
THESE are the best (new to me) picture books you HAVE to read...and share...and share...and share. (aka Homework from the Teacher)

There are many parts of this teaching gig that I enjoy, but none more than a good read-aloud.

As teachers we’re taught to preview the book we’re going to read, make notes about what you want to highlight, come up with probing and interesting questions for the kids, and be sure that each book is purposeful.

But I think not.

Don’t get me wrong- there are MANY reasons to do all of the above with books that you are using for certain social studies or science lessons. It’s important to be thoughtful and purposeful with books that are used for certain curriculum lessons. 

However, it’s also important to know when to just have fun.

I have a special dedicated time during the day when I read books for fun. (Anytime I feel like it.)  I have a certain philosophy about reading- and about teaching reading.  I want kids to LOVE BOOKS. The best way for me to encourage that love of reading is to show them MY love of reading each and every day.

I explain to them early on that I have many books that I love, love, love. I have books that I’ve shared with other teachers and I have books that teachers have shared with ME.  I also discover new books all the time- and I made a promise to the children  that when I find new books I won’t read the NEW books until I read the books with them.  I do this for one simple reason: I want them to see my reaction to the book. I want them to see me experience the book, to see me laugh and to see me fall in love with the book. 

Basically, I want them along for the ride.

This class has jumped onto the literacy bandwagon and held on for dear life. They come in each day asking about new books. They search my desk and my teacher bags for hidden gems. They’ve watched other teachers run into our room with books-and they have encouraged me to run down the hall to OTHER classrooms to share books we love.  It’s truly an amazing experience.   

But today I’m not here to share my philosophy. I’m going to share OUR current bestseller list with all of you. Hopefully you can use them in your classrooms, with your own children, your nephews, nieces or next-door neighbor.

MOST importantly, I want you to share.   Here they are, in no particular order because we LOVE THEM ALL. 

I KNOW I said I didn't have a favorite, but I lied.  Do yourself a favor and if you only get ONE of the books, get the next one.   You will NOT be sorry....

I'm officially in love with Bob Shea.  (Just don't tell Ray.....) 



Errin said...

Hi! Thanks for this list! I can't wait to find some of these gems with my kids on our next trip to the library. How do we get box tops to you Vodka?

Anonymous said...

They are bit longer than your standard picture book, but have you seen the kids books by Ursula Vernon (the Danny Dragonbreath series and the new Hamster Princess books?). Kids love them, adults love them, teens love them, and get obsessed!

Anonymous said...

For something a bit different, look up the picture books by Mem Fox, she is an Australian author and her books are loved to bits here!

For something totally different, try some Shaun Tan, another Australian author (he won an acadamy award a couple of years ago), his work is not "easy" but amazing!!!

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