
Unfortunately for Vivi, one of the kids can read.

Today during show and hell, Vivi (Vagdevi) shared a gorgeous trophy that stood at least 12 inches high. It was red and gold, had lovely stars on the top and she was very excited to share it!

“This was a trophy I won. I don’t know for WHAT, but I won it!”

Carl, a very precocious young man who brought Charlotte’s Web to the first day of kindergarten (he was in chapter 8) - immediately offered to read the little plaque that was pasted crookedly on the front.

“It says Indian School…something…” and I immediately jumped in to clarify this to the class. (Cause that’s what I DO.) I compared her evening school to the various ones attended by the diverse members of our group. (Yep, we’re a melting pot.)

I ended with, “She must have done VERY well to have gotten such a gorgeous trophy!”

Carl, sitting in a chair with his legs crossed, responded matter of factly, “No she didn’t. The trophy says tenth place.”

Then he turned to me and said, “If she had gotten FIRST place, perhaps she could have read what it said herself.”

(I’m convinced he’s a forty-year-old dressed in a star wars tee shirt and camouflage crocks.)


Unknown said...

OMG I bet Carl is raised in a sarcastic household.. what do you think? That is way funny

thenextmartha said...

What his name Braden? If so, we've talked about this before. Sorry Vivi.

Alexandra said...

Oh my gosh...incredible. Absolutely learned it at home...

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

i think this kid lives at my house.

The Girl Next Door said...

that would be hilarious if that other little girl's feelings hadn't been trounced. He does sound a lot like my ex....

Joanie said...

Oh snap!!

SkylersDad said...

Carl has a future as head of BP!

Jeanne Estridge said...

Kids are the best!

Suzy said...

Is Carl single?

Mrs. E said...

Carl will be principal of my school someday!

Brian Miller said...

i am 36 in a star wars t-shirt, but got flip flops on...

Trina said...

Oh, poor Vivi, but dang, it is funny.

SSP said...

that is funny....who says kids don't know who belong in the accelerated groups, and who are just the slow kids.....

Roshni said...

oops!! What were her parents thinking?!?!?

Joanna Jenkins said...

Hey I know that kid!

"The trophy says tenth place!" Hahahahahaha

Sara said...

This makes me think of the little boy in Must Love Dogs who gets whacked in the nose and proclaims, "It's a gusher!"

Dawn said...

Since when do we get HUGE trophies for TENTH place??? Just sayin'

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

Hilarious but sad that he tried to burst her bubble a bit. He's going to make someone a pain in the butt husband one day.

Gayle said...

Good luck to his parents!

cheatymoon said...

...hich is why I don't have show and hell in my classroom... (but then I don't have such great material...):-)
Happy almost summer, VM.

WeaselMomma said...

Ouch, that's a stinger!

Hilary said...

That is too funny! Were you able to keep a straight face after?

Anonymous said...

Funny but harsh. Too bad the internal filter hasn't clicked on yet.

And I know a lot of 40 year olds dressed like that so he'll be in good company....

Cheryl said...

That kid is creepy. My laugh button was totally turned off by him. That's hard to do.

Anonymous said...

I have a Carl in my house. He can't help it that his empathy isn't as advanced as his other skills. Hopefully someone takes him under their wing and teaches him that you don't necessarily need to SAY everything that pops into your head. Even if verbally he's 40, emotionally he's still 5. He'll get there. Now at 9 my Carl saves up these observations to unload on me after school!

Angie Ledbetter said...

What a precious little booger! :D

Notes From ABroad said...

Oh my ... he sounds like one of mine.
Very funny .. it is only ( imo) "harsh".. when you are adult enough to understand nuances and a little one at that age, is not really that sarcastic or harsh. He is just blunt.

被リンクサービス said...

What a precious little booger!

slow panic said...

it terrifies me to say it but i'm afraid someday carl will be my boss

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Ouch! Carl needs to skip ahead to middle school but they might beat him up there for being a wise guy.
Altho I'm sure he said it with the cutest look on his face, just like my little wise ass son might have done at that age. Altho I don't think the Magic Treehouse series, which is what he was reading, is anywhere close to good ole Charlotte.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. This post really made me giggle (it's been a rough day for me)! I can see how some might think young Carl was being harsh or unempathetic towards Vivi, but he's also in kindergarten himself! He's learning too or even could be underdeveloped in some social areas while is (obviously) ahead in some academic areas. Don't write him off as a 40 yr. old jerk-to-be just yet! He's only 5!

justmakingourway said...

Hmm. I fear for Carl's future school years!

Linda S said...

"love" the honesty of kids. unless they are my own. ;)

Ann Imig said...


Super Single Mom and Her Side Kids.. said...

Ah what a sweet little smartass! : )
Crystal Lynn

tera said...

It is kinda funny, even if it's a little mean. And he may very well be correct! Still... someone should help him develop a filter. :)

Notes From ABroad said...

I don't know when children do develop filters ... but the sad part is , they lose something precious to childhood, when they do.
That wonderful Blurting out whatever they think , is priceless..and fleeting..

Rima said...

Priceless. But he's not going to get any dates if he keeps acting like that.

Anonymous said...

You have the best job in the world! You can't pay for that kind of comedy fodder.

Reminds me when I was in 1st grade, and I forgot about it being 'Show & Tell' day. I ran home during lunch and asked my mom for something to show & tell about and she gave me the lock from an old suitcase. (Mom, I love you, but you're not cool in a crisis situation.)

Divine Chaos said...

are you sure he's not a 12 year old girl? that sounds like something my kid would say .... and I have no idea where she gets that sarcasm from.

Just Lisa said...

LOL! This definitely could have come out of the mouth of one of my kids! I have to apologize now to all their future teachers!

Sara J. Henry said...

Absolutely hilarious! I like this Carl kid.

Elenka said...

What Dawn said......