made a freaky sound when they were about to strike.
Maybe they are part of the Apocalypse tonight?
Now this I have to see! Count me in on this field trip.
Must be hard to work smushed between those two clear panes of plastic. I wonder if he digs tunnels for them.
Crumbs - I'll swim the Atlantic from the UK to see THIS one :) I read your blog regularly Vodka Mum - I often laugh and sometimes I feel your sadness in you rpostings. This will pass honey. Hugs and best wishes, Di xx (Just gettin' me swimsuit outta mothballs....and no insects THERE!!)
Count me in ! I gotta see this!
I'll come with you, but only to see the branding go on.
I too would like to come to the ant farm. I've been there before. My Dad works there too.
Favorite memory: Having a little ant colony in dirt in a mason jar. I could watch all their frenetic activity and play BAD GOD occasionally shaking the jar and turning it upside down. There may a been a flood or two. This was when my parents discovered I was a sociopath.
i'd go! but i don't know if i'll fit between those little panes of plastic.
Can't an ant carry like 50 times their body weight? If these ants are big enough to put on a leash and walk, just think about how much work they can get done!
Count me in!! I would love to work some ants ...
I'll bring my boys. I don't imagine they can think of anything better...
Haha! Kids say the funniest things! My 4 year old makes me laugh and cry every day!
In! As long as I don't have to taste any ant milk.
Those are very interesting...really. Have fun...I have to catch up on some sleep...
Count me out!!
Me and ant farms don't mix!
Had I only known you could put them on leashes...
I will pass on this one, thank you. The thought of ants that big sort of freaks me out. I'd love to see the pictures though!
I'm there.
Where do I turn in my permission slip because I gotta see that one!
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