
Jewels.....it's the real way to a woman's heart....

I am very overwhelmed as of late by all that is happening in my life. 

I am learning a brand new curriculum, many new UNITS, falling in love with new friends, mourning the absence of old and dear ones, and navigating a most wonderful and scary journey of the heart.  I would never have thought that at fifty (cough) I might meet someone with an incredible heart and soul.  (But more about THAT later.)

The children came into the classroom yesterday full of excitement and energy.  We were set to release our butterfly that morning, and they were so excited.  They performed their morning housekeeping chores, and sat down to “read to self” when Max ran over to me.  He grabbed my arm, and pushed a bracelet on it.

It was most lovely, skulls and all.

After school I sent a picture of my new acquisition to Mr. Darcy, as he had made me promise to keep him abreast of his competition. 

He picked me up that night for dinner, and after opening the car door and making sure I was comfortable in my seat, he got into the car himself.

“Okay.  By now you KNOW that I won’t hurt you, murder you, kidnap you and drive you across state lines, right?  Okay.  So, would you feel comfortable closing your eyes? I have a little something for you, but I want to put it in your hands.”

I laughed, closed my eyes and held out my hands.   He opened his glove compartment and set something long and narrow into my hands.

I opened my eyes and was SHOCKED!   It was a gift so special and thoughtful, and I was so incredibly shocked!


“Can Max drive to the special jewelry store?  I think not.”

And today I proudly wore the necklace Mr. Darcy had so thoughtfully placed in my hands. (Max's eyes were GLUED to me all morning, along with 17 other sets.  "Where did you get THAT?" he asked a thousand times.)    Oh sure, I gave MOST of the pieces away ALL DAY LONG, but it was one of the most EFFECTIVE pieces of jewelry I’ve received in a long, long time.  (Walking in the hallway quietly = pieces of candy?  Brilliant. Whoever said bribery never works has NEVER worked with children.)

I’m still not sure it trumps the skulls hanging on my wrist, but it’s a start.

Let the games begin. 


Japolina said...

I think Mr.Darcy sounds great. Good luck!

Ellie Mae said...

THAT is so awesome! He has a sense of humor-so important in my book :)

Vodka Mom said...

As each layer peels away, I am MORE AND MORE amazed. And thankful....:-)

ChiTown Girl said...

Ok, I'm obviously PMSing, cuz this just made me cry!!! How freakin' sweet is Mr. Darcy!!?? I love him already.

However, that bastard had better never hurt you, cuz I'll hunt that mother fucker down and bust his knee caps. Just sayin'...

Oops, did I just let my Chicago show?

Gigi said...

That round goes to Mr. Darcy HANDS DOWN! A candy necklace....be still my heart.

Lyn Goff said...

I agree...candy necklace wins this round:)

Lynn said...

Happy for you!

Anonymous said...

Max wins this round simply because he thought of it first, lol. After all, gotta keep Mr. Darcy on his toes!

Brian Miller said...

haha loving the competition...and skull bracelet...that is pretty cool...but edible jewelry i dunno...too close to call...smiles.

viridian said...

Both bracelet and necklace are great! I do remember candy necklaces. thanks for improving my Friday and Saturday.

Kathy at kissing the frog said...

This is going to keep a smile on my face all day.

King of New York Hacks said...

Wow..Mr Darcy is a clever one...Candy necklaces trump any seasonal bracelet all the time...even skulls..I gave the Queen of England some earrings made of Tootsie Rolls last year and she still calls me to remind me what a hunk I am...well played Mr.Darcy :D

SkylersDad said...

I think Mr Darcy just might be a keeper!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, the competition is getting intense. I say whoever comes up with the Ring Pop first wins. ;)

Your kids and Mr. Darcy all sound divine - after the recent past, you deserve all the happiness in the world.

SanH said...

Mr. Darcy sounds like a keeper!

One crazed mommy said...

Now that is awesome! :)

Marcy said...

Candy necklace = 89 cents
Dinner = $89
Guy that gives you candy in a sweet and funny way = priceless

As Cape Cod Turns said...

Does Mr. Darcy have a single brother who lives on Cape Cod? Or maybe Max has a single uncle who lives on Cape Cod?.....keep your ears open for me <3

So. Cal. Gal said...

That's a man after my own heart! Too cute!

Cora said...

Awwwwwww. I think they're both keepers.