
Ain't it the truth.

.....and I'm here to tell you it's true..........(But thank you, Pinterest, for the reminder....)


Brian Miller said...

i am happy....ha.

hope you are well VM...so hows the competition going?

jb said...

VM thanks you just made my day. Have a good one. Seriously this just made me Lolol.

ChiTown Girl said...

THAT is awesome!!! I'm going to save that one. Maybe I'll print it out and frame it for each of my nieces. :)

Unknown said...

Love that it is true for you!!

luckeyfrog said...

Relient K has a song called "My Girl's Ex-Boyfriend" with the same sentiment! :)

Happy for you.


Darren Demers said...

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The standard wig installed on sex doll storage case must fit the size of the doll's head and stay firmly in place during most activities.