Top reason I'll never wear this outfit to school again.
This morning when the kids came in:
Jack: "Hey! Mrs. Smith! You look JUST like Mrs. Santa Claus!"
Crap. That was the NOT the look I was shooting for.
(I've been in meeting after meeting. The medium encounter is coming. I PROMISE!)
I know what you mean! My nephew just sent me a birthday card saying: I didn't think you would live this LONG!
Not the look I was aiming for either.
And I had a student who asked me, "Why are you plump?" (Better than asking me why I was fat, I guess.)
Well in defense of the kid...It is Christmastime and that's pretty much all they think about this time of year. Just saying. Bwhahahahahaha.
That didn't make you feel any better did it? I didn't think so. :)
kids say the daendest things, just what ever pops into there heads...lol
And you totally can't disregard the kid's opinion because they totally speak the truth. Hey, at least he didn't compare you to Santa or Vixen. I would then be calling into question your waxing schedule.
yep, that one does not even make it back to the closet...burn pile. smiles.
Don't forget . . . His grade is in your hands . . . MUAH HA HA!!!
OK, once a year you can wear that outfit. Mrs. Santa Claus is one of the most well-loved woman in the world. Not as well loved as the VodkaMom, though!
GIggle....sorry, it brought to mind the special K commercial where the mom (wearing a red nightgown) is reaching in a cabinet and the kid comes up behind her and screams "SANTA!".
LOL. Oh no Deb! Well - Mrs. Claus is definitely on Maxim's Top 100 Hottest women - so it was a compliment for sure.
You are that kid's fantasy girl.
That's how you have to look at it.
Least Ol' Saint Nick thinks she's hot.
Oh my. Yep, bless her heart, Mrs. Claus isn't the look most of us are going for.
You'd be a star in my kid's eyes! Of course, she'd think you were a short cut to the Fat Man, but she's devious that way.
LOL! Too much Christmas on their brains!
I've been away for a while and I thought I'd stop by your blog. Instant laughter. Thanks for brightening my day!
So much for the outfit. Maybe you could morph it into a Halloween costume? ;-}
Those young kids don't know what you wear underneath that outfit....
mmmmmm (stops to gaze into nothing)
I'm still waiting to see a pic of the pj's you wore to school once. Give it up!
for some reason i was just reminded of you tripping over the gas hose, LOL!, LOL!, LOL!
much love,
You should tell the little buggers you ARE Mrs. Claus and if they don't behave in class they won't get anything for Christmas. How many phone calls do you think that would bring you?
It's a compliment in December. I swear.
So I had lost weight and was feeling pretty good. I bought a cute little light blue dress with white polka-dots on it.
The little neighbor girl? "I love your dress! You like just like Mama Bear in the Berenstain Bears!"
I never wore it again.
Yeah, Heidi Klum doesn't even look good in it.
That was just to make you feel better.
OF COURSE she looks good in it.
Merry Christmas!
I'd say something about Dasher or Vixen, but I'm so distracted by all the blogs I'm supposed to be reading that are hear in your comments.
I don't know how you do it. You know what Suzy calls you? The Johnny Carson of the blogosphere. And she's spot on. (But you're way cuter)
Mrs Clause looks kinda kinky! I wonder if she North Pole Dances? :)
Oh, you could so screw with those kids about the Naughty and Nice List...
I wore a cute sailor dress to school one day and a cherub said, "Mrs. Guinn? Are you getting a baby?"
The dress went to the burn pile.
Once I had a client tell me that I looked like Roseanne. By the end of the meeting, he thought I looked more like Oprah.
Now both of those were disturbing=-but how did I look like both?
Maybe skip the white fur trim next time.
My daughter points to people and says they look just like me all the time. They range from super models to frightening looking women at Costco. I think it has something to do with hair color.
OBVIOUSLY you don't look like Mrs. Claus...Your tiny stature makes you far better suited to lady elf.
It's not you, they just have Santa brains the whole month of December.
You look remarkably sophisticated in that photo.
You could get worse compliments.
I agree w/the poster above..it's Santa brains, that's all:)
I'm waiting with bated breath to hear about the medium!
I kNOW! What is going on??? Yesterday a co worker was sitting on my desk making a phone call and said...oh, I never knew you had grey hair. Interesting.
WHAT??? Get the hell off my desk!
Not the look I was going for either. I need hair dye.
Popped in from SITS.
Kids have no tact. I think we have all learned this by now. But the honesty is hilarious. Also, this close to Christmas you can't blame the kids for the comparison.
Oh Lord.
Sorry Mrs. Claus....
They say whatever flies into their heads. Adults could use a little more of that quality sometimes I think...the political correctness routine drives me nuts. (Not saying they should insult people..oh, I'm rambling now, you know what I mean.)
you were hoping for one of santa's sexy elf-ettes?
So... what look were you going for? an elf? I want to see a pic of what you were wearing!
Forgive me, I'm still LOL after reading Otin's comment. What a nut! A clever little nut!
Aggghh..I would sent the little tyke to the moon on the end of my missle-toe !
Peace ~ Rene
no filters on those young ones.
VM, at least it wasn't granmaw klaws
Too funny!
I put on what I thought was a cute green dress the other day- and my oldest told me that I looked like a leprachaun. Nice.
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