I find it a HUGE compliment that all those people up there are followers. I can't believe that with all the funny, poignant, thoughtful and inspiring blogs out there, that people actually come see me. Well, I am extremely thankful, and still trying to find a way to visit everyone while maintaining my relationship with MY FAMILY. (I'm running out of material since I've started ignoring them.)
I love this meme. I wish I could remember who tagged me, but I will check back and let you know! It's about books, and you all know what a book w*@*% I am. Here's the stuff...
1. I LOVE Stephen King. (If he didn't live in Maine and have a decent wife, I would TOTALLY stalk him.) I have EVERY book he's ever written, and have them in a shrine; I mean bookshelf, in my basement. Stephen King's On Writing is the BEST. I am not kidding. I have even written several chapters of a book that was inspired by his writing. Someday I might share. If I have enough vodka that night. (Odds are good, people. )
2. I often sneak out of the house claiming to go to the Y, and end up in the library. I browse all the new releases, take out my list of TRASHY romance authors I love, and roam the library in peaceful euphoria looking for a late night read. sigh.
3. I have written three children's books, and have sent them out to publishers. A REAL LIFE PUBLISHED author admonished me when I complained on another site that ten publishers have rejected me. It took her 174 rejections to get published. Guess what I'm doing this weekend? Yeah, sending out those d*@$ manuscripts.
4. I DO write a monthly column for our local newspaper, and can't for the LIFE of me believe they keep letting me do it. My kids won't go ANYWHERE with me. They say it's like going around town with Oprah. A white Oprah. I mean a white, poor Oprah. Whatever.
5. I collect Nancy Drew Books. Don't judge me.
6. Because I'm such a crazy reader, I've become addicted to blogs. I just can't stop! Each one I read is different, each one rocks, and I am a maniac. Is there a support group out there? And, more importantly, do they serve alcohol at their meetings?
Now, anyone who knows me knows that I NEVER follow the rules regarding meme’s. It could be a birth defect (I have so many of those...) or a learned behavior, but I somehow manage to skirt around the rules and make them fit the way I want. (No wonder my kids drive me NUTS. Seems they've inherited that gene as well.) Yeah, I get caught (Vodka Murphy) but I always own up, and pay the piper. I'm a big girl.
So, here’s the deal. I am passing this on to my followers. Here are the rules:
1. Do five jumping jacks.
2. Click on the ads of at least five blogs you visit today!
3. Tell me a funny story.
4. Forgive someone.
Have a fantastic weekend, and let’s shake the hand of anyone who has served our country and thank them for keeping us safe. (I miss you, Dad. )
Good morning! Now following your blog.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend planned..
Ms Cupcake
Zen Cupcake
Damn you cupcake! I wanted to be first - and now i want a damn cupcake.
Someone also told me to read that "on Writing" book. Who was that. I need to go find it on kindle now.
I, too, am addicted to this blog thing. If you find that self-help group, lemme know!
My husband wants to send me to a support group about this blog addiction. I forgive him.
I LOVE to read too. I read Dean Koontz.
I have never read a single Stephen King book. His movies scare me too much, I can't imagine what my brain with do with his written images. I'd never sleep again.
You will get your books published. Just think how often King or Rawling and many other now famous authors got rejected.
With your popularity on-line and off, you'll go far. Especially when they get a load of you at Blogher.
I serve alcohol at ALL of my BA meetings. Just bring mixers.. if you need them.
'On Writing' improved my writing more than I could have imagined. Mr. King rocks hard.
You rock hard.
I love the fact you are such a celebrity your kids won't be seen with you...bawhahahaha..you are so funny. Extremely talented too I don't know how you do all you do!
of course if I didn't take as long to read as it takes me to speak I would get somewhere..curses to this southern drawal! It takes 4ever to go through blogland! So, my addiction is plugged in 24/7
Enjoy a 5th on the 4th, and watch the pretty fireworks...
We have so much in common. I used to collect Nancy Drew as a child. Do you remember those old books- I forget the publisher but I would scour flea markets for all of them printed in the 50s or 60s. I think my mom gave my collection away.
Stephen King is also my fave. I've been reading him since I was a kid.
Just finished the jacks and you know I get clicky with it!
Enjoy your weekend!
Hope your holiday is full of the good kind of fireworks.
Love King's On Writing. When you're ready for the next level (structure, plotting, injecting suspense...not in life, but in your manuscript), read Donald Maass' Writing the Breakout Novel.
A poor, white, Oprah....sigh...dream date (grin)
I guess that means you won't be giving away free cars or trips, but the funny posts will do quite nicely, thankyouverymuch :)
Your blog just makes me happy. What more can I say? Oh yeah, and sometimes it makes me want to drink, too! You rock!
I already used up my best funny story here. Can I just coast on that? But I will try the other stuff.
Also addicted to reading, books, blogs, the back of the cereal box...
Have a fantastic weekend, VM!! :-)
You know we share that trashy novel love. Have a great 4th!
The basement seems the appropriate place to have a Stephen King shrine. Do you keep the Nancy Drew novels close by? Creepy and mysterious all at once.
I just started following your blog and I absolutely LOVE it. :)
And reading about this stuff (since I am a teen) makes me laugh to see how my mom might look at all the things I say to her. And I LOVE stephen king novels as well, i don't own nearly as much as you and haven't read enough to old a candle to you, but i still enjoy his books....
Happy 4th of july! :)
I come up here to my Space,and log on, determined that this time I will ignore my 84 emails [all from noreply follow ups] and all the posts lining up to be read, plus ignore for once David's POTD and go straight to edit drafts and post something myself. But of course I ignore that voice and begin reading and by the time I have caught up there is not enough time left to even bother to open my dashboard and another day without posting has slipped by.
There are so many wonderful and varied blogs out there and even with David's help cannot even scratch the surface. Ah well! There's always tomorrow.
A white, poor Oprah! God I love that so much!
Rejections prove you've finished something you're happy with & got it out there. It's all good and we all know you'll get that acceptance in time :) I have one publisher enthusiastic about my (unfinished) novel but sadly fiction is not what he publishes... is there a prize for irony?
Can't do #2,3 and 4, cuz panting too hard from #1. Pant Pant Pant. Next time put the physical items last on the list. K?
The Blue Ridge Gal
I've put On Writing on my list. Put Anne Lamott's Bird by Bird on yours:)
i just started following your blog (like my friend yella) and its FUNNY! I also like stephen king books, but i don't have the motivation or resources to stalk him. lol keep bloggin!
I remember this meme- its a goodie.
HAve a great weekend
Come down to FL where King spends his winter. He walks down the streets of his neighborhood every day usually carrying a book or newspaper and waves at everyone.
Not sure about other blogs but as my title says, vodka will be served.
Clicked on an ad. ;-) one good turn....off to find more.
thanks for the reminder.
I was out with friends the other night and we were talking about what a GREAT book The Stand is. LOVE IT.
A book w*@*% ? Is that what you are called if you can't get your hands on enough books? Everytime I go in a bookstore, I inhale the scent of fresh printed pages, stalk the aisles looking for the newest treasure. OMG, I think I'm a book w*@*% !!!
As far as that poor white Oprah thing, Honey, just go on that Jerry show and you'll get instant fame and gratification and hit the national news as a new celeb!
Listen dear, I can't follow rule number one. Exercise is against my religion :)
Number 2, well I can do that.
Number 3, okay so the support group meets next Monday evening at my churches fellowship hall. 6PM sharp. Hi, my name is Pastor Sharon and I am addicted to Blog world! By the way, everybody bring your laptops! We don't want people to go into DT's during their first session! And besides, I'm not gonna show up if I can't bring mine!
Number 4: That is a beautiful thing. Got that one accomplished for now. You know there will always be more opportunities!
Have a fabulous weekend dear! Eat, drink and enjoy fireworks!
I love Nancy Drew and hate rejections!
Oh, and I like your button. . . I just might GRAB IT!!!
I decided long ago that I cannot physically handle reading King. He is too good, too scary, too gripping, too twisted. So I've only read a couple of this books, or maybe one and a short story. I am a big fat wuss.
happy 4th, martini mom! As I slurp prickly pear tini's poolside this afternoon, I will raise my glass at 4pm and give you a big independence day toast!
4pm because it'll be 5pm your time and I KNOW you will have a tini in your hand by then.
Of course we follow you! You rock!
I don't know if you like dog stories but here is one that happened while I was alsleep.
My parents moved into a new Green Acres house on a field that used to contain beans/corn. Yes they live on a farm.
Well Dad's been cleaning out the old freezer in the old house. Old enough of houses had personalitys this old house would be a grumpy old man like in the movie Grumpy Old Men.
Anyway Dad gives Mickey an old mini pot pie. He trots over to the new house with it in his mouth. He knocks with his paw on the patio door to be let in. Now Dad walks back to the new house and watchs what goes on. Mom opens the back patio door. Mickey tries to go in the house with his pot pie. Mom doesn't let him and says twice "You can't bring that pot pie into the house." Mickey just stands there with a uncomprehending look in his brown eyes wagging his tail. She tells him the same thing twice more. Dad near by laughs which makes Mom laugh. She goes outside undoes the packaging for Mickey. He eats the mini pot pie.
Then when he is done he is allowed to go into the house to get a drink of water.
The End.
Mickey is not a mouse but my dog.
I'm wondering if you actually are Steven King and are just plugging your own books...
Seriously, if you published your book I would buy it.
I blog because it saves on the rejection letters from publishers. (I'm being green here... so eco-friendly!) I think you've got something there with the 12 Step Group for OCD Bloggers. I'd go to those meetings... so long as they let you bring alcohol.
BTW... I actually had to give up reading in bed after I spent too many years of staying up into the wee hours reading. It happens.
I'm rereading On Writing. I read it before I started blogging and now I;m reading it again. My favorite part is "take out all the flowery words, extra words, big dictionary words etc." Some blogs are just unreadable because they try to be over the top and all William Styronesque.
174 rejection, great. Thanks for the reality check. I don't do memes. Ever.
This is the second time I've seen this meme. What are the "real" rules? No one seems to have posted them.
Happy Independence Day to you, you rockin' teacher you!
I love Nancy Drew and have suggested it for book group but so far have no takers. Happy 4th!
A HA!! I do not have all of Kings books, but I have several. And now to see just how King Stalker you are, my hubs and I have been having a discussion for six years now, is Stephen King really Richard Bachman and did Bachman truly die and truly was a person, OR Was Bachman a previous multi personality of Kings that he killed off as if he were one of the characters in his books.
What do you think?
And since I like books, I just might go ahead with the meme...
904 followers. I wuold think the publishers and agents would be jumping over each other trying to get to you.
Ever had a mango martini? Had one last night and it was to die for and I'm usually a beer drinker. Keep writing girl, you've got a hell of alot of followers!
I never read. I need to put THAT on my list!
Awesome meme, cause I LOVE books more than MJ loved plastic surgery. And awesome rules!
I love that you love books. There's that perfect paperback size that just screams read me.
I don't understand the attraction of a kindle (or twitter for that matter), There's no connection with an electronic when reading. The emotion isn't the same.
Nine hundred and four followers?! Isn't that just a little ridiculous?!
God what did you do?! Give away booze or something?!?
But really...?
I love you. I'll walk around with you so you don't have to be embarrassed about your kids being embarrassed...
I like some of Stephen King's stuff but would rather watch it on the big screen. I just bought the book, Needful Things though. That was a good one from way back when.
My sis and I have also written a children's book and rejection is devastating but yeah, don't stop. Get those manuscripts out!
THANK YOU for not picking people to do the meme. I hate that. I am either put out that I will feel horrible for ignoring being tagged (I do it. I am not a good memer) or I feel horrible that I wasn't PICKED (WHY not? Am I not cool enough? Waaaaahh!!!)
I like the ad clicking idea. Hope some of your readers come my way! :)
Poor, white Oprah. Love it!
When you get published, I will totally do a review.:)
I also read On Writing and I loved it.
I hope you have a wonderful 4th of July!
I did this on my own blog. Stop by.
Don't know how I arrived here...blog hopping but glad to have found you! I will be following the poor white Oprah myself!
Used to love King but no more; try Dean Koontz, he's a brilliant writer.
Might give the On Writing a peek though, sounds interesting.
You definitely rock!
1) The Stand remains for me my favorite book ever, and I have read a lot of books. Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series is my all time favorite series.
2)The library is usually the first place I look for in a new town. I even check out the libraries of surrounding towns. My favorite ever for children's program was the one in Steger, IL. My favorite one ever for me was in Rochelle, IL. That one had skylights and a fireplace with really comfortable couches.
3)I don't write children's lit, but I collect it. :)
4)No column, just "the blog."
5)My first Nancy Drew book was #5, The Secret of Shadow Ranch. I have it on my shelf and have read it as an adult.
6)Blogs are :::insert whatever current word that means 'cool' without actually saying 'cool.'
SK? I too have all that is Stephen King. I even check out this site, http://www.stephenking.com/index.html
only cause I'm nerdy like that.
I even have books on my iPod now....
it's kept the road rage under control.
I only like classic literature. You know, the kind with lots of sex and they take place in 19th century England or some other romantic place where realisticly everyone would have bad breath and BO, but in the make believe book everyone is incredibly sexy. I do lower myself to read some non-fiction and book clubbish fiction, but please don't tell anyone.
Wow! I wonder what ever hapened to this funny whiz kid! How old would he be now? hmmm...:)
I *always* serve wine!!!! And some cheese . . .
Well I just love your blog. It's just wonderful, funny and always makes me smile. That's why I keep coming back.
We spent the weekend with my step-son who is in the Navy. Downtown Wilmington, NC is very cool.
Keep up the good work,
I have a signed 1st Edition of On Writing, from Mr King himself. I met him on a train (he doesn't fly). I was sent to the Principal's office in 4th Grade because I did a book report on The Eyes of the Dragon, and my teacher decided that it was far too innapropriate (the book, not my reporting so much).
I collect Bobbsey Twin books. And not the re-done ones from the 1980's, the originals. They are quaint.
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The blog support group is BlogHer and hell yeah they serve alcohol.
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