
Don’t you just love a man (um, boy) who knows who he is? I do. I really, really do.

“You know Mrs. Smythe, I was really thinking that I wanted to be a Ninja Spy when I grow up.  But they wear that black thingy across their mouths and they DON’T TALK!  I tried that at recess, and I CAN’T DO IT!  So I decided to be an Asian Spy instead.”

Sigh.  I  didn’t have the heart to tell Jack he wasn’t Asian.

But I’m sure he’ll figure THAT out, as well.

(Yeah, he talks a million miles a minute; ALL DAY LONG. He’s the number one reason I am earning my money this year.)


sarie said...

Sounds just like my son, Jack. Since, we lived three years in Japan, he really thinks he is Asian and keeps asking to go back to his home. He also talks non-stop and asks the craziest questions. Although, he doesn't want the real answers to anything. If my answer isn't, "magic" or "magnets" he tells me I'm wrong. But, there's nothing wrong with thinking the world works off magic. :)

Brian Miller said...

maybe when he grows up he will be asian...hehe...happy weekend VM...just got home...

Scope said...

Maybe one day, he'll discover that pirates are cooler than ninja anyway.

Just wait for the inappropriate but totally appropriate use of the word "WENCH" during class.

SkylersDad said...

Maybe he can be a 007 agent instead and spend half his time wooing all the ladies in class!

JR Reed said...

This is a perfect example of why we should never tell our kids "You can be anything you want to be, sweetheart". Rock on.

Notes From ABroad said...

Oh the teachers who would have loved to put that black thingy across my mouth !
Happy weekend, besos !

Mrs4444 said...

How funny. I have a Jack, too (and that's actually his name). Today, I got a random text (via Google Voice) from a number I didn't recognize. All it said was, "I got stichs." I replied, "Sorry to hear that. Who are you?" The reply was "Jack". Go figure.haha