
I'm just not sure how you would wrap it..

I'm a century old today. Divided by two. Plus one.

If you INSIST on celebrating with me, bring pie or ice cream - because I don't do cake.

Oh, and no gifts, please. Just perhaps a little something over here.

xoxoxox to all of you. You lift me up every single day, and for that I am eternally thankful.


Liss said...

Happy birthday! And I don't care what they say, I like you! xxx (off to babble now ;) )

BLOGitse said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!

justmakingourway said...

Happy, Happy Birthday!!! I'll bring pie for you and cake for me (because I would never pass up an opportunity for cake.)

Hope you have a wonderful day. You deserve it!

noexcuses said...

Happy Birthday you youngin'!! Is French Silk pie okay with you? I'm a cake person, so I'll bring mine with me!

Hope your special day is filled with lots of giggles and smiles (and that's before the Mimosas).

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday!

Carrieann said...

Happy 50th VM! You lift us up everyday, too!

Tom said...

Happy Birthday! I love the cartoon. I can relate to your tastes. I am not a cake person either, but any other dessert will do.

Anonymous said...


Jules said...

Happy birthday!!! Hot about a cyber pie? :D
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

Jules AF said...

Happy birthday! And that cartoon is SO TRUE. I work with the geriatric population. It is so difficult to be heard sometimes haha.

Rachel Cotterill said...

No cake? Seriously?? I'll have your slice ;) Happy birthday! x x x

Akum said...

Happy Birthday! Hope this coming year will bring lots of success, happiness and hilarious blog posts.

p.s: I have voted!

Have fun

Sandee said...

♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday Dear Vodkamom,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday to you.♪♪

duffylou said...

Happy 39th Birthday!I never was good at math.

Funny thing, I voted before I read your post today. That's how much I love your rants on your girls. (Been there, done that).

Have a fantabulous day!

Unknown said...



I brung you some Pi :)

Have a great day


Bodaciousboomer said...

Happy Birthday you young thing!

lisahgolden said...

Happy Birthday! I hope it's a lovely day for you.

Gigi said...

Happy, happy birthday!!!

Sue said...

Happy Birthday!! You know, I've been enjoying my fifties. I just got to the point that I just didn't give a (I'll use a nicer word) damn about the little stuff! Hope you do something special!

Cheryl D. said...

Happy 29th birthday! (okay, so I did an extra half and added on a few years, who'd notice the difference?).

Enjoy you pie and ice cream today!

Cheryl said...

Happy freakin' birthday!

Mike said...


Kevin McKeever said...

Happy happy day, Deb!

SheilaC said...

Happy, Happy!!!!

And many more happies in the future :)

Thank you for the laughter (and tears) everyday on your blog....


Jeanne Estridge said...

Happiest of birthdays!

ChiTown Girl said...

Happy, Happy Birthday, Vodka Mom!!! I'll eat the cake, you eat the pie, and we can BOTH have some ice cream on the side. :)

Losing Brownies said...

Happy Birthday! I gave you some love too :o)

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Happy Birthday--I hope you do it up right!

I am both pie and cake. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday and thanks for lifting me up daily!

Brian Miller said...

happy birthday VM!

Wendy said...

You say it's your Birthday.
Happy Birthday to You!

Really? It's just a number, VM. Don't let it bring you down!


Anonymous said...

I'm the same age and it's a wonderful time of life.

Have a wonderful birthday!

Notes From ABroad said...

Happy Birthday ,babe !
You know you still look like a young'un and can still go around saying to everyone.. Hey, it's my birthday .. make the waiter bring you dessert with a candle and eat too much chocolate.
We are all happy that you were born.
Un Beso para tu cumpleanos ~~

Stacie@hometownperch said...

Happy, Happy Birthday to the lady who makes me laugh every day.

Expat mum said...

Oooh, we almost have the same birthday and we're almost the same age. Happy Birthday.

Suzy said...

Happy birthday. And how is it possible that the Babble contest is STILL on and the little red thumb on your name is STILL red???

LegalMist said...

Happy Birthday!

Malisa said...

How 'bout I just bring some ice cream (fat free, of course) and a bottle of vodka? We can have vodka floats! Hope you have a fantabulous birthday!


J.J. in L.A. said...

Hope you're having a great birthday!!!

Mrs A said...

another great virgo! Happy Birthday, look forward to the next half of the century!

Laura said...

Happy Happy Birthday! I have frozen blueberries & blackberries (I picked them myself!)...which kind of pie would you like? I hope it was a very special day for you!!

Barrie said...

Happy Birthday!!! Have you tried Baskin Robbins turtle pie? It is uberdelicious (I don't do cake either). ;)

Wild Child said...

We made strawberry rhubarb pie yesterday, because it was cooler yesterday. With frozen strawberries and rhubarb we picked fresh from gardens. If you had lived closer, I would have brought a piece over with some vanilla ice cream. Hope it was a great day!

Anne said...

H-B-D and just for fun, why don't you take the day off... :-) Hope you didn't labor on your Labor Day birthday!

Dawn said...

Happy Birthday VM!!! Hope it was wonderful!
How nice that you got the day off!!!

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

Does cheesecake count? Have a terrific, birthday and enjoy all the celebrating.

Unknown said...

Happy birthday, you young whipper snapper you (I've always wanted to say that to someone!)

Captain Dumbass said...

Happy belated. Hope you had a good day.

Mo Diva said...

Happy Belated Birthday momma.
youre fabulous. but you know this.
Save me some pie... it freezes well. I will enjoy it at blogher 2011...once i get someone to pay for me to go. it can happen. xoxox

ooph said...

Happy Birthday one day late!! Hope it was great.

Robin Dodd Photography said...

Go girl! Virgo!! Apparently I'm my rising sign is Virgo, no wonder we get along LOL.. Let's go organize some cabinets!!

Happy Birthday!! 50 is the new 30!


Angie Ledbetter said...

Hope your day was as special as you are! That way, I know it was good. :D Hugs, prayers, and good thoughts to you, my fellow Virgo of '59! (Yeah...I hit my 51st on the 12th too.) Loves ya

Beth said...

Thanks for the giggle. And Happy Birthday!

WeaselMomma said...

I've got the ice cream cake covered! Carvel. Only the best for you.

As Cape Cod Turns said...

What kind of friend am I? I missed your birthday????? 50 lashes with a wet noodle for me! Happy Birthday my friend!!! I hope this years brings solid answers to questions and much happiness!!! :)

Jill said...

I know I"m late ... but I was moving. And it's the thought right? *wink*

Happy happy birthday!