Things I learned on our (incredibly LONG) walking field trip to a park today.
- Sometimes the dogs next to the school won’t stop barfing at George as he walks by on his way to school in the morning. They are LOUD when they barf at him. He likes the quiet dogs that don’t barf.
- Never pour grape juice on a Platypus.
- Don’t pull a dog’s paw cause he’ll toot. (AND, I’m pretty sure we’ve discussed tooting in one way or another for the lasts 141 days of school.)
- Charlotte and Isabel (two people I’ve never heard of but MUST be Susie’s neighbor friends) decided to paint Susie’s little brother’s fingernails.
- Susie is not allowed to use nail polish anymore without her mom being RIGHT NEXT to her.
- Laura will smack you in the back if you try to cut in front of her in line on a walking field trip. If you try it again, she might punch you in the face.
Last but not least? The teacher CAN remember some of the incredibly interesting things that kids shout at her on walking field trips even when they ALL TALK AT ONCE.
Today’s lessons? There isn’t enough Advil in the world to help the “all the kids are shouting at once” headache. So, perhaps something in liquid form will have to do…..
I hate all these kids yelling at once. Especially, when you read something or write your case study. And yes,we always remember some of the things that kids shout at us))
Ahh, you definitely deserve a liquid boost after THAT day... and pretty much any other day too ;-)
xo jj
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