
I think I like "fatty lipoma" better than the other thing.

Dear Sassy,

I want to apologize for bursting into tears and sobbing on the way home from our errands yesterday.

Granted, your screaming and ranting at me for daring to ask you a simple question is something I’m used to.

However, I received a call from the doctor not long after the sonogram. It was not good news.

And if I spend too much time trying to hold you close and tell you how much I love you – just humor me. Most likely after the MRI on Monday we'll be back to hating each other.

But for now, let’s rock this city and forget our troubles, shall we?


Kate@SurroundedbyPenises said...

My fingers are crossed that you have good news Monday!

Travis Erwin said...

Here's hoping all turns out well.

Meathead said...

Awe :(
Lots of hugs. Too bad you have to wait til Monday. that just sucks. Hoping it's "nothing".

Sultan said...

Good health wishes to you.

Maggie May said...

Oh God I know how awful it is waiting waiting for damn test results. I KNOW. My husband always tells me 'more often than not, things are OK. usually, these things are not the worst scenerio.' and yeah, sometimes they ARE, but you deal with that when you get there ( theoretically ) Meanwhile keep that in mind. In all the times I've had horrible scares, (including one ovarian cancer scare that looked very bad on ultrasound) i've never had the worst result, but I have spent a lot of time afraid. Hang in there.

Cheryl D. said...

Here's to hearing good news!

Michele said...

I'm now officially worried. My fingers are crossed that the doctors are just being cautious.

Angie Ledbetter said...

You know my prayers, thoughts, hopes and hugs are with you right now!!!

Notes From ABroad said...

Oh sweetheart ! Been there and done that and have all sorts of little scars here and there to show for my bravery !
Fingers crossed and thoughts and prayers and good wishes and happy mojo going out to you ...

J.J. in L.A. said...

Oh hon, that SUCKS! I hope the MRI goes well. If you want/need any advice, you know where to find me.

Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!

An Unlikely Retirement said...

Sending prayers and ((((hugs)))).

Yo said...

sending you good vibes and sloppy wet kisses. i think this weekend will be GREAT and is just what the doctor would have ordered.

hey, my word verification is

"benign" !!!!

Craig Glenn said...

Best wishes... thinking of you.

Gigi said...

This totally bites. Totally! I want to tell you not to worry until you have something to worry about; but that's impossible. So instead, have a wonderful weekend and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Kate said...

Damn them for making you wait the weekend.

Anonymous said...

Sending positive vibes into your world!


Lori P said...

Hoping and praying that everything turns out just fine.

Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

Oh we like "fatty" much better!

Prayers to you. . .

cheatymoon said...

Lots of positive thoughts and love out to you. xoxo

Theresa said...

Hoping for the best news possible!

Malisa said...

Think only positive thoughts! The waiting time is the worst! I feel confident that the MRI will produce good news! In the meantime,you will be in my prayers!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sara J. Henry said...

Thinking good thoughts for you.

Merrily Down the Stream said...

Just went through this. Mine are cysts and calcifications they need to keep an eye on. Hoping your results are all good. xox

Mandy said...

Will be thinking of you and hoping all will be well. Sending positive thoughts your way!

TMCPhoto said...

calls from Doctors with not good news suck. I' sending good thoughts your way, and also if you're open to it some healing thoughts too. Telling you to forget about it until Monday isn't going to help, so I won't. Instead, I'll say Rock that city and make it one unforgettable trip

EGB said...

again, no worries. I have a good feeling. It will be okay.

Elenka said...

Sending positive vibes your way. I know how the waiting feels. It sucks big time.

The Only Girl said...

I'm sure you'll be hating each other again really soon. I'll keep my fingers crossed for it.

Red Dirt Mummy said...

Sending lots of positive good health vibes and thoughts your way.

lisahgolden said...

I hope you and the girls have a fabulous time in NYC. And that you get good news next week. Which all should go without saying, not that THAT stopped me.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I will be thinking good thoughts for you--"only a scare, only a scare."

B's Mom said...

Sending positive thoughts your way.

Sue said...

Monday will be a good day. Just keep those positive thoughts in your head, and if you believe it then it will come true!

Take care, Sue

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I've got everything crossed for you that your results on Monday are good ones and not the "other thing."

KaLynn ("MiMi") said...

Have said a prayer for you!

Brian Miller said...

praying for a good answer VM...

SkylersDad said...

It is going to be alright, I can just feel it!

(you WILL let me feel it, won't you?)

OK, bad attempt at humor, good thoughts coming your way!

Joanna Jenkins said...

Cheering you on.

Elizabeth said...

Damn. I hate to hear about this and about your anxiety. I will keep my fingers crossed that all will be well and that it is, indeed, something like a lipoma. My good friend went through something like this in college, and in the exact same place. Her doctor told her not to worry that all he needed to do was "slit it and scoop it." You wouldn't believe the laughs we got from that phrase over the next thirty or so years. Here's to hoping that whatever it is, all you'll need is for the doctor to "slit it and scoop it."

Dawn said...

Praying for good news!

Anne said...

They wouldn't make you wait until Monday if they were really freaked out, right? Prayers going up for you.

Bea said...

On the Bright side, whatever happens on Monday will make an excellent blog post!
But in all seriousness I hope you are all right. I don't comment very often but I read all the time and i admire you so much for being able to post every day. you cheer me up so much sometimes and I think Sassy needs a big kick up the bum for not appreciating you more. I know this because I'm about the same age and sometimes I need a big kick up the bum too!
so I hope monday goes well. Praying for you!

David J. M. Samson said...

I am sending you positive thoughts and vibes.

My partner is covered in lipomas, covered! They are very common. And I am sure that is all you have.

He had one removed and examined and given the all clear.

I know you will have a similar result.

Good luck for Monday xx

WeaselMomma said...

Have a great weekend and I'm crossing my fingers for good news on Monday.

Unknown said...

Sending positive prayers your way. I'll be doing the same thing in a week or two.

duffylou said...

You are entitled to your fantabulous weekend. Do not let bad vibes interrupt your precious "me" time.
I am sending all the positive thoughts I can for you. You work that good mojo and all will be well.

Amy, formerly known as Scandy! said...

Awww, Vodka Mom, sounds like you need a drink with Scandy... stop on by and I'll make it mo' better.


slow panic said...

i HATE the waiting. hoping all is well

Anonymous said...

I won't tell you not to worry, because I know that never works. Just know that my thoughts and prayers are with you, okay?

Queen-Size funny bone said...

Good vibes coming your way.....

Unknown said...

Praying for you
Wisdom, Grace, Strength
Good News!
These are the times I wish I had some Universal clout..and that John Travola could fly me to NYC,from Portland ME so that I could hug the stuffin' out of you :)


Have your fun, Vodka Girls... :)

Wendy said...

Has your Mom shown up lately? M... maybe she can give you some insight into this...?
Know that i'll be thinking of you!

Anonymous said...


SheilaC said...

Hugs and prayers winging their way....
waiting until Monday is the pits...


FAIL said...

Oh, for fuck's sake, do you have to be so goddamn DRAMATIC?????

Merideth in Wyoming said...

Hang in there. It's hard to not worry waiting for results. Been there done this. Take a deep breath and go do something fun this weekend.
Hoping you get Good News on Monday.

Mrs Catch said...

Hope everything's OK. Fingers crossed.

Hilary said...

thinking good thoughts for you....

Dan Pearce said...

Go have an awesome weekend and try not to think about it. I'll send lots of positive thoughts your way. Let's hope and prat that you're back to hating each other on Monday!

Single Dad Laughing

Paige said...

I will be thinking of your. But I know whatever IT is, you can handle it

http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

Sending good thought for better news on Monday. *hugs*

tera said...

Adding my virtual hugs and my real prayers along with everyone else.

LegalMist said...

Praying for the best possible outcome for you. Hang in there.

RottenMom said...

Sending you prayers today, I'm sure you will get good news!

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