
I should buy stock in Kleenex.

I said I wouldn’t cry, but you knew better.

I stood in the Smith and Wesson University Arena with thousands of parents and loved ones, as you and 700 of your fellow high school classmates marched to Pomp and Circumstance and found your places among the rows of yellow and green chairs.

The lump in my throat was painful, and tears filled my eyes as I watched you walk with pride down the long aisle to your seat. I was taken aback at how beautiful and grown-up you looked.

As they began the long roll call of familiar names, memories flooded back to me in an unexpected rush. I thought of the circus performance in Mrs. Jones kindergarten classroom, and they way she described your class as “spirited” at the end of the year. I remembered trying to convince you NOT to place a love note in Johnny’s desk in third grade, and how you are still mortified when I bring it up. I remember thinking about how brave (and stupid) you were when you and six other girls lip-synced (very badly, I might add) to a Brittany Spears song in the talent performance in middle school.

I remembered the many soccer games; birthday parties; orchestra and choir performances; trips to the ER; detentions in middle school; field hockey games; amazing teachers; frenemies and loyal friends who all had a hand in this journey of yours.

I also remember the painful lessons learned these past few years, as you handled a horrifying stalking situation with courage. I hope that you always remember to reach out when you know that something wrong.

But when they played the alma mater at the end, and I saw YOU wipe the tears from your eyes? That was the moment that convinced me that you might ready to move into this next chapter of your life, and I might be ready to let you go.

May you carry that compassion, that spirit, that courage and that drive to win into all that you do.

(However, if someone mentions a talent show, I would quickly and respectfully decline.)


Anything Fits A Naked Man said...

OK, now I'M the one who needs Kleenex! What a beautiful, moving post! Thank you so much for sharing it with the rest of us! (Now, seriously, where's that Kleenex?!!)

Brian Miller said...

its hard to let them go...and watch them move on...

so how much of a break do you get til summer school?

Mrs. E said...

And that made me teary! Good luck, Ms. Sassy!!

Pseudo said...

Tough and wonderful all at the same time, Yes? Teen Boy graduated two weeks ago.

Notes From ABroad said...

Hurray ! Congratulations to the Graduate and the People behind her ... She could not have done it without you .. or so I always remind my daughter when she behaves as if she got where she is today on her own lol.

Congratulations to the Proud Parents too .. you did good ~

muchas besos... C

Mellodee said...

All it takes for me is a few bars of "Pomp and Circumstance" and I become a tearful wreck. Damn! It all just goes by too fast. My daughter is 43 already and it will be my granddaughter's turn before I can blink. Kleenex will become essential then too!

Mazel Tov to the Graduate!

Anonymous said...

Oh my... you made it through... Wow... I'd be crying along with ya!

Kim said...

It's so hard to watch them grow up. I loved your sentiments. My son graduated from high school last year, my one and only, and it was so hard. I kept thinking to myself, "Where did the time go?" (((hugs))) to you!

Cheryl said...

Tis the season for kleenex. I'll be over to help clean up the leftovers. My niece graduated from Dartmouth today - her degree in 3! Proud doesn't even begin to express how I feel. I didn't cry because I've misplaced that button. When I find it, I'm going be gushing for years.

Dawn said...

Forget cold and flu season... I bet you THIS time of year is TRULY when Kleenex makes its money!!

Congrats to Ms. Sassy!!

Missy said...

Thanks, now I am crying! I cried at the Preschool Grad and my girls weren't even part of it!

Everyday Goddess said...

she's a mirror! and a beautiful one too, just like her mama!

Joanna Jenkins said...

Yeah! The angels are singing-- but not in a talent show kind of way.

Congratulations one and all.

Alexandra said...

Oh,geez..thanks for making me cry in front of my kids!!


Clare said...

So beautifully said, and congratulations to all! However, it makes me glad that my oldest is only in 3rd grade. I have a several more years until I have to "let him go"...

Anonymous said...

oh dear friend...if i were there i would hold the tissue box for you. our girls are so precious to us because we see pieces of us, our mothers and sisters in them..and i just love that. so always remember she got the best from you but you can blame the rest on that wonderfully sassy momma of yours and that sister who is a tough cookie with a beautiful heart...you have been so blessed my dear!

Sue said...

In "the blink of an eye" they grow up in front of you! Faster than you ever could imagine. But, you never, ever, "really" let them go!

Take care, Sue

As Cape Cod Turns said...

Happy Graduation, Sassy!

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

Awesome! Congrats to both of you!

SkylersDad said...

Different worlds your girl and my young self. She had 700 and I had 69 kids in my class!

noexcuses said...

Very poignant post! Congrats to both you and the graduate! You sound like you were very involved. Those memories can never be taken away from you!

Liss said...

Yes, and you hid the fact that you would need Kleenex all so well.. ok, well you didn't. But I didn't think I'd need 'em!

Lovely post. I will savour these school days we're beginning - as you are at the tail end of yours xxx

I am forever your grasshopper.

Stacy said...

A wonderful post and so true for all of us. My "baby" graduated last week. Proud? Yes! But a bittersweet moment as she is chomping at the bit to get on with life and plans to move nearly 1000 miles away as soon as she can make it happen. :(

Fragrant Liar said...

Beautiful tribute to your daughter's graduation. I like the symbolism of Kleenex in our lives.

WeaselMomma said...

It sure is amazing to watch them grow into young women before our eyes. It's almost like a magic trick. With a slight of hand it happens when we're not looking.

Roshni said...


HeartsMakeFamilies said...

Pass the kleenex please.. You have me thinking about my daughter graduating..that is scary.

Congrats to your daughter. You must be so very proud.

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

You made me misty, hon...

Anonymous said...
