
The (not-so) celebrity sighting. (And I left my mustache at home…)

I’ve been on a mission to reclaim myself.  It hasn’t been easy, but the fact that someone who, perhaps, I haven't met yet might see me in my….um...bathing suit has motivated me beyond belief. (Fear and mortification – we all know its power.)

First, I want to thank the super-duper stomach flu that visited my house on not one but four separate occasions over the holidays- blessing me personally twice.  That eight-pound weight loss was a gift I can never repay, and I could not let it go to waste.  

To that end, I take my crazy dog on a daily walk up the steep, rocky mountain behind my house.  Besides being scared to death by several questionable strangers and falling into the creek once or twice, the hike has brought me a sense of peace and contentment. (It has also brought what used to be my best asset back into view.)

I have also made sure I visit the gym each day. It’s a stone’s throw from my school, so I can find no good excuse to avoid it.  (Believe me, I've tried.)   I lift the weights, ride the bike, and do at least a million crunches before I head home.  

I arrive at the gym around 3:45, which is apparently right before a very popular Body-Pump class that must be attended by anyone who belongs to the gym and has a pulse.   

For the last ten years, I have always changed my clothes in the bathroom located inside the locker room.  Ladies, I’m sure many of you can identify with that.  Well, last week, after finally losing that last 15 pounds, I made a decision.

I changed in the locker room...in front of people.  (Lots and lots of people.)

Fortunately I was wearing matching (and pretty cute) undergarments, and tried to believe that I looked as good as I felt.  "It's crowded," I thought to myself, "no one will notice me here in the corner."  And, as I was stood in my almost nakedness, I heard it.   I heard it as I’ve heard it a million times in grocery stores, the coffee shop, my ob-gyn's office, Wal-mart, target and the liquor store.

“Excuse me, but are you the teacher who writes for the paper? I love your column!!” The woman asked politely. 


And then, a thousand heads turned to look towards me; in my nakedness


Now each Sunday as the members of the 4:00 Body Pump class read my column, they’ll be picturing me (mostly) naked.

That’s how I roll, people.  That’s how I roll.


Japolina said...

Good for you Vodka!!!

Ann On and On... said...

I've experience something like that, but I wasn't wearing cute under-stuff.... Congrats on the lost lbs.... I think I found them. Ha~

Expat mum said...

Ah, the price of fame! ;-)

Brian Miller said...

woohoo...i mean oh my...smiles...

Linda M. said...

Ha ha ha ha ha!! I usually change at least partway at work, and finish when I get to the gym. That whole-let's all be naked at the same time-thing just bothers me, too. Keep up the work on your assets!!

Dawn said...

Crack me up!!
Good job on the ... um... "exposure" ... guess it gives your readers a little extra to talk about, right? ;)

Vodka Mom said...

Gives Northern exposure a whole new meaning.

elisabeth said...

Another wonderful post - thanks!!!!

Gigi said...

And THAT is the reason I refrain from going to the gym.....to avoid talking to people whilst in my undies. (that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!)

Unknown said...

So glad you're reclaiming yourself...that ol' girl missed you :)

Vodka Mom said...

Rene- I am so in love with myself that I'm not sure if there is ROOM for a man!!



Scope said...

I have avoided that issue by finding a gym just 'round the corner from my house, so I get to change in my own bathroom.

I Wonder Wye said...

GOD I hate changing in a public locker room. One woman was yakking away on her cell phone loudly about her va-jay-jay (seriously) and when I slammed the locker she said I was being rude!! GIVE ME STRENGTH...congrats on the weight loss! Awesome way to start the year!

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

love this! congrats on taking such good care of yourself. i think i need to take a page from your playbook-- except w/out the public nakedness part.

Stacie@hometownperch said...

I love it!

Congratulations on your new body.

MidlifeMargaritas said...

Love it! YOU ROCK!

Cora said...

Oh dear God! It's like a sitcom plot! Seinfeld is playing in my head right now. LOL.

Char said...

Good on you, girl! I had the flu 2 wks ago and lost 5 lbs....then I gained it right back. Shoulda had abother bout of it, huh. Keep on rolling.

As Cape Cod Turns said...

Bwahahahaha!!! Serves you right for going to the gym all the time while I sit here and eat brownies :)

(BTW, my verification word is nogerm)

Sharon Rose said...

Too funny!