
Um, well, wait, what day is it? (I'm a bit distracted..)

First, let's just say this happened.

Then, today at centers when I told my reading group they were to use markers and gave them COLORED PENCILS, Sasha looked at me and asked, "What in the name of JESUS are you doing, Mrs. Smythe?"

And as I laughed out loud she added, "Did I make you laugh AGAIN?  Okay, that'll be ten bucks.  I decided you have to pay me every time I make you laugh.  I'll be RICH pretty soon!"

And yes, she is right.  She'll be mighty, mighty rich.    (And after our discussion about words she SHOULDN'T say in school, she changed her price.  She now wants one HUNDRED bucks.  And I need to practice my straight face.  As soon as I come back down to earth, that is.)


ChiTown Girl said...


I'm SO excited!! Ok, that's all I'm gonna say, cuz I don't want to be accused of jinxing anything! ;-)

Lyn Goff said...

Glad you had a great weekend!

noexcuses said...

Oh...now I get it! I had to go back to the picture to figure out what your commentors meant! You go!!!

It would kill me to keep a straight face around your class! Sasha is priceless!!!

Have a great week!


As Cape Cod Turns said...

Shouting hooray for you from the rafters!

I'm a little jealous :)

Notes From ABroad said...

yippee skippeeee .... I won't say anything !
What in the name of Jesus are you doing ? LOL
and we should give you money every time you make us laugh.
love you . C

Anonymous said...

She had better win Mega-Millions soon, or she'll be broke!

Kristen said...

Woo-hoo! Here's to many more fireworks for you!

Brian Miller said...

ok, fireworks it is...smiles...

and i love your class...

Gigi said...

Oh, so you had a nice weekend then?


Scope said...


JR Reed said...

Holy crap. Just looking at the picture nearly caused a seizure. I promise I'll go back and read this later.

SkylersDad said...

So when in the name of jesus are you going to spill some details lady? The rest of us have to live vicariously through you out here...

Sue said...

Well, even though there are NO details yet. . .I couldn't be happier for you!! Sometimes in life you get just what you deserve. And in your case, "happiness" is long overdue!!

Take care, Sue