
Quick like a bunny...

Hannah after returning quickly from the bathroom.

Mrs. Smith, "Wow! That was fast."

Hannah, "Yeah, it's pretty quick when you only have to go one way."

(Yesterday when I posted TWICE? Yeah. It was a blonde moment. And I'm not blonde. p.s.)

(And ANOTHER thing, I'm attending our first writer's group tonight. Any suggestions, ideas, advice on this kind of thing????? p.s.s.)


Liz Mays said...

Do you ever come up empty?

darsden said...

LOL that's great :-)

Melissa B. said...

And, as Michael Jackson would say, "Don't Stop 'til You Get Enough." Or is that too much of a stretch? This SITS this is wild. I think karma brings us together, oui?

Jeanne Estridge said...

My first husband claimed that his kindergarten teacher made them hold up one finger for number 1 or two for number 2 when they needed to go to the bathroom.

He said no one EVER admitted to number 2.

Glad to see you allow your kids a little more privacy.

Anonymous said...

Funny and looking forward to seeing the new and improved you, I mean blog.

mo.stoneskin said...

I bet I could go quicker, even when going two ways!

Unknown said...

LOL. Can't wait to hear about the writing group; no advice, since I've never been to one.

Scope said...

Never ever ever teach those children the definition of "TMI".

Lee Ryan said...

Does anybody go both ways at that age?

DKC said...

Love it!

Good luck with the writer's group - they'll be in awe of you!

Angie Ledbetter said...

Sooo happy about the writing group! (Email me and I'll share tippage about it.) :)

Cowguy said...

Wait til they're reading real good. It'll take hours no matter how many ways they gotta do it.

a mouthy irish woman? ridiculous! said...

one way. hehehehehe :)

Boozy Tooth said...

I wish Hannah would be more specific. "One way" meaning number one? Or "one way" meaning not number one and number two.

I was never good in math.

Boozy Tooth said...

High Five to Lee Ryan. I giggled.

Bobby G said...

LMAO! My GFs sister is a teacher, I was like you should have a blog, Hilarious stories!

Kim said...

My advice is to take a bottle of Ketel One.

LadyFi said...

Advice for the writer's group? Be yourself. Don't mention the earwig in the ear sandwich. Drink vodka only after the meeting has finished...

Everyday Goddess said...

I'm too vulnerable to go to a writers group.

Just tell them 900 followers can't be wrong!!!

Unknown said...

Be your own adorable self, because you rock....

Listen and absorb.

Silently judge. :D

Peace - Rene

*Akilah Sakai* said...

Enjoy the writer's group! I agree with Not The Rockefellers. Ears open, my dear. Ears open.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

advice for the writer's group? take a pencil and paper!

smiles, bee

i'm blonde! ps

Unknown said...

Wooooooohooooooooooooooo 900 stalkers! You are awesome.

Congrats on that.

I have never been to a writers group, so I have no clue. But be sure you are you! You will enjoy it if you don't hold back

Jenni said...

I hate when I have to go two ways...

SkylersDad said...

It's even quicker when you have exterior plumbing.

Keyona said...

Yeah the other way does take quite a bit of time.

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

Yep, one way makes things a lot easier:)

Writers group...soak it all...just be you!

Desert Songbird said...

I usually go quickly too, but since I take diuretics, that's understandable. *grin*

About the writers' group, I say go in with open mind and prepare to share what you do best - daily quips about your life. You know and I know that a writer should be true to oneself, and stick with what works for them. Have fun!

Barrie said...

About the writers' meeting: HAVE FUN!

Suzy said...

My advice is to get drunk first.

confused homemaker said...

I have no advice on what to do for the writer's group. I tend to get totally neurotic, obsess about every little thing, & then smile way too much in new settings. Which in turn makes me seem like a complete oddity, so I don't suggest doing that. I suggest having fun & trying to relax. Hope you have a good time!

Maggie May said...

ha! and i wish i was going with you.
may the fork be with you, and also the spoon.

Sue said...

My advice for tonight, "do NOT have a blonde moment"!! I'm blonde and "those moments" are really hard to control! Good luck with that!
Take care, Sue

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

Enjoy the writer's group. Be prepared to learn from them but to also teach them. After all, you have 900 followers....that says a whole lot about your writing skills right there.

Mary K Brennan said...

Stopping by from SITS. I joined a critique group last year. It was a little overwhelming at first, but listening is the best advice. Good Luck.

Monica said...

Oh, my - your blog is great :)

Greetings from a norwegian photoblogger!

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

As long as she doesn't hit a dead end!

Irish Gumbo said...

My advice? Go anyway you need to.

"Illegitimi non carborundum" heehee

Marinka said...

are you sure that you're not a blonde? Because PS goes before the thing you're PS'ing/

Can't wait to hear more about the writing group!

AS Amber said...

I don't get it. Did she mean number one?

My son can pee in .5 seconds. But that's because he doesn't bother to lift the lid or aim or flush or wash his hands or even close the door.

Beth said...

You might be blonde at the roots. And that is really all that matters.

Midlife Roadtripper said...

"I'm attending our first writer's group tonight."

Writing groups rock. Just make sure everyone is on the same plane you are.

And, you are so ahead of the game when it comes to titles. Quick like a bunny? Sucked me in.

shrink on the couch said...

Smart girl. Save the two-way for home.

Smart Mouth Broad said...

You can never retire from teaching..........even when you become a famous author. I don't know what I'd do without these stories.

http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

As they say... out of the mouths (and other orifices) of babes!

Awake In Rochester said...

Good one! And true. LOL!

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

Wait. I have a gripe with you, oh "teacher lady."

Isn't it supposed to be PPS? As in, "post-post-script"??? "Post-script-script" doesn't make sense, does it?

I am off to google it. brb

Anonymous said...

I never thought of it that way!

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

You know, I was searching for a reaallllly long time for proof that I was right and you were wrong. And while I did find information that SEEMS to lean towards my genius rather than yours, there were several great debates on different sites about the pss psss or pps ppps differences.

This is what I do. I google random crap.