
The BlogHer#10 Post; If you add my two cents to Amy’s two cents to Marinka’s two cents you’ll get, well, at LEAST a quarter.

(It's the cake from Mom and Pop. For real..)

First let’s get the preliminaries out of the way and say YES, this year I DID get a ticket to BlogHer#10. (Holy @(#*) I am beyond excited, and can’t wait to see what havoc I can wreak upon NYC!!!

The ticket was free (Thank God) because by some crazy stroke of luck they picked me to help work the registration desk! They must have seen me greeting anyone who would make eye contact with me last year, and decided that they ought to just pay me to do the same. Well, kind of. (I'll be registering people Thursday and Friday morning- so make sure to say HI!!!)

As far as travel arrangements go, New York City is conveniently only a TWO HOUR DRIVE from where I live here in Smythe, Oregon. (It's that new geography we teach in kindergarten; very high tech.)

If you remember correctly, last year an angel from heaven went behind her husband’s back and bought me an airline ticket. (And not just any ticket - she paid for baggage, check in stuff, any of the five billion incidentals that come along with it AND A ROOM.) Then, when we realized I was going but DIDN’T HAVE A TICKET, another crazy wonderful woman found one and gave it to me. To make a long story even LONGER, incredible people did some good deeds and sent me a gift beyond measure.

I learned many, many things last year, and today I am going to give my own BlogHer advice. There is no way I can improve upon Amy’s post (it’s a must read if you are attending) or Marinka’s post, so I won’t even try.

These are the tiny tidbits that I learned last year.

1. Before committing to share a room with people, make sure you aren’t emailing people with duplicate names. While I thought it was exciting to share a four-person room with seven people, not everyone else did. (Guess how many people in the world are named Megan? GUESS? Well, I slept with three.)

2. If you want to remain anonymous, don’t put your name, address, phone number and PICTURE on the five hundred business cards you pass out. (Good God.)

3. If by some crazy twist of fate the storm of the century closes all airports up and down the eastern seaboard, be open minded about finding alternate forms of transportation that might involve a total stranger. However, if your route takes you smack into the CENTER of the storm – you may want to rethink that particular plan. Unless of course you love danger and the off chance you might slide head on into a mack truck; then, by all means, go for it.

4. Always check your itinerary before laughing and chatting in the lobby of your hotel thinking you have HOURS until your flight. Odds are great that you have 45 minutes.

5. When someone (an amazing and generous friend) asks you if you want to go to a small gathering where you might see some famous writers and perhaps a celebrity singer? Do it! It may turn into a night you’ll never forget. (Poppy, you are the best.)

6. Have an open mind and an open heart. Spend time chatting with people you connect with, and remember that we are all in the same boat. We are mothers, sisters, husbands, fathers, sons, daughters and friends; but we all have one thing in common.

We blog..

Sure, I’ve got an extra 15 pounds to lose, I'm rolling quarters for meals, I don’t wear Tommy Hilfiger and I could probably use a facelift (or two), but guess what? Everyone else there is in the same boat. We are all normal and real, and no one really gives a crap what you are wearing or how much you weigh. (Except maybe BJH, but that's another post entirely.)

If you go into this adventure with no expectations you will leave it with memories that will last a lifetime. (But make sure you bring a huge extra bag. Some of those memories may include incredible amounts of swag.)

(And this year watch out- Bitchy and Sassy will be right there with me. If they don't piss me off too much before we leave...)


Ann Imig said...

Can't wait to see you and give you a big hug.


anymommy said...

Ditto Ann. I'm counting down the days.

Pseudo said...

Will you post frequently and let me live vicariously through your posts? I so wish I was going and could meet you and others in person.

Your advice sounds spot on. (Even though I have not made it yet ; - )))

Rachel Cotterill said...

Wish I lould be there to meet you all! Where's my UK blog conference...?!

Deb Rox said...

That's funny. I've slept with 3 Megan's too. Different nights though, long ago. ;)

Aspen Real Life said...

I am so happy to be able to meet you and everybody else at the conference but I am sooo overwhelmed!

What if my normally effervescent personality goes shy on me because I am the only one who doesn't know another soul attending and I clam up and sabotage my weekend?

What if I am not organized enough and miss everything?

What if I go out too late and forget that my goal is to have as little sleep as possible and experience the city and the conference full tilt?

What if???

Nahhh, I'm too excited to learn and meet all of you incredible bloggers and to open up all the doors and windows that I can find.

See you at registration!

Cheryl said...

I love that you're registering these awesome women. It's the best kind of entertainment for you to share with us!

TheNextMartha said...

Thank god a post that doesn't involve shoes! Thanks for adding your .22 cents worth.

Angie Ledbetter said...

Can i hide in your big suitcase? Then it'll be available for all those cool freebies. Have fun!

Vodka Mom said...

.....and I will be sending the free swag all of you who can't make it. I'm sure there will be plenty to spread around.

Velma said...

Looking forward to chatting with you again!


Anonymous said...

Take lots of pics...

Have tons of fun!!


Candice & NotesFromABroad said...

Oh Maaaannnn... I am so bummed !!!

First anymommy said she was going :(
Now you !! :(

Send photos.. make me believe I am there, way up there where I used to be. Say hello to New York for me.

Anonymous said...

sounds amazing. and wow what a cake.

Scope said...

So what you are saying is that the odds of Bitchy & Sassy being there are very slight.

Unknown said...

Looking forward to stories of havoc wreaking and merry making!

And if you want to, ya know, drop my name,I just want to let you know... I'm totally cool with that :)

Peace ~ Rene

Brian Miller said...

hope you have fun...i am jealous...

Dawn said...

I SOOOOO wish I was going...one day! ...and I hope to see your smiling face greet me :)

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

Can't wait to meet you! Woohoo!

Mimi Lenox said...

I am so mad I'm not going. **see Mimi cry**
I mean really.

Missy said...

Love the cake! LOL
Have fun!!!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
As Cape Cod Turns said...

You are bringing Bitchy and SAssy???!!!! Can I get their autographs this year for my mom? I am sure she will put it right next to yours that you gave her last year!


Cannot wait to see you!!!!

Smootches :)

lisahgolden said...

It sounds like so much fun! Enjoy!

Magpie said...

Looking forward to seeing you!

Malisa said...

I may just have to make plans to join you next year! Wouldn't that be fun? Remind me...okay? In the meantime, have fun!

shrink on the couch said...

How exciting for all of you, especially bitchy & sassy!

shrink on the couch said...

And I was going to say, how DOES one remain anonymous at a real live convention?

Cheryl D. said...

How cool for you! I'm so incredibly jealous1 I hope I can go next year (kind folks at BlogHer, I can certainly work for my free ticket. I can also work to get my blog posted on your site!). LOL!

Have a good time!

SkylersDad said...

I will buy a ticket just to come and see you, but only if I can room with Anonymous.

Crazy Charm said...

I'm still crazy jealous that you met Jen Lancaster. Have you seen the twilight reenactments on her blog. Hilarious!

Elenka said...

Can't wait to hear all about it. Everyone that goes raves about it. Have a fun, safe time.

Bodaciousboomer said...

You're so lucky getting to fly there. We're driving up from Houston. It's gonna be a loong drive, but I know it's going to be a really good time. I look forward to meeting you there!

Anonymous said...


That Janie Girl said...

What anonymous said.

Vodka Mom said...

That's Suzy's Chinese fiance. He's trying to tell me about their engagement party.

He never shuts up.

Pearl said...

I'll be working the same shifts as you at registration. I look forward to meeting you--loved your recent BlogHer post, too! Great teachers don't come along every day!

Anonymous said...

Hope Bitchy and Sassy behave so I can have more autographs on my refrig! Have a great time! Sue's Mom :)

Joanie said...

Oh, how I wish I could be going too!


Maybe next year.

Or if I win the lottery.

Or if my ex croaks and leaves me thousands in life insurance

... oh wait.... I was JOKING... sort of.

Deb said...

-->I wish I was going so I could meet you and a bunch of other "blog friends" in person!

Notes From ABroad said...

Ha! My translator tells a different story regarding the Chinese comments :)
Can we expect photos ? Nothing anyone could get , say ...blackmailed over but just some fun photos ?
Just don't come back with tattoos , ok?
chau !

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I love these posts... Even loved them when I wasn't going last year (which is kind of weird now that I think of it...)

I'll see you at registration, a week from Thursday!!

Kim said...

Business cards? BUSINESS CARDS? I need business cards?

See you there. I will probably stop in on Thursday morn to your "table"!

Alexandra said...

gaa!!! Was that jen lancaster???

Oh, oh, oh....how/what did you do??? "duh...I think you're really really funny" cuz that's totally what I'd a said...

Dr Zibbs said...

Say hi to my new Twitter/blog friend Becky (MommyLovesVodka) if you see here there. She's one of the speakers.

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