
Today, Bitchy was the new black.

I was driving Bitchy back to her apartment tonight after an exciting afternoon of doing her LAUNDRY and I might have brought up the subject we never seem to discuss; her grades.

“So, how are your finals?”

“My finals aren’t cumulative, so it’s fine.”

“But how are your grades?” I asked, tentatively.

“The usual.  Mom, why do you ask?  You don’t really care.” She said in the kind of voice that reminded me about why I might have dubbed her Bitchy in the first place.

“WHAT? Of COURSE I care.  What are you talking about?”

“Oh shush, mother.  I meant that you love me anyway.  Basically, you’re just happy I’m alive.”

And she NAILS the ending.    (again.) 


Hollywood Farm Films said...

Awe, the things we do and put up with for love! And life!

Gigi said...

Well, she does have a point.....

Anonymous said...

oh my,your big bitchy sounds a bit like my little bitchy..I think I just saw a glimpse into my future.♥

Sue said...

They all at the age kind of sound the same, don't they?

Take care,

Brian Miller said...

well there is that...smiles...

Maggie May said...

I HEAR that. Unfortunately.

Mya Maternity said...

She nailed that one. The things we put up with.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Yep. Don't even try to win! Life without a daughter must be boring indeed.

Gina said...

She's right...we love them eye rolls and everything!