
YOu men are all alike. Remember?

I KNOW, I know, I have shopping/wrapping/baking to do, but I HAD to share a funny story from last year. I saw the little fella this morning, and he provided me with yet ANOTHER funny story I'll post tomorrow. However, this one will give you a peek into his adorable mind. Here's the post from last year! (I'm sure some of you remember him...)

Yesterday morning Jackson came RUNNING into the classroom.

"I have a present for SUSIE! I have a PRESENT for SUSIE!!!" He was yelling this to me at the top of his lungs. (And kind of running in place at the same time. Can you picture that???)

"Go out and wait at the coat closets for her then. Remember, she is usually late."

Jackson went out to the coat closet, waited for a few minutes, and then ran BACK into the room, yelling the same thing. "I have a present for SUSIE! I have a present for SUSIE!!!" And then he turned and ran back out to the coat closets.

This went on for at LEAST ten minutes. (Which, in kindergarten time is like four hours....)

Finally, he came in the room empty handed, stood in front of me and looked at me like he wanted to say something.

"What, Jackson? What is it? Did you give Susie her present?"

"No. I got TIRED of waiting for her. I just gave it to Hannah." And with that, he turned and sat down.

And THAT is why Jackson will keep me in blog material for the rest of the year! I love that kid.

Tired of waiting, my #**. You men are ALL alike......


Captain Dumbass said...

We ARE all alike! Muah ha ha haaa!

Unknown said...

Thats so cute! I can so picture that! lol

Meg said...

I could totally see my own kid doing that!!

Anonymous said...

Some men get like that waiting for love. I might know his father!


mo.stoneskin said...

He displayed all the beautiful male qualities. Practical, sensible, quick-witted, intelligent, I could go on and on...

Joanie said...

I love this story no matter how many times you tell it!

Mike said...

Sounds like my love life, except I usually have a tough time getting some girl to accept my package, they usually decline!! Merry Christmas!

The Peach Tart said...

Jackson could use some patience but well hell he's a kid.

Irish Gumbo said...

Kid has a good point...

WeaselMomma said...

The patience level of 5 yr olds! That kid is hysterical.

Brian Miller said...

she was probably doing her hair or making last minute touch ups...

i would have waited...smiles.

Scope said...

Maybe Susie should have this explained to her, so that later in life, when she says, "I'll be there at 7:00", she won't be so pissed that you her date is chatting up another woman when she finally shows up at 9:30"

It pays to be punctual.

I'm just saying.

JM said...

Oh Vodka Mom! that was such a great post! Your life as teacher must be so interesting!Hv a Happy Season & may God Bless You!!

Anonymous said...

Love this story! Kinda makes me wonder how many gifts I've missed out on receiving. Hmmm

The Blue Ridge Gal

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Poor Susie; I'll bet that gift would've changed her life.
I think this may be how many men decide to propose...

The Good Cook said...

It pays to be punctual. I bet that's Hannah's motto anyway...

Anonymous said...

lol...and they start so young. Too funny!

Lori P said...

Love it. Got the total visualization. It's so true. :)
Merry Christmas.


"Cookie" said...

Thanks for the morning laugh!! How cute and adorable..... I can so see it too.

Beth said...

Ha! It just goes to show us women that being prompt really is important.

Kevin McKeever said...

Window of opportunity ... closed. So sorry Susie.

Kevin McKeever said...

Window of opportunity ... closed. So sorry Susie.

Sue said...

Oh, little boys! And then they grow up to be little men and really give us headaches. Happy Holidays to you and your family! I'm just glad all of us have somewhat made it through this year in one piece! Take care.

forcryeye said...

Hey, he waited...another girl was already there.

Meeko Fabulous said...

Hi, I'm Susie . . . I am FOREVER fashionably late. LoL!

Sprite's Keeper said...

Alas, Susie will never know what the gift was. I'm almost sorry for her. Maybe it was a watch?

Anonymous said...

ep, we all belong to that club....hehehee

justsomethoughts... said...

yes we are all alike
god bless his little heart

Suzy said...

So by the time we get them, it's already too late.

SkylersDad said...

I'm with Scope, Susie needs training!

Anonymous said...

Proof that it starts early! Cute story!

Sharon Rose said...

This kid is hilarious! I bet Hannah is excited that she doesn't miss a thing!

laughingwolf said...

merry xmas to you and yours, v m :)

http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

Ah, Jackson... you fickle boy, you. To be so in love, only to have your heart taken by the first floozie named Hannah who comes along.

Vodka Logic said...

Very cute, I love Jackson too.

Trooper Thorn said...

Just like Mr. Stills said: "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with."

This is why men tend not to remain single for long after a break up. You all may call it 'fickle', I just think it's not being picky.

Santa Claus said...

HO HO HO! Merry Christmas from me and Otin!

Elenka said...

It's the Hannahs of the world that have it made. Ya gotta know how to be in the right place at the right time, right Hannah?

♥ Braja said...

Uh...where am I?

Unknown said...

Oh, I remember this one. Just as funny this year. I can't wait to see what he told you today!

Lawyer Mom said...

You've got to love his logic.

Marta G. (A Bilingual Baby) said...

It's hilarious... at so true at the same time :)
Merry Christmas! I love your blog!

Joanna Jenkins said...

What a hoot! this kid is starting young :-)

Anonymous said...

well, that's sufficiently awesome

ahmed said...

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