OR, why I love to teach writing in kindergarten....
Moms and dads- sound spelling is where it's at. Do NOT correct their spelling. (We COULD talk about developmental readiness but instead, let's just say it's too darn cute...)
Beware the smell of bacon when walking in the woods........
My son thought they were porky pines, too! So funny!
He also thinks those round things that spin around your hips are "lula hoops".
And I was first?? WOW!
Too cute!
HA I read the comments before me and realize that maybe my phonics needs a little work. (Having a reading minor mind you)...I read it as Porky Penis.
I'll go sit in the corner now.
Ha. Gayle, you aren't the only one who thought it was Porky Penis. That would be freaky.
I hate Porkypines. While when cooking they smell like bacon they are a bastard to eat, what with all them spikes and all.
Everything even slightly porky is banned here... or very, very expensive!!
That is very cute,
What? That the same way I spell it.
PorkyPines. That's how it is spelled. What is wrong with that? :)
That explains the plague of carnivorous beavers we've had around here...:)
getting hungry...need to go chew on a tree...
I would have to say that reading my students journals is one of the cooler aspects of my job :)
and we're learning about porkepins, pigwins and polil bars
and man wouldn't a Polar Bar be good right about now?
Peace ~ Rene
But the "porky Pines" are "dear" so you don't have to worry about them hurting you.
Careful or Looney Tunes will find a way to trademark those porcupines..
I love Kindergarten (Kinnygarden?) speak!
My daughter used to say Fork shots (pork chops)
LMAO! Gotta love Porky Pines!
I LOVE little kids drawings and imagination. My daughter was showing me some pictures her "kinders" did recently. Priceless!
Take care, Sue
LOL... porkypines.
No fair! You have your own comedy writers.
awwwwwwwwwww I bet that will be posted on a mothers fridge somewhere and kept foreverr...way cute;)
My friend is a 1st grade teacher and she gets all kinds of absolutey, fantastic work from her students.
I used to present work samples from my kinders during student teaching classes and my classmates were in awe at how I always knew what every word said...to them it was like ancient freakin' hieroglyphics!
Inventive spelling ROX!!!
Now this is why I miss teaching!! Keep these stories coming so I have something to look forward to when I go back! :)
Bedeep, bedeep, bedeep, that's all folks...
My kindergartner wrote a not-required report this past fall about an "ostrest" for his teacher. It revealed that a "babee ostrest is kald a whelp" and informed the reader, "if you ded nat no that now you do." His teacher told me that she was so accustomed at reading kindergarten spelling that sometimes she reverted to using it herself in her own writing. Honestly, as confusing as English is to spell, I'm not all sure that's a bad idea.
I just asked my six year old what those animals with the spikes are called. Her response was, "Porcupines, Mommy. But some people call them hedgehogs. Hedgehogs have shorter fur." Geez. Now I feel like a dumbass.
Eldest used to wear a "zucchini" to the swimming pool. Not that she could spell zucchini. So you--a teacher--is supporting my decision not to correct the cuteness until about second grade?
Pokie ones, pokie dots....
Love it! Are you saying they're not porky pines? Guess my mom never corrected me either!
Too cute! I never corrected my girls when they pronounced words wrong either, I knew they'd figure it out eventually leaving me with one less reason to laugh at them. I mean with them. Yeah, with them.
Dude, if I saw a porky pike just skulking around a forest, I'd probably need to change my pants, too.
I love when they spell phonetically, it is so cute!
That's not how it's spelled? ;-)
That's so cute.
my vote is in!
Absolutely adorable. Such a fun age to be around for the day!
...and they're everywere!!
Oh, Beth P., you know not of what you speak.
I have tagged you for a meme. It's like having a ready-made post! Except you have to make it. Never mind, just come see me!
You really do have to watch out for those porky pines! Dangerous!
I'm back & you've been missed!
For the smell of bacon I would definitely plant some porky pines in our yard.
I LOVE sound spelling!! Hooray! It rocks my world over here when my kids sound spell.
I love Porky Pines....
They're everywhere! They're everywhere!
My daughter and I were reading a Gingerbread man story written by my nephew's kindergarten friend. In it it said "the gingerbred man is cumming" and my daughter and I burst out laughing and couldn't stop.
Lucky Gingerbread man!!
So freaking adorable!! I love kids :) Guess that's why we work with them, right? Lots easier than teens..well, I mean the little ones have their problems too but they are different ones, much different!
Very cute.
My daughter [now 20] was taught by "inventive spelling" and to this day cant spell. She was never taught phonics.
He also thinks those round things that spin around your hips are "lula hoops".
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