A word of warning to parents traveling to sporting events across your gorgeous state of Oregon.
1. When reading the directions, try to determine if the Route 44 you are supposed to take is a N or S. This will prove important, and will help you NOT to drive 24 miles in the wrong direction.
2. When the back, twisty, country roads say the speed limit is 25 mph, make sure you follow THAT rule. Odds are great that many farmers will be driving their QUITE LARGE tractors on this particular back road on this gorgeous sunny afternoon.
3. When the directions say you will travel 28.6 miles on a desolate, windy, mountainous Rte 687, they really mean 4000.
4. When you stop (for the third time) at a tiny house converted into a gas station/convenience store, and the girl behind the counter has piercings ALL over her face and is sporting an incredible hair-do with two distinct colors, don’t let her fool ya. SHE’S the one who will finally give you the right directions. In fact, you might want to kiss her.
5. When you arrive at this out of the way field in time to see the last 25 minutes of play, you will smile. Because there, on that field, you will watch your daughter play with incredible athleticism and grace – and you will know in your heart that this twisty, windy, frustrating trip to nowhere has really been a trip to somewhere. And, it has been worth it. In many more ways than you can measure.
However, next time you might want to pack a lunch.
And a banjo.
I just wish that all directions used the valuable words "right" and "left." That's the only way I can get somewhere successfully. One question, though: How was the trip back???
Wrong way, go back, one way, no U turn, stop. Thos are my usual directions.
Never ever bring the banjo. They EXPECT things from you when you have your own banjo. I live in Georgia, I know these things.
35 years in outside sales, I have a map of everywhere..Why? I may have the worst sense of direction of any man on the planet..and being a guy- I will not ask for directions!
So pretty. Would love to go out west again.
When visiting Oregon a few years ago, we were traveling the roads all over this gorgeous state. But I was a basket case. Didn't realize that I would be gripped with fear, white knuckling the doors, and looking down sheer drops on a continual basis. Not to mention the signs "Look out for falling rocks."
My adrenalin was so high at one point, I begged my husband to stop the car and promptly started crying from the adrenalin drop.
Beautiful, beautiful state. But for a flat earth dweller, way too scary.
Those photos could pass for our Blue Ridge area right now with the rolling mountains and the orange and golden colors. :-) For a minute I thought perhaps you had paid me a visit. LOL
The Blue Ridge Gal
Now I have that Oh! Susannah song in my head.
Thanks Vodka Mom.
Beautiful post though ~ Love YOU!
Follow the team bus! Of course, you'll get there hours too early, but then you can scour the little town and get some good blog fodder!
I don'tuse east or west I use righ at the big red barn with the rooster on top...the left where at that place where they make honey...I am truly directionally challenged. Thank god for GPS
Nothing like getting lost in the back country. Glad you made it to the game.
Nothing like getting lost in the back country. Glad you made it to the game.
Prior to purchasing a GPS, I used to think long and hard about which direction seems the most likely. Then I would go the other way. Worked every time.
it is worth it. big smiles.
If I'm packing a banjo, I'm also going to be packing a gun in my chastity belt, which covers my arse.
I can't remember my comment cause Liar's got me laughing to hard over here.
But I think your country roads over there are mighty pretty and I'm glad you made it even if only for a bit.
I once took the wrong turning onto the M25 (London ring road) which added only 3 hours to our 3 hour journey home. I too wished I'd packed a lunch that day. And a more tolerant husband. Or ear plugs.
What you do is you go up the road a ways, then turn at the barn. Go down that street for a little while, and go through a couple intersections and then turn at the old farmhouse....
I have been lost in - er - Oregon, before and those photos brought back memories.
Glad you made it to the game on time.
This post had it all, like a really good movie...it made me laugh, snort actually....then came number five....the love of a mother, as always made me cry...wonderful happy tears....(I know, I know, man up) great post;)
5. When you arrive at this out of the way field in time to see the last 25 minutes of play, you will smile. Because there, on that field, you will watch your daughter play with incredible athleticism and grace – and you will know in your heart that this twisty, windy, frustrating trip to nowhere has really been a trip to somewhere. And, it has been worth it. In many more ways than you can measure.
no GPS? tsk tsk! :D
Now that my friend Mapquest has entered my life, I never ask for directions. I just print a map, so much better for me!
This reminds me of a time when I was in Pittsburgh and needed to get to a hotel on the other side of the river. I missed the bridge and had to go another 5 miles just to turn around.
"and a banjo." LOL!
Oregon looks so beautiful.
Such a good post: heartwarming and funny.
Definitely follow the team bus then take a nap in the car while you wait for the game to start. Glad you could find the humor in being late. Good for your daughter!
I remember doing this with a GPS that was directionally challenged.
Thankfully, my daughter went to the field with someone who could read a map. However, it was at that game that she fractured her back. Yes, it was a fun 13 hr. car trip home.
"Take the cannoli. Leave the gun."
Wow, The Godfather really does answer every question.
Shame you didn't have to knock on a barn door and get directions from a sexy-god who is also a painter...like Sarah on Brothers and Sisters!
Ah how sweet... And this is why my kids werent allowed to play on travel teams. Kidding, they actually moved onto some other interest before they got old enough.. but no matter there was still that out of the way camp ground.
Living in the South, I LOVE the colors on those trees! As for the banjo...um, no...not bringin' THAT thing around! For some reason "You sure do gots a purty mouth, boy" keeps streaming thru my head...I know, I need help!
I used to try and put a compass in my car but it kept breaking from the LA heat/sun. Now, the iphone's GPS has saved me quite a bit of time and hassle. When I remember to charge it.
do these same rules apply in, say, montana ?
I don't got no banjo, ma'am, just this here washtub bass, that okay? (grin)
Based on that description I'd probably want to kiss her no matter the directions. Maybe :)
I have to say - that first picture is pretty amazing (especially since I'm guessing it's one you took while driving). This might be the ONLY kind of sporting event I'd enjoy...
What a good mom you are!
Except for puttin those tight snowpants on the kid!
Don't squeeze the peter!
Omg, why do they make it so hard for us? Why can't the highway just go ONE WAY?
OH! Fragrant Liar has me LMAO! Now the dueling banjos from Deliverance is stuck in my head. I'll never get to sleep now!
Super glad they won!
"The Long and Winding Road..."
Oh wait. you didn't want me to sing, right?
"....that leads to your blog..."
Aw shucks Janie I was gonna jump in and sing back up vocals!
I say if there's a banjo then it's a good thing I brought my hip flask!
The only North/South issues I had was a confused GPS taking me south instead of north on the 57 in LA. Those highways; That traffic; That heat!! A faint hearted gal from outta town could die of thirst!
At least it was a SCENIC drive...
We love our GPS. We call her Monica.
This is when the "bitch in a box" (aka GPS) would come in handy. But then again, sometimes, I think she has you turn the wrong way just for fun.
I have sadly learned that if I think I am going North, I am actually going south. However, I am the queen of throwing pride out the window and asking directions! It sounds like you didn't let frustration get the best of you! That was the real winner that day!
I just love trying to find the kid's games in different towns. At least you got to see some of Oregon's scenery! What no picture of the piercings girl?
I'm hearing "She'll be coming 'round the mountain" over and over and over.
And this is why I am totally in love with my nav!
A girl without a compass is like a girl without a purse. Oy vey!
Sometimes I think schools/coaches give parents the wrong directions on purpose...
It's a conspiracy, I tell ya...
Glad you got there in time to see your daughter play. Makes it all worth it, doesn't it?
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