
The Chain Reaction...

The Chain Reaction.

Today’s sharing time caused quite a chain reaction.

"My mommy and daddy got in a big fight last night because my dad hit my mom's car in the driveway. She called him lazy and dad got angry and threw the bag of potato chips"

"Oh… one time I ate potato chips!"

"My dad got poker chips for his birthday"

"It was my mom's birthday last week"

"My mom's too."

“Hey, my birthday is in the next season.”

“Today is the second day of the season of fall.”

“I fell off my bed last night!”

Me: “Okay. Well. I think that’s enough sharing for today. I’m a little dizzy.”

(Yes, it's a report- and I am STILL working on the post about my visit to the medium. It's taking FOREVER. I was there for two hours, people. I'm still digesting it all, frankly. And if you haven't heard about our Sassy's courage, here it is. )


♥ Braja said...

Falling off the bed is totally a way to stop people talking about birthdays.

I just thought I'd mention that....

Lee Ryan said...

Why is the post about the trip to the medium taking so long? Wasn't anyone taking notes while using the ouija board?

mo.stoneskin said...

I hope you at least explained that throwing a bag of potato chips is wasteful and clarified that we should always be thinking of the environment and of starving children in Africa.

T said...

I just love when I get to sub at my preschool. The chain of conversation gets very interesting!

Rick Daley said...

Seems like a logical progression to me. Bright class.

Anonymous said...

I cannot tell you HOW excited and anxious I am about reading your post about the visit to the Medium. I went to one back in May or June and it was definitely an experience to say the least. :-)

Evonne said...

That sounds like the way a conversation with my son goes. At the end all you can do is shake your head and say "what the...?".

Lynn Kellan said...

Kids are AWESOME.

Kate Hanley said...

Well that sounds like a normal conversational progression to me - at least my husband thinks I talk that way. Very funny! : )

Rebecca Nazar said...

Ah youth, so much energy, so full of life . . . they make me tired, so very tired.

Rachel Cotterill said...

Well, every step on its own kind of makes sense...... ;)

Southern Belle Mama said...

Too cute! This reminds me of the "Bing" commercials on TV right now. :)

Joanie said...

Sharing time makes me dizzy too!

WeaselMomma said...

No wonder you drink and laugh. I look forward to the medium post.

June said...

I could of had that conversation all by myself in my head after a cup of coffee! (I'm just a little ADD)

Anonymous said...

High school sharing is even more interesting. Maybe even scary!


Unknown said...

LOL, I love this! And it's too true how things get spun out of control.

justmakingourway said...

Throwing bags of potato chips should come with some kind of penalty. That's a huge waste of yummy, salty goodness.

Tamara said...

LOL i love these chain conversations lol This cracked me up!

mepsipax said...

Wow that is dizzying. Luckily it is also awesome.

Real Live Lesbian said...

Whoa...Dad is lazy if all he could muster to throw was the bag of chips his lazy ass was eating on the couch! ;)

I'm a tad dizzy, too now.

The Peach Tart said...

I'm dizzy too.

Pseudo said...

A medium.... Very curious Vodka - I went to one last week and it just confused me more.

Ladybird World Mother said...

Dizzy? I fell off. xxx (I just LOVE those sort of mad round and round conversations... get into them all the time!)

Sprite's Keeper said...

I want chips...

Brian Miller said...

i need to sit down after that one...can someone pass the chips or at least deal the cards...

Anonymous said...

hey I fell off the bed last night,and it involved poker chips too, but thats a different story...lol

Stacey J. Warner said...

Thank God for children's lack of the ability to connect sometimes...I threw a ripe ol' fit last night and I believe it's forgotten by the Goom!

much love,

The Fit Dad said...

Last night I drank 2 beers.

Julie said...

stream of consciousness thinking is the way to go, very distracting and like crack to us folks with major ADD!

Sara said...

This sounds like a conversation my grandparents would have at the dinner table during Christmas.

And believe it or not, there's no alcohol involved.

Vodka Logic said...

My daughters elementary school handbooks had a saying in it. If you don't believe everything they say about school we won't believe everything they say about home.

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Yes, all that free association from 5 year olds is precious but exhausting!
2 hours! I can't wait.

Brenda Susan said...

Loved those chain reaction conversations when I taught pre-school! Not easy to keep dragging them back to subject! But sometimes the new subject IS better!

Rima said...

Kids are awesome. I love how naturally they segue from potato chips to poker!

Anonymous said...

ANd that's why I don't teach kindergarten.

Mike said...

Give it another few minutes and who knows what other things we may have learned?

Cora said...

This is why I love kids. They're NEVER boring.

http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

Ah, sharing time is always so much fun. Talk about interesting segues!