
Do I smell smoke?

Dear Mom,

When I returned from the BlogHer conference my family KNEW I would have tons of wonderful and embarrassing stories to share with them, but mostly they were proud. Proud, I think, because I have shown them it is never too late to follow your dream.

Bitchy was actually proud of the fact that her mother managed to snag a TON of free make-up, crocs, nutritional food (whatever), flash drives, fake eyelashes, candy, fake nails, lip balm, etc., and laughed when I tried to describe my harrowing cab ride from the hotel to the airport – that cabbie should seriously look into flying planes.

Sassy was not surprised when I told her the story of how we almost set the restaurant on fire when we might have accidentally put the paper menu on top of a well-disguised candle. Who knew it was real? She was proud of the fact that I did not hide in my room, but went to dinner each night with new friends and thoroughly enjoyed myself.

And Tightwad? (Oops, I mean the Blessed One...)He was grinning from ear to ear as I told him my stories of spotting so many fellow bloggers, Paula Deen, Tim Gunn, and the older woman who stood BARE NAKED in the lobby of the Sheraton. (No, it was NOT me.) He laughed out loud when I shared that singer Chris Mann said I reminded him of his best friend’s mother. And you know what? That was the nicest thing he could have said to me.

But, when all was said and done and I lay my head on my pillow, I thought of you. I knew, in my heart, that you were the proudest one of all.

And that did, indeed, make me cry.


Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

Thanks for reminding me of how much we mothers really do count in our daughters' lives. . .

Pseudo said...

Going back to work induced insomnia means being here to see how fast you get comments ;-)

Anonymous said...

Really sounds like you had an amazing time - topped off with the pride of your kids. What more could you ask for?

Pseudo said...

K. Now I'll go read your post.

Pseudo said...

Oh, and my reference to you on my post today is done with love.

Just making sure you know that.

Pseudo said...

Seriously. Now I'm going to go read your post.

Pseudo said...

Oh vodka. This made me tear up. It is never too late to go for and live your dream. And your mom is so proud of you. We all are too.

Liz Mays said...

You're one of the lucky ones who escaped alive and unscathed! :)

I'll be there next year for all of the fun and non-drama.

Real Live Lesbian said...

Aww...I love this one!

Sprite's Keeper said...

Wow! I made it into the top ten! (Of course, by the time I finish typing this, I may be in the top 30.) The candle at Quartino? MAW kept doing the same thing because those suckers are so small. And every time, I would ease the menu back so we could get our food (I was starving!) before we had to evacuate.
I hope Bitchy and Sassy know what a STAR you were at the conference.
Bitchy, Sassy, and even Golden Boy, this comment is for you:
I was your mom's BlogHer BFF and got to see firsthand just how many people she has touched with her posts and comments and personality. When people found out who she was, the looks on their faces were priceless. (A very good thing.)
I know YOU know how wonderful your mom is, but I want you to know how many OTHER people know the exact same thing.

Cassie said...

um...I think you forgot the part about me sitting on your lap as I casually introduced myself! haha! We had so much fun you are too cute.

Everyday Goddess said...

I keep saying, 923497052470540932480 people can't be wrong!

Carolyn...Online said...

I love that after all of that you want to share it with your mom. It says a lot about her. And you.

My mom won't read my blog. Or my book. Which I've finally decided is ok.

Tuesday Taylor said...

I'm particularly impressed that you were celebrity stalking, I mean, sight seeing.
Dammit, I don't know what I was thinking not attending that! I'll live vicariously through your experience in Chicago, VM, so please make up some shit if you didn't get drunk and nekkid a few times...

Madge said...

next year i am going to blogher, next year i am going to blogher, next year i am going to blogher

Sandi said...

You made me tear up this morning. I am so proud of you! I think you took that place my storm. It was so fun to see people recognize you and run squealing from across the room to embrace you! That was my favorite part!

*Akilah Sakai* said...

A beautiful note to your Mom. You're damn skippy she's proud!

I'd love to go to BlogHer but I'm not famous enough to get on the roster. ;)

Deb said...

-->Did you have a favorite moment of the whole trip?

You Mom said...

That's sweet, dear. Now go and clean you room.

Danya A. said...


Christy said...

So sweet. Maybe you should try to make some of her sourdough bread this weekend yourself? Glad you didn't set the restaurant on fire!

The Peach Tart said...

You are my hero and I want to be sitting in your lap next year with a big double vodka

Unknown said...

you know what..she's proud of you when you you're just doing little things around the house...

She watches over you and smiles, laughs and shares in your good times and also the bad.

She always be your Mom.

Peace - Rene

Sue said...

I'm so glad you think outside of the box and then we are all lucky to read those thoughts. It's cool when you kids of are proud of you, and it warms the heart when you KNOW that wherever are mom's are now, they too are proud!

Ladybird World Mother said...

Stop it, you've made me cry. Your mom will be so proud indeed. Lovely post. xx

Ice Queen said...

Damn straight...you go girl!

mommakin said...


My mother assuredly does not share your mothers pride (of course I am not YOU - that might make a difference...) My husband and I were just talking about that this morning. She keeps wondering why I don't write. I tell her I write almost every day. She wonders why I don't write something real. I sigh.

LPC said...

I am sure your mother would, in fact, be terribly proud of you right now. Enjoy.

Barrie said...

Very very fun reading about your adventures!

Melisa Wells said...

Awww! Sweet post.

SkylersDad said...

This was all so very great to read!

Maureen at IslandRoar said...

Aw, and some day your daughters will think about you this wonderful way.
I love it!
Thank you.

Evil Twin Sister said...

...and now you make me cry...

And I *don't* mean from laughing so hard!

Stephanie said...

Very very sweet:)

Keyona said...

No, I don't smell smoke. But I do feel my eyes sting. Very sweet post.

Sandee said...

Beautiful honey, absolutely beautiful. Now where's my tissue box.

Have a terrific day. Big hug. :)

lisahgolden said...

I am so glad you are following your dream. Doesn't it feel great?

Vodka Logic said...

Took me 50 years to start writing in any sense.. thanks for reminding me/us to follow that dream.

Is blogher always in Chicago??

Great post.

Brian Miller said...

sweet post. beautiful words for which i am sure they are very proud. glad you had such a great time and came home to such wonderful people. smiles.

confused homemaker said...

very proud indeed.

LadyFi said...

A wonderful post.

Pause to ponder...

Now - for goodness' sake, tell us the full story of that naked woman!


Diane J. said...

Very nice! Such a wonderful post.

Unknown said...

I'm glad you had a blast! I'm proud of you too!

Captain Dumbass said...

Oh, you kinda got me there.

cheatymoon said...

She was with you the whole time.

So glad you had fun. xxoo

Suzy said...

Will someone tell me who the FUCK is Chris Mann?

Suzy said...

As usual I got to the bottom of your post and forgot what we were talking about. Please take my mother, Crabby Appleton, PLEASE.

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

So True! It makes me tear up when people tell me my mom would be proud of me. But she continues to motivate me to keep trying things even when I'm afraid. I'm glad you realize your mom would be proud, too!

p.s. Naked lady in the lobby???!

Musings of the Mrs. said...

I am just about as jealous as can be about BlogHer. I'm more jealous of Julie/Julia's Julie but I am also jealous because I want to go meet fabulous and famous bloggers. I just don't belong quite yet :(

Sharon Rose said...

That was a beautiful letter to your Mom! I know she must be proud of you! And if she can find a way, she will certainly show you just how proud she is!

Unknown said...

Awww... I am so glad you had a great time... You rock! wish I could have gone.

Robin said...

Beautifully written. I wish I could have met you this year, but hopefully I'll meet you next year. I've already told my Tightwad that I'm going!

Sultan said...

It sounds like you had a nice time.

mo.stoneskin said...


And Tightwad grinned from ear to ear? What, like a meercat? You should do something about that.

Samantha said...

Awww! thats so sweet!

the mama bird diaries said...

i really wish i had seen the naked woman. that must of been a riot.

S said...

so, so glad you had a good time, d.

Merrily Down the Stream said...

Very sweet. It must be amazing to think of your mother that way. Me? not so much...

Lola said...

A bare naked woman in the lobby of the Sheraton? Seriously? Was she sleep walking? WTH?

Zip n Tizzy said...

You are making it happen.
I'm glad your family recognises that!
(We do too!)

darsden said...

You gave me goose bumps. I am so happy for you, so proud your family and friends are so proud of you. I think it is awesome you following your dreams too. Kudos to you :-))

Joanna Jenkins said...

Big sigh :-)

♥ Braja said...

Damn, I love your letters like this, girl....

Anonymous said...

Wow, you were able to snag so many things. I bet she was ecstatic! I would be. :D You are definetly right. It is never too late to follow your dreams. =)

MsPicketToYou said...

happy sob.

PhilB said...

Bare naked in the lobby? That reminds me of my honeymoon...hahhah.

Sounds like you had a blast.

Welcome back,


PhilB said...

I know the feeling and I can relate. Everytime I play at a songwriter showcase, I can just feel Dad's presence. It is such a good feeling.

He's proud and I know he's still with me watching me follow my dream.

Keep the faith,


Irish Gumbo said...

Bless you, my dear. I know your mom is proud. My G-maw told me so. (grin)
Irish Gumbo

Fancy Schmancy said...

Awww, shiznit, Vodka Mom; I know you were talking about me and all, but I thought it might be more touching if you were maybe talking about some of Your Own Family or Something.

Gosh, Once in a While, you should stop talking about me and tag them or something. People are going to talk, otherwise.


glad you had such a great time at Blogher!

Unknown said...

I am glad you had such a wonderful time! I wonder which blogger will admit that it was her naked drunken sel in the lobby. This is the 4th time I've heard about it.

I wonder if she will ever fess up

Hopefully you and I can meet next month. It will be lotsa fun!

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

Naked ladies, almost burnt down restaurants, people screaming just to get a chance to meet you....I definitely have to be a BlogHer next year!

Lynn C Mama to 3 said...

Why did I read that whole thing and at the end assume you meant me? I am not your mom...and I am more jealous than proud. So seriously, wtf is wrong with me?!?!?!

Jeanne Estridge said...

How did it feel to be a rock star?

Unknown said...

what a sweet post....you never cease to amaze me...I would so LOVE to meet you!

Ash said...

At of all the BlogHer posts I've read - yours made me the happiest. I'm so thrilled you had a wonderful time.

Well deserved, my dear.

DKC said...

Sounds amazing - and exactly what it should have been for someone who deserves it!

Now stop making me cry!

Jenni said...

I am glad that you had such a great time AND that you didn't burn any restaurants down!

Melissa B. said...

I need to write a letter to my Mom. I miss her, too. And I didn't know how much I missed her until she was gone.

Shirley said...

There is just something about a mother's approval and acceptance that we all yearn for no matter how old we get. I am sure she is dam proud!

Anonymous said...

Awesome post lady. Brought a tear to my eye. Love this part of Vodka Mom. I really really do.

How crazy killer to finally meet you in person..you are a writer I have read since the beginning of my journey and it was so awesome to bring it full circle by seeing your face in real life. And now I'm at a whole new beginning and I'm psyched....


flutter said...

very sweet

Joanie said...

Wait...what? TIM GUNN??? TIM GUNN?

I'm so envious!

And of course your mom is proud of you! Don't you know she's looking over you each and every moment of the day and loving you, admiring all that you've accomplished, all the lives you touch? If you didn't know it before, know it now.


Amy said...

Write on, Short Mama. Write on.

Midlife Roadtripper said...

I'm so interested in what you learned. Sounds like a star studded weekend and sure as hell hope you had a grand time. Please pass on what you learned most about the bloggers of this sphere.]

So glad you go to go You deserved a nice rest/party/

Jen said...

Just read all your blogher stories - Oh my heavens sounds like you had a fabulous time - and wonderful friends (what a wad of cash!) Glad you had fun & got home safely!

c'รจ montessori said...

I have that same thought when I go to sleep every day (well I guess most days!)


That Janie Girl said...


You know you "done good".

love and kisses

yor yeehah Texas fren....

WeaselMomma said...

Awwwwwww. That's all I got.

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

:( You make me cry....

Smart Mouth Broad said...

Awwwww, warm fuzzies from the fam. Gotta love it.

The Mind of a Mom said...

I need to know if the dog is okay? Did he end up in dog jail this time or was all good when you got home? LoL

Beth Kephart said...

I picture you and the welcome home. I picture you and the swag. I picture you, overcome.

Congrats on a great event. I have it on high authority that you were an absolute delight.