
When do we learn how to curse?

Yesterday was the last full day of school here in Oregon.  The second grade classes went up to the third grade wing to visit the third/fourth grade classrooms.


One of the third grade teachers gave a wonderful speech about what the kids could expect in third grade. 


“Boys and girls, you will learn a LOT about cursive writing in third grade.”


A second grader turned to his friend and said, “WOW!  I can’t WAIT to learn how to write all those bad words!!”

And with that, they gave each other a HUGE high five....














Ash said...

Ah, tax dollars at work - will they teach them the texting shorthand version as well? ;-)

Unknown said...

I have no fucking idea...
Some one should do a study on that shit..

Peace - Rene

♥ Braja said...

Oh, you're just trying to impress the gorgeous Ann from Rants who does that high five thing, right?

And like Rene, I'd say who the fuck knows and, shit, who cares....

Wait...did I really say that? How liberating...

♥ Braja said...

I mean, have you SEEN Ann's new profile photo? Goddamned GORGEOUS...

Rick Daley said...

In kindergarten, my son's classmates said bad words:

the "s" word=stupid and/or shut-up
the "h" word=hate

In first grade he learned the "f" word...with the meaning we grown-ups attribute to it.

♥ Braja said...

I mean, have you SEEN Ann's new profile photo? Goddamned GORGEOUS...

♥ Braja said...

Stunning, actually.

♥ Braja said...


♥ Braja said...

I think I'm in love.

♥ Braja said...

Or I would be if she wasn't, y'know, a girl....

♥ Braja said...

Wait....can I say the 'g' word here?

Anonymous said...

They need to learn the difference between "damn" and "dam" SOMEWHERE.

Rebecca said...

AHHHH!!!! To funny!!!!!

Marinka said...

So funny! Boy, will they be disappointed.

Look at Braja, all lesbianized!

Desert Songbird said...

Hell of a public school system you got there.

Irish Gumbo said...

we learn to curse, when begin to learn what it is to be human :)


sanewithoutdrugs said...

I have to help my boys with the cussing. Who else would tell them not to call his brother a bitch? He is a bastard.

DKC said...

An apropos post - my boy turned six yesterday and dropped an F-bomb at the breakfast table!!


Ann Imig said...

I'm here, I'm here. I was so busy staring at my new profile photo that I plum forgot.

Whatever you do, don't teach them the D WORD!

D'nelion. Is that how you spell it? Do they even teach that anymore?

CSY said...

Oh how lovely! Its kinda hard to tell my children not to cuss when I walk around talking like a fucking sailor - my grandma would be proud.

Beth said...

I didn't know Braja was Lebanese?

And those poor kids are twisted if they think they are learning curse words at school. Oh. Wait a minute. I learned curse words at school. Just not from the teacher.

Diane said...

I love your 'kidspeak' posts. It lightens my heart and brings back memories of my precocious son 22 yrs ago. We commented on how much he noticed while we were driving and he responded, "Yeah, I have eyes like a hog."
I love the unsophisticated and straightforward nature of childhood. They just jump right in and learn and grow without fear of making mistakes.

Bobby G said...

my mom and dad told me my 3rd word was shit, mommy, daddy shit, in that order so for me it was about age 2

WeaselMomma said...

I needed that.

Keyona said...

Awesome! I need one of those!

a mouthy irish woman? ridiculous! said...

oh hell no. i love it. i really, really love it.

Jess said...

Thats adorable. I have a bad bad potty mouth, my future children are so screwed.

Craig Glenn said...

My first curse word is well documented and a part of family lore. I was in kindergarten coloring a picture and I stood up, threw my crayola, and said "I can't color worth a Damn!" At which point I was promptly put in the corner much to all my friends amusement.

Craig Glenn

Craig Glenn said...

35 years later I was diagnosed with OCD! Yea, where was the pediatrician on that one? Stupid lines...


Craig Glenn said...

Of course the only treatment back then was leather and it was applied directly to your back side...

ok I will stop now...


Jules said...

You gotta love boys!

Joanie said...

I remember when I was about 10, my friend, Kathy Coughlan and I decided we were old enough to curse. We spent the entire day having a conversation with naughty words!

When my son was in 2nd grade, he got caught lying in school about doing his reading final exam (he didn't bother taking it but said repeatedly that he did) I made him write 100X "I'm sorry I lied to Mrs. Okienewski." And he had to bring it to school and give it to her! (she thought it was a hoot!) Anyway, Tim asked, "Mom? Can't I just write Mrs. O?" Nope. Ask me again and you'll be doing it in cursive! (they had recently learned cursive writing.

I was such a MOM (mean old mom)!!

blognut said...

Damn. I've been sitting here trying to remember when the fuck I learned my shitty language habits and I can't recall a single, goddamned thing.

Unknown said...

I remember being in the shower one day singing out "h-e-l-l, h-e-l-l, hell" when my dad asked what I was saying, I didn't have a clue... just heard it from someone in my third grade class. How times have changed!

LadyFi said...

Now, if Braja would just get off the comments and let others in....

Just want to say that that was hilarious!

Sprite's Keeper said...

That kid is in for a big disappointment.

darsden said...

LOL, happy summer to you :-))

Sue said...

Too cute, really! I remember being a kid, and for some unknow reason, and I don't know why (I was always in trouble with my parents, my sister was the good one), I remember my phrase. I would get a spanking or something and just walk off mumbling under my breath, "shitassbutthole"! Maybe that's where I get my love for the meaning uses of "ass" today!


Kathy B! said...

I was gonna comment on your post but I'm so stinkin' curious about Ann's new profile shot that I'm all distracted now...

The Mother said...

I don't think mine made it to 3rd grade.

Of course, that's probably because they had such a great role model at home.

This IS The Fun Part! said...

My inner 12 year old is laughing her little butt off!

None of us will ever qualify for "Adult of the Year" at this rate!


Real Live Lesbian said...

I think I need to go look at Ann!

Damn fuckity...I can't wait to get our the pen and write that in curse-ive!

Anonymous said...

Ha! Wish I'd seen that.

Just imagine how the kids will react when they are allowed to use pens instead of just pencils.

When I was a kid we weren't allowed to swear, or even use Heck or Darn (they were considered synonyms for Hell and Damn).

And forget about the F-bomb. I didn't hear that word, or even knew what it meant until I was in fourth grade!

Sandee said...

Bwahahahahaha. Won't they be surprised when the find out what the teacher really meant. Kids!

Have a terrific day and enjoy the summer off. :)

Unknown said...

DAMN Braja! I see either you are feeling better or your pain meds have kicked in! Either way I am glad funny stuff!

I want to be there to see the tearchers' faces when the kids ask how to write the cuss words. THAT would be a priceless moment

Roshni said...

Oh dear! well, they can always practice their curse words in cursive

(ok, lame joke!! Now I'm off to take another glance at Ann's photo!)

cheatymoon said...

That means my students are advanced, because they use those words well before 3rd grade.

Happy Summer Vacation!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Too funny! High five right back at those fresh second graders!

Adlibby said...

I'm making my 5th grader practice her cursing this summer. ;) She practices her cursive while cursing at me.

Ron said...

Now I know why they didn't teach cursive writing the Baptist-run school I attended.

SkylersDad said...

I am high fiving right along with your kids. I love to curse, perhaps you have noticed...

Kate Coveny Hood said...

Now THAT'S one I've never heard before...

*Akilah Sakai* said...

I don't know about anyone else, but I learned to curse at feckin' birth.

I agree! Ann's pic is so purdy.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure you learn when you're 3 and perfect it when you're 4!
A lady I work with has a 4 year old and he can't pronounce his "F's" so he says "puck"

Michel said...

Damn! I'm like the last now because I got all distracted because Braja is all Lebanese now and I had to figure out who the hell this Ann was - and then was all put out because WHY am I always the last to know this shit.

PS I totally thought cursive writing was something else. Thank God you're a teacher and you help us out.

I will write that down...so that I can teach others and share the knowledge.

KMcJoseph said...

Fuckity fuckfuck.

Ann Imig said...

Thank you for giving me some comment love people.

Its especially poignant due to the fact that I lost about 200 feed subscribers in my domain conversion.

Holy shit, 8 months ago I would've had no idea what that last paragraph said.

Vodka, I'm still waiting on D'nelian. Do you even know what I'm talking about? Or was that a 70s midwestern craze?

Jenni said...

And when do you teach rude gestures and text messaging?

Unknown said...

Now that is hilarious! Oh my goodness I am cracking up.

Girl Tornado said...

LMAO... I agree with Rene (Not the Rockefellers). And all the other commenters. Hahahahaha...

Speaking of cursing, I keep my blog clean for family and friends, the majority of whom do not curse. But my son and I love to use the F-bomb between us when we're really pissed about something.

My mom would faint.

Pseudo said...

I could teach them a thing or two. Bring them on over for a FT.

As Cape Cod Turns said...

I suppose if they learn to curse in cursive, it won't seem that threatening! Kind of like swearing with an english accent.

laughingwolf said...

hey, i gotta go back to grade three to find out what i missed ;) lol

Sharon Rose said...

Kids are so hilarious and you know what comes into their minds just comes right out!
My son learned the F word in first grade on a playground. When we picked him up from school that afternoon, he gets into the car and so innocently looks at me and says, "what does F////K mean?
Yeah, try keeping that explanation simple! Didn't happen. . .

Fragrant Liar said...

I believe it's not learned at all. It's hereditary. For instance, right after my first daughter came flying out of my womb, I swear, she looked back and screamed, "What the fuck?"

Unknown said...

Great! Baby Girl's favorite word is damn & now Sass's going to learn to spell it!

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog! I love it! cracks me up... I'm a teacher too, thank goodness for summers off!

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