Dear Oregon Hooligans:
I want to thank you for making an exciting, action-filled Saturday even MORE exciting with your overnight antics.
Not only did I have to find the time during the day to get Sassy’s hair and nails done; attend my cousin’s daughter’s college graduation party; go to the wedding of a dear friend of mine and take pictures of Sassy and her fella before the prom; you provided us with some exciting middle of the night adventures. (I’m exhausted again just thinking about that day…)
I don’t know WHY I even WORRIED that I might have lost my blogger mojo. All I have to do is live my life, and God graciously provides me with an incredible amount of material. I’m so glad he has such a great sense of humor. ( I think perhaps he DOES love me. )
Wasn’t it about three in the morning that you decided to break into one of our cars AGAIN (well, maybe not YOU, but one of your cronies) when it was sitting in our driveway? Then, not 30 minutes later, the dogs went BERSERK and barked as if ET’s spaceship had landed in our backyard. When we ran to the window to see what was the matter, we saw our neighbors large double-sized backyard shed ENGULFED in FLAMES!!!
Well, three police cars, two fire engines and numerous shock-filled hours (okay, maybe one hour) later, we finally went back to sleep. Just in time to hear Sassy pounding on the door. Is it 5:30 already?? Prom is over??
“What smells like SMOKE???”
“Oh, your mom just burnt the toast again. Now get to bed.”
Sometimes we’re just too tired to explain.
Oh, and you Oregon hooligans? Next time you are prowling our neighborhood, watch out. We’re planning on getting up the FIRST time the dogs bark.
Well that just takes the cake!
Mojo went to prom this weekend too. How is it possible that our children can do this to us?
And neighbors? How dare they? Thieves? Why I oughta...!
Blog fodder, indeed
Da Goddess
You're right about blogging mojo--whenever I have blogger's block, I just go about my business and sure enough, life provides plenty of blogging material!
yikes! and i can just imagine the parents saying their kids don't do anything wrong, i don't know why, but i am just sure of that...
smiles, bee
how was the prom? ps
Would land mines be too much?
OMG, what a nightmare! At least no-one was hurt... you didn't get hold of the hooligans I take it :) luv Karen x
But you're right - good blog fodder!
Gosh, talk about living on the wrong side of the tracks...
Just kidding VM. I think you take stuff in stride beautifully. AND you have a dog that is still young enough to hear. Count your blessings.
Casa Hice is hosting an Open House and Followers Drive today if anyone is interested. Come on by for some juice and cookies:
We had that happen once - they used spray-paint. Thankfully, the 'hooligans' didn't mind their surface preparation and environmental controls so the paint quickly came off the cool, wet surface of my car; real craftsmanship on their part.
Good blog material, but obviously - no fun to live with.
I just can't stand thugs! I like to think I don't hate, but I do.
We have thugs on the other side of the 10 foot fence. They like to knock the boards out and crawl through it, scaring the bahebeejeebies out of me. I hate THUGS. Hopefully we will see all of the rat bastards on an episode of COPS.
Glad everyone is ok. I like the land mine idea.
Peace and blessings...and some hugs, too!
See, now this is why you need a couple of mean dogs... or snipers.
And they say rednecks are only in the South....
Sounds like an eventful day in Oregon!
It's the lack of ANYTHING to do in Oregon that drives them to do this. What are they doing in PA anyway?
You should set a trap of some sort. Maybe something involving strings of empty cans and a bell. They won't mess with you after that.
What's wrong with setting stuff on fire?? Come on now!!
I think action and drama and adventure appear wherever VODKA MOM IS...
Sounds like a 1950's action movie intro, I know...pathetic...
The hell? Are you part of some hidden camera show? Seen the flick "The Truman Show" lately? That's you!
I see you've moved to Oregon.... LOL! Do I need to change your itinerary? :)
I think your life is a little too expensive for daily consumption of vodka would skyrocket if I had to deal with hooligans and arsonists in the middle of the night, I have a hard enough time trying to sleep with the chirping bird outside my window, forget the leaping flames!
I had a hard time getting past the Oregon reference. Then the light bulb went off.
Time to move to a better neighborhood. If that's even possible.
Have a terrific day. :)
Our daily lives, if we pay attention of stories just waiting to be told. And sometimes those stories are pretty amazing, don't you think?
Take care, Sue
You had me with the berserk dogs, even before all the other drama!
All this time, I thought Oregon a quiet, peaceful place to raise a family! Was anything taken from your car? What was in the shed?
How was the prom?
I think you need to set up some booby traps around the perimeter of your house. Those hooligans are bordering on miscreants and it's a short slide from there to felons... Wait, I think with the whole arson thing they might already be there!
I remember reading an article a long time ago about how most firebugs are actually young adults and even some kids!
Do you live in the 'hood or something? The ghet-to? Cause seriously, wtf! You need to start carrying around a glock, or whatever gangsters carry around with them. Maybe some brass knuckles? I've always wanted a pair of those. But only if they were gold, and not brass. Brass doesn't go with my complexion.
I know you've probably been wondering where I've been. Well, I was kidnapped by aliens. But now I'm back, anal probe and everything...
Oh what a night! Time to get a martini :o)
"again".. just how often are you burning up toast so that one could give that as the excuse for the smell and another would just accept it? o_O
Sorry about the theives. But, I can't keep from laughing at your way telling all that drama.
You gotta be the queen!
Three words.....
Deadfall Spike Trap.
It probably says a lot about the neighborhood that I live in, but we are subject to frequent car break-ins. So frequent that we have given up on actually locking the doors, figuring that if someone really wants the $.73 in the cup holder or the home-burned CD mixes of Boston area Punk bands, they are welcome to them. I was mad though when my Phoenix Roadmap book got stolen.
Good luck!
All part of the fun of living in a college town.
they just thought you needed another laugh!!
"three police cars, two fire engines and numerous shock-filled hours"
The life you live. Incredible. The best I've seen is a seagull fly by...
'her fella'?
Tell us what going thru World War 2was like.
Say Hi to Pat Boone for me.
So, I'm lost. Did the same person that broke into your car start the shed fire?
Oh my. I'm with Captn Dumbass, land mines sound good.
Sounds like the neighbors wanted in on your blog action. Tell them next time you'd be happy to make it up. We can all write better on a full nights sleep.
Oh that sucks, VM. How was prom?
A night like that definitely deserves a martini! I hope you had a few!
pile dog poop around the car. hehehe
Damn hooligans.
I say go for the giant white-hot motion lights and sirens.
It seems like things are even WORSE since you moved to Oregon!
and Sassy probably thought you were waiting up for her.......
it's always all about them..........
Shit. Your home life makes school sound calmer.
So is that the secret? You go to work to escape the drama?
I was just trying to get my records back, Vodka!!!
The shed was totally not me, no way...
geez, i would rather forget the blog fodder and get a good night's sleep. what is up w/ these hooligans?
And then come to my house where some skater boy skates and jumps at about 6am every day. An hour before my alarm goes off! Grrr!
Never a dull moment! Wow, and I thought I was busy!
I just adore you
Oh my gosh! That is eventful!! Glad no one was hurt. And dw VM, you could never EVER lose your blogging mojo, you're too funny :-)
Oh no - poor you!
Did they share their marshmallows with you as compensation?
OMG what little creeps.
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