After recess on Friday I noticed two of my young ladies eyeing me suspiciously while their hands were fumbling in their pockets.
I know they love to find “treasures” on the playground, and one day recently I confiscated 14 large stones from the backpack of one of these innocent looking girls. The dragging it down the hall when buses were called was a fairly big clue that something was fishy in Denmark.
You can’t fool me twice.
“Maggie, what is in your pants pocket? Noffin? Well, let me see that noffin. Come on, show me what it is.”
“Worms? WORMS? You and your gorgeous little accomplice can go right back outside this minute and return them to their natural habitat.”
“No, Maggie, worms are NOT pets.”
I love it! Tomboys at that age are adorable.
First the rocks, now the worms. What's next? I love the curiosity of little ones before they're tainted. My little princess loved frogs. We were constantly confiscating frogs and ordering her to release them back to their frog families.
My boys have brought home rocks, but thankfully never worms.
At least they weren't the intestinal kind! Be thankful for small miracles.
love it and girls no less.
Good Morning!
And here's a cool fact about worms, if one accidently gets cut in half you now have TWO pets!
Those amazing anelids!
Peace ~ Rene
my word verf was heroin
what's up with that?
Thank goodness she wasn't keeping them for an afterschool snack!
nope just happy to see you...err...
worms...nice. so have you been reading the "esting fried worms" book?
Haha! Love it!
That could easily be one of my daughters - they love lizards and beetles with their worms, they all 'love each other' you know.
The rocks in the school bag - love it!
suger and spice and everything nice....lol
I always seem to have a rock in my pocket when we come home from a walk. I sure didn't put it there.
LOL my girls bring back feathers...dirty pigeon feathers;-P!!!
I hope the birds did not swoop in when she returned them - might have been a bit dramatic.
I'm sure her mother thanks you for not allowing those worms to go through the laundry!
HA! Perpetrator #1 will grow up to be a rocket scientist and rule the world. Mark my words.
Ew. I do not like worms.
My son loves to bring rocks home though. Then he'll be all, "For you," and hand them over. I'm all, "Er, thanks?"
GAH! You know, I can deal with bugs - even spiders - but worms totally gross me out.
When my now-20-something daughters were around that age, they took their Fisher-Price dollhouse outside one summer day. "Aw, how cute," I thought as I gazed out the window at them playing with it by one of our leafed-out bushes. It was only after I investigated that I realized they'd been picking caterpillars off the bush and putting them in the dollhouse.
I love it that they love worms.
I've never thought of myself as a "girlie girl" but you wouldn't catch me touching worms *shudder* with a 10 ft. poll...so I guess I am, after all.
Back in my classroom days, I once found the skeletal remains of a cat in a fifth grade students backpack! After calling the parents, I found out the cat died of natural causes and the girl did not want to dispose of the remains. What concerns me is where did this cat decompose? In the backpack? LOL
Yucky! Luckily you found this information out before you found worms or worm remains in the washing machine! Yikes!
Quite frankly, I think I'd prefer the rocks.
When I was in 2nd grade I stood in front of my class and told in great detail about how my mother skinned and cooked....Mice! I'm 47 years old and Mrs. McKinney still remembers that day! Kids!
Just Say'n
Good thing you found them. Could have made for some very (st)icky pockets later.
I thought this post was going to be about kindergartners addicted to crack.
I was that kind of little girl, too.
I married a worm. Now he is my ex-worm.
Shit! They're not? Honest to God, just a week ago I allowed 2 of the Weasels to collect worms from the garden to keep as pets in their bedrooms.
I even posted about it.
Hahah! They remind me of my Gina when she was a kid. She and her friend would be in the creek (pronounced crik) all day, catching frogs, then go home and do her nails and put on lipstick.
Hey! Did you get that hailstorm that blew through western Oregon about 4:30 on Sunday?
My son once brought home the carcass of a dead rabbit. I was thrilled.
My two year old daughter is in this stage now too. When we take walks she's either bringing in rocks or acorns.
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