
I call you, raise you...trump you...what ARE the rules, anyway??

Well, Mr. Darcy, the flowers (again) this morning were a brilliant and thoughtful move on your part.

However, after lunch I was invited for a swing and walk around the playground.

THEN, right before read aloud, Max reached into his pocket and trumped your five hundred dollar flower arrangement with this.

I do believe the ball's in your court.

(But the court sure looks great surrounded by all these pretty, pretty posies....)


Brian Miller said...

ha...now they are fighting over you...you go girl...

Ellie Mae said...

Haha! "like"

Joanna Jenkins said...

I've been away too long and missed you... And I read about 30 posts to catch up.

First, before my fried brain forgets, I LOVE how you came up with the name Vodkamom. you made me smile with that unexpected explanation.

Second-- Max and Poppy-- I'm already in love with those bug loving, zipline riding kids.

And the flowers... Big, big smiles.

High five, VM. High five.
xo jj

ChiTown Girl said...

Oooooo....he sounds like a KEEPER!!

But, then again, so does Max. Hmmm, Mr. Darcy has some stiff competition, doesn't he?

Utah L said...

Oh,to be a wanted Woman!

Dawn said...

Flowers ARE the way to a woman's heart...
Young and old need to know that... and it looks like the ones around you do :)

Gigi said...

Sounds like there may eventually be a show down at the monkey bars.

You lucky, lucky woman.

Ladybird World Mother said...

I go away for a while and when I come back....THIS??!!!!!!! High five, you lovely girl. PRETTY flowers. From both of them. Now drop hints of diamonds. See who can trump who THEN. XXXXXX

Kathy at kissing the frog said...

Love!! Love this drama that is unfolding. Isn't it interesting how little guys can capture our hearts, too? So glad you're surrounded by love.

Anonymous said...

Sigh. How romantic. And yes Mr. Darcy, you do have competition. Might want to up the ante with, say, vodka?

Squeeing over here for you!

SanH said...

I think you are very lucky!

Sharon Rose said...

Too funny!

Hey VodkaMom! I have risen from the ashes. Come by and see me. I'm back!

Love you,

The Green Family said...

This brings back memories of when I went through a horrible divorce and found my prince charming. He sent flowers all the time, had/has a great job, actually made me feel good about myself and also gave me realization that SEX was an amazing and mind blowing thing. (TMI? Sorry!)

Enjoy every minute, linger in the swoony moments over a glass of wine and know we're all shouting and cheering for you!