
Are you ready, Peter?

Yesterday I was helping E. get ready to go outside. He already had on his boots and snow-pants and as I was at the zipping his coat part. He looked me in the eye and said, " Man, these snowpants are squeezing my Peter."

Yep. Those were his exact words.

(This is from the "lost files". Don't forget about this contest for the Phil Done book, and this one with Free Vampire Stuff!!!! They will both conclude on Friday!!!)



LOL. Poor kid. Can't imagine.

We've got a ladybug infestation too, as of yesterday, and this is without a snowfall. They're so gross.

Anonymous said...

That's pretty funny!


Anonymous said...

Poor Peter.... oops I mean poor E.

Rick Daley said...

At least he said it was the pants and not you...

Keyona said...

LOL! That's hilarious!

Brian Miller said...

so i guess there is truth to wha they say...dont squeeze peter to pay paul?...oh wait, nevermind...

http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

Poor little Peter.

Anonymous said...

I hate it when that happens. Man, a bad peter squeeze can ruin your whole day.

Cassie said...

Gotta hate when that happens. I am beside myself waiting til Friday and hoping that I win. The hubs and I both really want to see The Vampires Assistant.

Laura Marchant said...


mommakin said...

Callin' it like he sees it.
Good on him.

buffalodick said...

I don't it was peter who hurt- it was peter's twins that hang out with him..

♥ Braja said...

I'm glad this one isn't 'lost'....so funny when they're serious, huh?

Madge said...

love those kids.

Kim said...

I'm glad that was from the lost files because I was spiraling into a depression thinking you were already needing snow pants and boots!

SkylersDad said...

You should be happy he isn't using the more adult words for it!

The Peach Tart said...

well either his pants are too small or his peter is growing

Boozy Tooth said...

Some day he'll like that feeling.

Anonymous said...

How did the name Peter ever come to mean penis??? I'd love to know.

Mrs. C. said...

Oh gol, one of my favorite stories from the vault...thanks for this today!

I was boosting Jones up onto his sister's horse at a show this weekend and as he was trying to get past the saddle horn he said, "Mom, this thing isn't real comfortable on my junk."

Anonymous said...

lol it happens.....ya know peter needs his room to breath;)

Midlife Roadtripper said...


Sprite's Keeper said...

No worries, kid. A few minutes in the cold will take care of that for ya.

Sara said...

I like a kid that can give it to you straight. This one clearly doesn't mince words.


Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Let's hope he comes up with a new name before he has to repeat those words to a woman one day...

mo.stoneskin said...

Yeah little Mo also hates snowpants, or snow in my pants.

Desert Songbird said...

Since when did Peter become a nickname for Richard? *grin*

Ambiance in the Attic said...

Oh too funny!

Mike said...

LOL. I still remember during one of my son's visits. He came out of the bathroom (age 8) and announced their was nothing like a good poop. It's a treasured memory.

Stacey J. Warner said...

for a while goom called it his "chicken" don't ask...I have no idea...LOL!

Unknown said...

LOL-that is so something my son would have said at that age...I swear your blog always make me smile AND LOL

S3XinthePantry said...

Oh boy!

Expat mum said...

Snow pants? Already? Arrgghh!

Life As I Know It said...

Some friends of our taught their kids to say "peter" and I always wondered what they would do if they actually MET someone name Peter.

Irish Gumbo said...


Did you ask him "How's yer hammer hangin', sport?"

I hate it when snowpants do that. That's why I don't wear them. or maybe that's just pants in general :)

Trooper Thorn said...

Was he complaining or bragging?

Anonymous said...

Wow. Kids are going to be AWESOME. I don't know if I'll be able to stop laughing at what they say or at having to try and explain what is so funny.

justsomethoughts... said...

this is the kind of stuff that is good for a whole day's worth of retelling.
made me laugh.

justmakingourway said...

Ha! My boy calls his "Peanut". I haven't had the heart to tell him he may want to change that in the future!

Kathryn Magendie said...

LAUGHING!!! *snort*

Stacie said...

I love this!

Mike said...

When we get older, we will do anything to get something to squeeze our peter! haha!

Mainly a midwife said...

You always have the BEST titles!

Anonymous said...

HAhaha that is so great! Oh I love these hand-picked anecdotes you share with us VM! Funny thing is my boyfriend's name is Peter, so everytime I say his name I will always think of this story now!

Vodka Logic said...

Precious.. this has probably been asked but have you ever thought of putting these all in a book.. or have you.

Short and sweet and hysterical.

Anonymous said...

What kids say probably give us the brightest moments of their raising!

Joanna Jenkins said...

Ha! I thought for sure after getting him all dressed he's have to get undressed to use the bathroom!

He's hysterical :-)

Anonymous said...
