
How to render your teacher speechless in five words or less.

I was sitting with an adorable group of girls on Friday during our Kid Writing time. They were drawing furiously in their journals, all the while giggling away.

I like to think I've mastered the art of helping each child in a group sound out words and write "stories" with their writing. (It's like following that bouncing tennis ball that we used to use when they FIRST invented computer games in the OLDEN days. Remember that? Ya gotta be quick.) I was bouncing back and forth encouraging their sound spelling and trying to decipher their writing.

The two little ladies at the end of table were giggling a bit louder than the rest. This didn't worry me TOO much, as I've aptly named them the giggle sisters. Honestly, most of the time it's music to my ears. (Except on a Friday afternoon after no "special" and four hours of Mother's Day Marathon crafting.)

One of them stopped mid-giggle to ask me something. "Mrs. Smythe, do gododugugyaogo?"

I couldn't really understand her, as she is so soft-spoken when talking to the teacher. (She BELLOWS at Free Play, however.)

"What, Janie?"

"I said, do youshebieuwoo?"

"One more time, honey. What?"

And then she said, clear as a bell, "Do you shave your woo?"

And that is how this five year-old managed to silence this veteran teacher. (Well played, Janie. Well played indeed.)


darsden said...

Hilarious... and I can't believe the teacher had no response..LOL

stace41971 said...

OMG!! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Yup...I think I'd be speechless too...LOL!

Anonymous said...

Wow,I would be silenced too! Thanks for brightening up my Saturday morning while I'm stuck at work.

What's the trick to getting them to speak up? I ask my daughter to repeat things and she speaks even softer than she did before.

Sooo glad I'm not a kindergarten teacher. I can't hear well so kids would be totally confused by any response I might have!

Notes From ABroad said...

LOL !!!!
oh god, I love children ...

Sara said...

I'm glad she said "woo" rather than "va-jay-jay". Otherwise, you'd know someone at home was letting her watch a little too much TV.

Brian Miller said...

oh my...
time for some life skills training...

Cheryl said...

If you don't think you have a woo, I probably don't either. Even if I did, I wouldn't shave it. I don't shave anything else, why ruin a good thing?

WeaselMomma said...

Makes you wonder what that kid walked in on at home.

Liss said...

speechless here too. Just a lot of giggling!

Anonymous said...

has she been watching sex and the city......brazil, lol

Karen Harrington said...

Too funny!

Travis Erwin said...

Hilarious, but you didn't reveal how you got out of that scrape.

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

EEEk! Please don't answer. Let's leave a little mystery in our relationship. :)

The Pea and Me said...

Hmmm...guess you didn't jump on the Teachable Moment train this time!

Vodka Mom said...

After I recovered, and made her repeat it AGAIN- i said, "Janie, I don't even HAVE a woo."

http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

So, DO you? Ha!

Mrs4444 said...

OMG. That is HILARIOUS. Way too funny!!

SkylersDad said...

That might be your best story yet!

Mrs. E said...

Oh, dear God!!! You couldn't make this stuff up if you wanted to!! Thanks for making my day!!

R. J. said...

Not touching that woo subject :) However, I love your "useless knowledge" banner at the bottom of your site. I must be on Benzedrine or caffeine. I can't get that control freak inside myself to take sleeping pills.

Anonymous said...

*teacher falls over backwards and faints*

Well, at least that would have been MY reaction...



R. J. said...

The quote to which I refer on your scrolling widget was:

"Scientists at NASA tested the effects of certain human drugs on a spider’s ability to spin webs. A spider on marijuana tried to make a web, but gave up when it was only half-done. Spiders on Benzedrine, or speed, spun webs quickly, but left huge holes in them, making odd patterns. Spiders on caffeine only spun some random threads, while those on sleeping pills never bothered to start making a web."

cheatymoon said...

No way. Priceless.

Happy Mother's Day VM. xo

Magpie said...

And do you?

Jules AF said...

Whaaat? That is hilarious.

Notes From ABroad said...

LOL, I am keeping that quote on my blog .. somewhere.. or just in my memory.

Muchas besos, the spider in BA.

Malisa said...

No, Janie, teacher doesn't have time to shave her legs much less her woo. However, why don't you draw a picture of Mommy's shaved woo on the front of the Mother's Day card you are making? Mommy will be so proud! :)


I thought Oregon was the BEAVER state! Wouldn't that be the state of woos with heavy pelts?

Dawn said...

OMG!! I would have turned a hundred shade of red!

But I have learned, if I have to ask them to repeat MORE than twice...I DON'T want to know! :)

Anonymous said...

now that is funny. i like that little girl

Just Words On A Page said...

Your woo? You have got to be kidding. Right? That's what you get for living in the Beaver State:)

Formerly known as Frau said...

LMAO! At least she didn't call it your cookie! My sister used to be a school social worker and woo, hoo ha, cookie oh the list goes on and on! Happy Mother's Day to you hope you have a great day!

K Dubs said...


woo. Woohoo! LOL

HumorSmith said...

Wow....um, I hope you're careful.

The Girl Next Door said...

This just reminds me that when I think i don't have time to blog I MUST make time to stop by here, because I never cease to laugh myself silly.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gawd



Thank you, thank you very much. I really needed that laugh and I very much got it.

Don't cha just love children?

Joanna Jenkins said...

Yep, I'd be speechless to.

So, do you mention that kind of thing at PArent-Teacher conferences???

Happy Mother's Day!

Suzy said...

Wasn't there a song that began "Do you woo woo woo?" Of course now I'm drawing a blank but I know there is a song that begins....oh just forget it.

J.J. in L.A. said...

That begs the question...where did she learn about "shaving woo"'s?

Crys said...

Huh ... what do you think of that. Ha ha. I wonder if someone took a shower with mommy.

Deb said...

-->When Tim and I started dating we were driving down the highway and passed a bus of middle school kids on a field trip. The "cool kids" in the back had a sign in the window the teachers and driver were clearly unaware of. It said, "HONK IF YOU SHAVE IT."
Tim drove past and then went
I about died in laughter at their reaction.

Vodka Logic said...

Holy crap... i would have about fainted... wonder what her house is like.. bet she has older sibs

MrsDixon said...

How hilarious!!!

Wendy said...

Oh my god, that is so funny i don't even have a decent reply!!!

...still laughing!

As Cape Cod Turns said...

OMG!!! What are you teaching those children? I hoped she wrote it in her journal and used some stellar sounding out!

Joanie said...

OMG!!! The things that come out of kids' mouths! Reminds me of the time my 6 year old daughter told me her brother's friend had poison ivy on his d**k!

Nishant said...

oh god, I love children ...
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