
Sometimes material just PRESENTS itself...

Today during sharing someone brought up their dog.  This, as you know, always starts a chain reaction, and today it was no different.  Except THIS was the kicker...

Johnny:  "My dog Jake peed upstairs, and my dad yelled, 'Jake, you bastard!!!'  " 



Anonymous said...

That is why kids are so much fun...I remember my daughter calling my son a dumass...he was all upset, and I did a good job of not laughing...I just said "well are you?" when he replied "no" then I told him to just ignor her...they were 3 and 5....ugh...

Kat said...

I am just giggling like a mad hatter over here.

Anonymous said...

Nice. What CAN you say to that?

WeaselMomma said...

Thank you, I needed a good laugh.

Joanie said...

There are definitely no secrets when small children are in the house.

Mary said...

I am encouraged by your labels - but remember, there are no strings attached to the lifting......we do it because we love you. No obligatory posting.....just keep taking your time to figure things out.

Sandee said...

Well, dad knows. Bwahahahaha. Dad needs to know that his son is emulating him. Just saying.

Hope you are feeling much better today. Big hug. :)

shrink on the couch said...

Lucky he doesn't live at my house. You'd have heard worse.

Boozy Tooth said...

Deja Vu, Vodka Mom. I remember that story from before?

Still... it's a keeper.

Unknown said...

So funny! I wonder what he calls the dogs mother...
Hope you are doing better today
The ass kicking is piling up...:D

Peace - Rene

Unknown said...

Hee, hee ... I needed that little chuckle this afternoon!! LOL!!

♥ Braja said...

Jeez, I actually thought the title said "Sometimes a MARTINI just presents itself." Seriously....

Cos it does. You ever find that?

Rick Daley said...

That was unexpected. I was expecting a bitch joke regarding a dog.

Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...


Anonymous said...

And this is why I love children.

DKC said...

That is beyond hysterical!

Keyona said...

I'm afraid of the thing my child may say during show and share. Very, very afraid.

Robin said...

No offense to the Comedy goddess, but you are WAYYYYY funnier than the "Comedy Goddess". Vodka Mom, you rule!

Unknown said...

LOL..I remember reading that one out loud to my husband first time around and I laughed just as hard this time. What a classic!

Bobbi said...

That was too funny!

That will SO be something my kid will say! I can already hear the phone calls from teachers.

Sue said...

Okay, that one was a seriously "laugh out load" one, which I did. I could just hear the little kid saying that!! I love their innocence and I especially love the ones that have timing and KNOW they are funny!! My ex and the new wife through "lots of money & the mircles of modern medicine" just had a baby;she's 48 and he is 54! So for the past few months I've been teaching my little 2 year old granddaugher this, "Riley, what is Papa"? She gets this really big smile, and then delivers her line, "Papa is a jackasssssss"! And then we both laugh!

Kathy B! said...

I can't even imagine the things you must hear in your classroom!

Smart Mouth Broad said...

Well, can you blame him!

Wendy said...

BWAHAHAHAHA! I love the job you have. I mean, I love that YOU have that job and tell stories. Not that I want your job. No way.

That Janie Girl said...

Girl you always make me laugh!!!

Stephanie said...

Seriously..how do you not laugh??

anymommy said...

Oh my god. Is it summer yet? You need some time to reset your serious face for next year.

Zip n Tizzy said...

Well, he's acurate!

apathy lounge said...

I knew there was a reason I was looking forward to teaching summer school!

PhilB said...

He was correct. Technically all dogs are bastards since they don't marry. :)


Two Pretty Little Skirts said...

Kids sure do say the darndest things eh?

Your lovely blog has received a kreativ blog award...go pick it up at my place ;)



mo.stoneskin said...

Superb. Jake clearly was a bastard for doing that.

Sharon Rose said...

Gotta love the kids. . . they just tell the truth like it is!

Nanny Goats In Panties said...


You're so lucky...that never happens to me.

Formerly known as Frau said...

Ah! that Johnny has a funny family are they from Jersey?

LORI said...


Joanie said...

Well alrighty then. Gotta love those big mouths that spill every secret to the public.

Da Goddess

Belle said...

And he was. A bastard. That Jake dog!

Paige Lacey said...

Out of the mouths of babes? I'm so glad they don't have show and tell at the university level...

Anonymous said...

Haha ooh I love the things these kids come out with... p.s. thanks for featuring me :-) very kind!

The Gaelic Wife said...

Kids say the darnedest things.

Bobby G said...

LMAO! Gotta love kids, they have no internal filter (kinda like me)