Today during reading group we were reading about animals and their habitats.
On one page was this picture. (See above).
I said, "Boys and girls, does anyone know WHAT kind of bird this? Does anyone know?"
"It's a ROBIN!"
"No, I don't know."
"I got noffin'."
And then Jack said, "I KNOW! I KNOW!! It's a COCKTAIL!"
That boy was reading my mind.
Swear, I just used the cocktail/cockatiel play on words in an essay I wrote!
I like that boy and his parents already. (I found your blog thru a tweet of a tweet of a tweet of a tweet... 6th degrees on Twitter...)
you have such talented kids in your class. ahppy friday!
LOL I got noffin. I always stop in my tracks when I hear the Peanut use one of my "isms" a three year old proclaiming "No dice" when some one suggests something she isn't interested in is hil to the larious
When my youngest was about 4 years old we were in church and the pastor held up a swiss army knife and asked the children of the congregation if anyone knew what it was. My darling innocent yelled out "it's a corkscrew"!
Oh my... it got quite the laugh from the congregation anyway...
I want to hang with his parents!!
yes, yes it is. you should have pulled out a martini shaker from behind your desk to complete the lesson ;)
Happy Friday!
Sometimes, the kids know best.
Sounds perfect! It doesn't matter that I'm still at work, does it?
Hotel and therefore weekend working hubs in off tonight. we are going to cockatail it up....
what a BRILLANT lad;)
I love thinking about where he learned the word, "cocktail.."
And the bird's name is Jigger undoubtedly.
Love it. Especially on the eve of spring vacation...
Today I was in the principal's office w/ one of my students who had done some property damage. The boy thought he was there for "vibrating property" (we couldn't figure out if he meant violating or vandalizing).
You can't make this stuff up. :-) Have a great weekend, VM. xoxo
My 6 year old's Spanish teacher was trying to get them to guess a Spanish word, by helping them with the first few letters. They happened to be P and E, which he pronounced. My little guy's hand shot up "Pinot Grigio". That's my boy!
The universe is playing tricks again....totally coincidentally today I received the following story from an old friend. Thought you might enjoy it:
From the diary of a Pre-School Teacher
My five-year old students are learning to read. Yesterday one of them pointed at a picture in a zoo book and said, "Look at this! It's a frickin' elephant!"
I took a deep breath, and then asked...."What did you call it?"
"It's a frickin' elephant! It says so on the picture!"
And so it does...
"African Elephant"
Hooked on phonics! Ain't it wonderful?
Cheers and TGIF!
Take care, Sue
I tell ya.. the kid is going to be a bartender when he grows up. Is there a college degree for that?
The Blue Ridge Gal
Except I was thinking this since Wednesday. Is that bad?
Now there's a kid with a bright future ahead of him! :)
and on that, I got noffin - but agreement.
So...you looked at this bird, and you saw a cosmo?
You are as bad as me. I look at my TV control (cos I am too fat to get up and change the channel) and see chocolate.
That's how I broke my front tooth.
Ok. trying again. I swear I just did this but it didn't take. must be a result of my high school education! anyway, I don't remember what I said first time, it didn't show up. I have a gift for you, please let me know when you will be in town. On to another chardonnay. Tell Tight Wad hellow. I mean hellow. shit. HELLO. there. said. it.
Awesome blog! Can't wait to read more. Bless you for teaching...I would NEVER be able to teach.
A cocktail?
Come to think of it, I could use one of those.
Cocktails, ummm yes. And the more colorful, the better. Happy weekend, VodkaMom!
hahahaha...thats what i see too ;)
I felt like the kid who said, "I got nuffin" yesterday too!
Cocktails. Mmmmmm. Beats 'nuffin' anyday. x
Good boy!
Ha! Funny!
Ha! I seriously laughed out loud. Loved it :)
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