I’ve always been fascinated by things that go bump in the night. I listen to my intuition, have incredible dreams, and I’ve read ALL the Sandra Browne books. Call me crazy, call me quirky, call me naïve – but I have an open mind and am willing to listen to explanations about events that might not seem plausible. I also have a deep faith, that I keep close to my heart.
You all know that I like to pretend that I am a bit “sensitive” to the “world beyond”, and I am STILL waiting for that call from M. Night Shamalamin. (I know it’s Shyamalan, but frankly my version rolls off the tongue easier.)
After hearing about my friend’s experience with a local medium, and after thinking long and hard about it, I finally called and made an appointment.
I was very, very nervous when the day approached, and seriously considered cancelling. My friend said this medium would not say anything bad, and that she only shared the good things. Frankly, I did NOT want to hear about what a bad person I was, or be reprimanded by the ghosts of my parents.
I followed her directions, and was surprised to find myself at a huge, lovely home. She greeted me and invited me in. I was floored by the elegance of the home! (I seriously need to change my profession.) I have never been to a home like it- marble floors, material on the walls, and looked like it was RIGHT from one of those magazines of “elegant” homes. I felt like the servant who was visiting the boss.
She took me into a tiny “sunroom” that was filled with candles and crystals. We sat near a window in a cozy wicker loveseat and chair set. She was dressed in a lovely black sweater and black pants- her brown hair hung softly around her face. (She looked like she just arrived home from the country club.) Her voice was soothing and my first thought was that she was going to hypnotize me and force me into a cult. I was trying so hard not to think AT ALL for fear she was reading my mind.
She took my hand, and told me that she was going to give me a palm reading first. This was amazing. (I have NEVER had this done.)
She held my palm in her hand, and traced some lines.
“You have a very long life line - VERY long. You’ll live o be 94. (MY thought was… CRAP. I’m not sure I WANT to live that long. I might have to add more to my VALIC account, and perhaps be nicer to my children. I MAY be living with one of them.)
“You have a very long intelligence line. “ (Um, I’d like that in writing, please. I want to show THAT to my kids.) And, do you see this puffy part of your palm? This is your intuition, or your “feelings”. You have a bit of a gift, don’t you?”
I wasn’t sure how to respond, and just nodded, and said that I do get feelings and sense things sometimes. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to say. She went on to say a bit more about me being a healer, and having a close connection to those who have passed on. She compared that corner of my palm to her palm. They looked eerily similar.
“You have two incomes right now. You’ll be getting three or four in the future. (It better be soon. We’re ONE MONTH behind in the mortgage payments and if that phone doesn’t stop ringing I’m unplugging it.) Something you've been working on for 2 or 3 years will be very important. " (I started "writing" three years ago, when we lost my nephew.)
Then she started talking about how many children I had, and how many grandchildren I would have. It made me feel very strange. I don’t think I WANT to have a picture of some of life’s great surprises. Do you? (I think I'll keep that info close to my heart. I don't mind sharing what is directly related to me, but when it comes to others, that's their path...)
She also talked about how many sibling I had, and that she thought there were two more. I indicated that my mother suffered a miscarriage before giving birth to my sister, and she simply stated, "They were twin girls."
After this palm reading, we prayed. Then, she was quiet for some moments. Finally, she said, “Is your father dead? He's dead, isn't he? He’s here right now.”
I said he was, and waited for her to share.
“He is very excited that you are finally here. Wait. Your mother is dead ALSO? She’s right here, too. They are so happy you have finally come."
Ugh! To be continued......
You can't just leave us hanging like this. She's only your MIL.
Very spooky and cool. I have never been to a medium, not sure i can go.
Ooooooh! I love fortune tellers and palm readers.... though, I am still getting over the disappointment of never having the little girl that a palm reader assured me I would have. She told me that when I was 17 and I was positive my whole life that I would have one, but now that I can't have any more babies it is looking pretty unlikely, isn't it. :(
so glad i found your blog.
Oh the suspense!
Get back to us soon - What do you think were psychic or something?!!!
Don't leave me hanging!
Don't leave me hanging!
Kind of spooky, those mediums, I don't know what to believe.
OMG YOU ARE KILLING ME! Can't your MIL take a taxi!!
Personally, I think M. Night Shamalamadingdong rolls of the tongue even more smoothly. (Just sayin...)
Looking forward to reading the rest of your experience. I love the supernatural!
so the medium is your hand twin; did she say anything about knocking it off with the pop-ups?
Every now and then we experience something that shows us how thin the veil might be between our world and the other...
So this is pretty cool. (You are a first. I've never known anyone who went to a medium or a psychic!)And very cruel of you to leave us hanging!
and WHERE do you live? can i come see her?
My daughter and her Mom went to go see this woman who is "gifted"... When I was talking to my daughter later that day, she asked me... "Did Mom have a miscarriage?" I asked her why she was asking... she replied that this woman stopped... and looked at my ex and said... you told me that you had "two children... There are three..."
When my daughter pressed her about it later, her Mom told her that she had miscarried... the truth is that she had an abortion because the birth of that baby at that time was going to interfere with her education... *shrugs*
I'm not sure WHAT I believe about them... but I do think something is there...
I've always been fascinated by medium's etc. Although I have never been to one. I have to say, and you know my history, the end of this brought tears to my eyes!
Oh. My. God.
I did not expect this to make me cry. But it did.
Fascinating and so very touching. I'm on the edge of my seat for part two!
NO NO NO, Don't stop here! Ahhhhhhh!
As usual, you rock, VodkaMom. And yes, I sense good things ahead for you, too.
It is pouring and gray as I lie decadently in bed on Martha's Vineyard reading this. Perfect for your post I think! I can't wait to hear more.
My daughter in colleg is taking a class on Death and Dying and they had a medium come in. She was pretty freaked out by it. We are naive to think this tangible world is all that's out there. More, more!!
What is her number?
You found a good one.
I think you meant Sylvia Browne, not Sandra, right? I think she's a quack.
The things you're 'medium' told you are fairly universal 'medium' tricks. If she saw a 'project' why didn't she see that it was writing?
If she charged you money, she's a quack. Real mediums, and I've only known one, don't charge. Also? the real ones don't have big fancy houses. They show you the big fancy house to make you think they've been successful and therefore 'right.'
Never answer any question they ask you. Respond "you tell me" and they won't be able to.
what an incredible experiance...cant wait to hear more.
Wow, that sounds amazing. Makes me want to get her info from you...really. I frequently have dreams about my dad, too.
I went to a medium/psychic - whatever you want to call it - once. It was a Friday night and I was hanging out with two girl co-workers at the time. We passed a psychic sign on the sidewalk, and thought we go inside just for a lark.
So, I'm sitting with the psychic, she looks at my hands - no blisters, neat and tidy fingernails - and asks me if I was in finance. Okay that was an easy call.
Then she lowers her voice and says, "Can I ask you a personal question? Are you gay?"
Well DUH! I was a single guy hanging out with two girls on a Friday night in Manhattan, and we walked into a psychic shop. DING, DING, DING!! NO MORE CALLERS, PLEASE! We have a WINNER!
A cliffhanger? Come ON! I want to know the rest of the story and don't think I can wait!
you know...to be continued...should be striken from the vocabulary...what a cool tale...i went to see a medium once...still waiting to become a rock star...
Oh my gosh you're leaving us hanging?! I got goose bumps and then you were gone.
I wait for the conclusion...with an open mind. You never know, she could be connection with lost loved ones. I know that I have felt the presence of my dead mother. There are those that would take advantage.... in every walk of life!
oh wow! Isn't this intriguing. I'll be waiting for Sunday night's blog!!
Too cool!
Can't wait to hear the rest.
Wow, that was something about knowing of the two other siblings. Kind of spooky!
Suh poo keeeee
The Blue Ridge Gal
I don't know if I believe in these people. I'd be pretty skeptical of one that lived in that fancy of a house. Hope you didn't buy her another 'wing'. :)
I love your line... "I better be nicer to my kids" when the woman told you that you would live to 94.
I laughed out loud.
I'm looking forward to hearing what your parents had to say.
I can't wait to hear the rest!
Holy moley! I'll be waiting for...the rest of the story!
Oooh, my kind of story. I'm glad you went. It's comforting to hang out with your people.
I tried to email you about my experience... when you have time, send me a note. xo
Darn, CatLadyLarew beat me to it...
VM? (Hugs) It's good to be happy, no matter where you are :)
It's all going on, all the time...some know, some don't, and that's a fact....
Can I have her address?
I almost held my breath towards the end. Can't wait until part two.
Duuuuuude. I'm getting goosebumps! Don't leave us hanging!
This is Stacie from the other side .... or the other blog.... I predict that you should keep telling your story. PLEEEASSSEEE!!!
I'm not sure I want to know my future. This post gives me chills but I'll be waiting for the continuation.
I can't wait to hear the rest!!! HURRY!!!
I always wondered how accurate they were! Yours sounds dead on. My husband is intrigued by that sort of stuff. It always scared me a little. I LOVE that you got to know your parents are proud of you and happy for you. That is SO great! I just saw that you are a part of Philadelphia Mom Bloggers. I must go check that out since I live so close to Philly :)
Suzy is the only one with any sense here. You should save your money. If you think about it, why aren't all these "gifted" people running the world or superstars if they know so much. They simply make money off gullible people as they have done for ages past. Sorry to be so bold when I'm only a guest here, but I have strong opinions about this one! Honestly- this sort of thing is only good for the entertainment industry.
I have had my tarot cards read twice...both times I didn't want to go and both times I went with a feeling that it would be rubbish. The first one was in 2000 and eerily correct at the time. i wrote the predictions for the future down, which I still have and they have ALL come true in one way or another...the one I had done this year was scarily accurate too.
I read these last two posts bassackwards, but loved both.
that is an awesome title !!
Chills . . . going to go read "Part II" now . . .
As you say, VKMom, sometimes it's about being open minded, not closed-minded, to things... I'm in two minds too, and if you received some comfort from what the medium said, then it was money well spent, my sweet...
(However, did she not see the buck hitting the truck??!)
Love to you and hugs - I miss my parents sadly too, and every day, and I note that you've lost a loved uncle too this year... So did I. I love the pictures you've chosen to decorate your writing recently...and that one of you jumping in the air is just so joyous. Wishing you every bit of luck with your writing, and your fortunes, in the coming year... xox
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