As some of you might know, our daughter Bitchy is a freshman at Oregon State. Even though I could throw a STONE and hit her dorm, we were very adamant that she live on campus in order to ensure a “true” college experience.
Last Sunday night, the night before finals, I volunteered to make dinner for her and her roomies. (Don’t be impressed, they wanted mac and cheese and salad. Even I can make that.) We had a lovely dinner, complete with Christmas music playing in the background. I have QUITE the selection, I must say.
They ate like the Survivors coming back from 40 days in the wild, and they are GIRLS. Bitchy decided to take them back to the dorm, come home and do laundry and then have her father drive her the five blocks back up to campus later in the evening.
Bitchy returned, marched into the house and said to me, “Mom! Well, first, they loved the dinner. Thank you very much. But, I CAN’T BELIEVE you played CHRISTMAS music ALL through dinner!! Why would you do that?”
“Because I am always playing that music. YOU know that. I do it every year. Plus, who doesn’t love Christmas music?”
“Jewish people, that’s who. Did you forget that they are JEWISH? Jesus, mom.” And with that, she turned and marched down the steps to the laundry room.
Crap. Then I remembered her telling me about the dinner Friday night at the JEWISH center with her roommates. Yeah, even teachers don't pay attention. My bad. (as usual.)
(This was from last year. I am STILL laughing about it. I am cooking again TODAY!!! I might have to try making potato latke's and rush out and buy a menorah. )
Yeah, and while you're out there, can you grab a tamborine for the Salvation Army chaps who'll drop in later, and grab some cymbals and drums for the Hare Krishnas and OH! THROW THE MEAT OUT QUICK!!!!
Holy shit, I'm FIRST??!!!
Damn, I'm hot.
Actually all the people I mentioned can eat macaroni cheese. What time's dinner?
Although they possibly can't drink red wine. I'll take theirs.
Latke's For The Win!
Would bitchy expect their families to take down the menorah and put up a tree is she were going for dinner at their houses?
Props for playing Christmas music all through dinner! I'm sure the girls didn't mind. I LOVE Christmas music, play it at my store daily, on itunes right now as I write this, and it the car. I do, however, love Bitchy's sensitivity towards others. You taught her well! Happy Holidays!!
lol. i am sure they will forgive, at least you did not tell them any jokes...nice sensitivity on her part though...and braja is hillarious...
I love Christmas music and I don't even believe in God, so I think that a few Jewish friends could tolerate Santa Claus is coming to town! LOL!
I probably said this last year but I love this post. I have a lot of Jewish friends and the love Christmas music. I wouldn't sweat it. If you invite them again this year, go for it. Bitchy will love it!
If they didn't like the Christmas tunes they were welcome to leave their free dinner. Or use the Mac and cheese to fashion a crude Dreidel.
Classic! That's a hoot!
You 'da bomb mom!
bwahahaha! Just be sure the Hannakah Song makes into the rotation this year!
All religions love a good holiday meal and get together.
Love it! I concur with the others - I'm sure they would overlook the Christmas music for free mac-n-cheese!!
Too funny!
Lmao...........way to funny.....sounds so like something I would have done, hehe
She should've turned it around and asked herself, would she have gotten offended if she went to someone's house (who was Jewish) and they were playing Jewish music? Probably not.
Hey... your house, your rules, your music. Next year tell Bitchy to grab a boom box and play her own selection of Jewish songs. Oh Hanukkah Oh Hanukkah... Oy Vay Bells, Oy Vay Bells,
Okay, so I'm no politically correct.
The Blue Ridge Gal
mac and cheese and Christmas carols...just giving them a little Middle-American holiday experience, right?
So I guess you won't be making ham for Easter then :)
And I can't think of any Easter songs...
Peace ~ Rene
lol that's a great laugh!
Just tell her they got to enjoy a cultural experience and broaden their horizons eating at your house. Besides, who could possibl hate Christmas music??
That's ridiculous and I hope you set her straight. When you go to someone's house for dinner, you do as the hosts do. Bitchy is going to grow up to be one of those ugly Americans who go to Italy and whine that no one speaks English. Forgetting that she doesn't speak any Italian.
Do not buy a menorah if you don't celebrate Hanukkah. It will just make you look needy.
VM, noto vorry ve yews, us, ve write almost 80% of de moos popular christmas jinkkles, you gentiles sing along to.
moosic of zee holidays us too
The best Christmas albums are by Neil Diamond and Barbra Streisand...
just sayin'
Peace ~ Rene
Sounds like something I would do. Tell her and her friends to fix you dinner and they can play any kind of music they want! tee hee
Coulda been worse. You could have sent in Santa to give everybody the experience of sitting on the big guy's lap. Ho, ho ho!
Adam Sandler's at my house. I like 'em funny.
I've had some similar incidents with my older 3 as they have made it through the college years. 99% of the time they were being way over sensitive/PC and what ever offense I committed didn't bother their friends at all.
Unless those girls thought you were trying to convert them, they were just happy for a home cooked meal.
I love that song! It beats the dreidel song any day!
We're heading out of town and I'll be without an Internet connection for the week (gulp!) I'll catch up on your posts when I return.
Happy Hanukkah
I know well the default mode of yelling at mom first. But, dear Bitchy, there is the option of taking mom aside, in private, and requesting a change in music selection. Problem solved.
I loved this last year and love it today.
T keeps asking when we're going to light the menorah and spin the dreidle which he's been learning about in school. Whenever he does Brad and I crack ourselves up by breaking into Adam Sandler mode.
latkes are actually quite easy. Do you need me to send you the recipe? If so, just holler.
Evidently you didn't have "QUITE" the selection after all.
At least you don't have a relative that is fake Jewish. In that I mean she was never Jewish, but claims to be Jewish. But, is a Jew for Jesus and doesn't that cancel out Judaism in the first place? Especially if you were never Jewish in the first place? And now she gets to celebrate both!!
Hahahaha. That sucks. But they ate mac and cheese and salad? That's like eating a plate of cheese fries and apple slices.
I'm Jewish and love Christmas music... I'm mean have you ever listened to Hanukkah music? It's scary stuff!
LOL, sounds like something I would have done! Go see Outnumbered's post today, he's all for nominating Neil Diamond for the Jewish Santa Claus. Cool!
They probably knew all of the Jewish music anyway - as a teacher - you were teaching them something while feeding them....see where I'm going with this? See what the daughter says if she remembers why she was upset with you in the first place. Mine is 12 and I get this crap all the time! But thanks for making dinner mom!
Popped in from SITS.
Screw that, if I have to hear this crap all season long, so do they. It's like marriage, let the gays do it and let the Jews have Christmas music. Same thing right?
It's all about tolerance. You celebrate Christmas. They don't. They were at YOUR house. Don't like it, walk the five blocks back to campus. LoL! (This is probably why I'm not having kids . . .)
For the record, my Jewish husband LOVES Christmas music. He sings it year round. He lives for the moment when the radio station plays nothing but Christmas music.
You are totally making me laugh so hard! That is something I would do and totally embarrass my family and myself!
This is just as funny the second time around!
Aw, that's just Sassy being a Drama Queen!
Ooops. Maybe next time serve something really crunchy. No one will be able to hear the musical selections.
This made me giggle.
Now I'm picturing Adam Sandler singing his Hannukah song. I think I have it on a CD somewhere.
funny.. at least they were polite and didn't say anything.
You are wonderful! LOL...though I don't see the problem...everyone knows the Christmas songs like we know the Hanukkah songs. Maybe next time, play the movie 8 crazy nights? It traumatized me last week, so make sure if you start watching it, you finish it!
Teens! They love you one minute and mock you the next!!
I laughed in relief as I read this: "As some of you might know, our daughter Bitchy is a freshman at Oregon State. Even though I could throw a STONE and hit her dorm, we were very adamant that she live on campus in order to ensure a “true” college experience."
Misery loves company.
Mother of college jr son Thunderclap, who alas lives at home.
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