
And this is why my weekends bore the #*$$ out of me...

It was particularly noisy during literacy centers Friday morning and I admonished my group, “Boys and girls, you need to start working. And please keep it down to a dull roar- or bad things will happen! And you know what I mean when I say that bad things will happen, right?"

“YEAH!” Jack shouted, “All HELL will break loose!”

Second teacher mistake of the day was, “What did you say?”

“All HELL break loose is what I said!” and he smiled his toothless smile.

“Um. That wasn’t exactly how I was going to say it…but…”

Lord Have Mercy.


Brian Miller said...

snort...number 3 new vocabulary word for the week...smiles....your kids are awesome...

Vodka Logic said...

And how is Frank?

Mrs. E said...

Jack knows his stuff! : )

Anonymous said...

I love how you save some of the most intriguing stuff for your labels at the end of the post. DO TELL!!

Mary in MI

Bethany said...

Haha! That kid knows what he's talking about! :D

Anonymous said...

Nothing like having a back up disciplinarian when you don't want one, (smiling)

Jack knows the routine so well . . . .

Have a great weekend
faithful follower

Adie said...

Ha ha He knows whats going to happen!

Frogs in my formula said...

He's on to you, ey?

Her and the Boys said...

At least he was being truthful...I'm sure it would have, right?

That gentleman's lady said...

Did all hell break loose?

Joanna Jenkins said...

Oh boy-- could this possibly be Frank's little brother?
xo jj

JoAnna said...

I've been in France for 11 days with teenagers and they've lost the teacher filter and just swear as they wish in front of me. I marveled at this and they were like &#% yeah! Ok, they didn't say that, but I have heard a few F words and lots of S. And I knew I had stooped to their level last night when we went by a bakery that said PANIS which is Latin for bread and at the same time that I saw PENIS, so did they and we all laughed. And then we saw a sign for Gyros that said Super Ass Gryos and it was all over. THe ass in this case was meant to be assiette, which is French for plate- so it's a huge plate of gyros, but super ass was far more entertaining. 11 days with 16 year old will do this to even the most pious of teachers.