Dear Bitchy,
Call me crazy, but I’m a TAD bit confused here. Sure, I know your 22nd birthday is tomorrow, and that you are expecting some outrageous gifts; however, when I opened the link to the $400 necklace that you insist is the ONLY PRESENT YOU WANT, I fell off my chair. Mostly, cause I was SURE you sent it to the wrong mother. I'm sure you mean to send it to the OTHER one, you know, that RICH one that you claim is your birth mother who lives in France.
Have you been living with me for the last year? Do you watch me clip coupons, decide which bill to pay, send spousal and child support to someone who shall not be named, and roll my coins every weekend? Do you see me take clothes and fake jewelry to the consignment shop and jump for joy when they give me TWENTY BUCKS? Have you watched me take the bags of cans I’ve been collecting to the can man? (Note to self: not worth it. I got 4 bucks. FOUR BUCKS. The gas money there was double that.)
So I was floored when you called me to tell me how MAD you were when I said I couldn’t afford to get the necklace for you. The fact that you were so furious with ME that you went out and bought yourself Frye boots with your own money? To punish ME? That’s where the confusion comes in.
Cause I’m pretty sure that it didn’t cost me a penny.
(Five billion dollars to send her to college and this is what she does. I want my money back. P.S.)
As one mom of an adult daughter to another - just ignore her. There's some behavior that doesn't even merit arguing with.
My oldest are only 8, but your blog is so refreshing! I can relate, but more on a $50 Nintendo DS game level.
I agree - she should send you the necklace!
I always get pissed off at my grown kids (28, 29 and 31)all the time. They are truly amazing. Usually it's the oldest that riles me up the most. She KNOWS everything, don't you know!! BTW, screw collecting the cans, not worth it. You need to get into my business, "trash to cash"!
Take care my friend,
oh man, how rude! maybe you could send her a few of your bills to take care of since she apparently has extra money to throw around.
smiles. hey you only turn 22 once you know...
ok just kidding...
Thank you for your writing. My oldest is 14 and expects luxury. Don't understand how that happened. p.s. your response to ugliness is right on. wishing you peace (and riches).
I agree with expat mum. And how the hell did you end up with all the school loans? Did YOU go back to school?
My husband and I both paid for our college ed and even tho' it took a long time to pay off those loans, neither of our parents were ever going to do it for us. And we got good grades. Blah, blah, blah. What is wrong with our kids for expecting everything to be handed to them?
Don't let it bother you about the necklace--geeeeeez!!
Oh dear. She'll grow up a bit more and get over this foolishness. 22 is still quite young. A word to the wise: Let your kids take out their own college loans.
On my twins' birthday I expect a present from THEM. Seriously. Think about it.
Oh but right. They are in college. And I send them obscene amounts of money so they don't starve.
Sigh. Love you Vodka Mom.
Perhaps the "person who shall not be named" should buy the necklace for bitchy. After all, isn't anonymous supporting him too? (the dope!)
Anon comments = chickens.
Yeah, I get the rest and so does least down deep. And, as Grandad said, she'll "get over it or die with it.". :o)
aw buggers! that's all i have to say about this.
smiles, bee
well, except i would have written the same letter! ps
It's done out of love. The love of bling, that is...
This annonymous person living with who shall not be "named" does a great dis-service to all women by supporting this person who shall not be named who doesn't deserve a name! Is he that good she is supporting him? What's his story how does he do this? I wanna be supported and not work and have all my bills paid for...lazy bugger. sorry.
Dearest Daughter,
Darling, I thought you should know that self-entitlement is not a good look for you. It makes your eyes squinty and nearly wipes off the flush of near-acquisition.
As for your birthday gift, I have a wonderful idea! You give me $600 cash for MY birthday, and I'll buy you the $400 necklace for YOURS. Payable now, of course, dear. It will make up for a few of the things you did to me when you were but a *younger* child.
My son pays for his own college with loans in his own name (which I co-signed when necessary of course). And when I told him that I was auto-depositing $10 per paycheck into his bank account, he told me he appreciated it but it wasn't necessary; that he could make it own his own. When I later told him I was increasing it because I was setting up a small college savings fund for his siblings, he repeated that statement.
I was so proud of him, because that isn't a perspective I see in many kids.
We need a vacation together. Our kids are woven from similar cloth.
YOU are paying alimony on a teacher's salary? Holy shitolies.
Thats all I can think of.
Well, you know how kids get half their genes form each parent...I think you can tell which genes are showing here...
Oh so love this post and tempted to print and give my 19 year old who acts and expects the same thing. I couldn't help but laugh to see someone in my own boat! Yet, I do feel your pain. Hang in there cause we can't hang ourselves because they need us more than the know, LOL.
At 22, she's asking for $400 presents? Instead of giving her mom every spare dime she has or paying for her own education, clothing, etc.? Sounds like it's time for a wake-up call. Please stand up for yourself - you are doing this adult daughter no favors when you allow her to treat you this way. And I'm sure it's not the first time. Send her a nice card for her birthday. Or a bag of cans she can turn in, or a stack of clothing she can take to the consignment store, and tell her she can buy herself whatever she wants with the proceeds. (I'm not kidding.)
It always amazes me when people like Anonymous have the nerve to make a comment such as that! But not a lot of nerve, because of course she wouldn't leave her name. Coward! She should also be embarrassed that she is living off your money!
I mean really! Jealous Coward!!!!!!!
Ouch! I'd ask for a refund myself.
Chalk the request and complete idiocy of the $400 request to both youth and inexperience. Unfortunately, it sounds as if you have many palms reaching out to collect YOUR money. Stick to your guns!!!!! And for the lazy sloth receiving child support....what the hell is up with that!!! You can hold your head high Vodkamom as you are meeting all of your obligations, both financial and family, on your own. Job well done!!! From Kip.
Happy Birthday Bitchy, but you're 22 now, time to pull up your skirt and act like it.
OMG...this is toooooo funny! I also have adult kids: a 24, 10 and 16 year old. I'm sure they've considered saying this but since my husband has been unemployed, they've kept their mouths shut for awhile! Good luck, it can only get better- how can it possibly get any worse???
Oops! Not 10! 24, 20 and 16.
Gotta love little childrens, no matter what the age. :/
ha!! i said to my 17 yr old on her bday "umm, i did all the work 17 years ago- you should get ME something or at least apologize!" and with a serious face she said, "i'm sorry about your jumping jack situation"
And then i laughed so hard i peed my pants. again.
holy crap my verification word is "peeduria" hahaha!!
Prepare yourself .. it lasts a while longer.
They are so cluelessly self-involved that it is surprising more parents don't ship them out of the country for a few (dozen) years they "grow up" ..
Some never do , that is the scary part.
My advice to parents for a while now has been, don't give them cars or rich presents, even when you can afford it.
Make them save money and do things on their own, they value it so much more.
And never give a daughter a good piece of jewelry.. they expect it every year for life :D
Someday you two will laugh about this, while you are rocking the grand baby and she is starting dinner ... at her house .. love you. C
Sounds like she hasn't got a clue about money.
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