We never, ever expect presents. It's true! However, when we do receive them, our hearts are lifted and we are incredibly thankful. (And in some cases, we laugh out loud.)
Yesterday I was lifted in many, many ways, and left school smiling - even though I had spent seven hours trying desperately to keep a tight lid on a pot of shaking, emotional, loud, excited, wild five-year olds.
Proof positive that there is a God.
Now, for the Fancy Nancy. See that stuff below? I'm giving it away. Stay tuned for details tomorrow. It's December 23, time to start my shopping.
What a haul! I hope u win the lottery and enjoy the booze! Merry Christmas!
Grey Goose...I'm impressed. I never thought of that back in grade school. I suppose I was a room mom fail. Oh well!!! It's been a great pleasure reading your blog and getting to know you!
Apparently, your parents LOVE you as much as we do! Vodka Party? I'll be there in 16 hours!!!
I just sent off to school one of those shaking, emotional, loud, excited and wild 5 year olds for his last day of school. He actually shook as he talked about what they would be doing today at school. As he walked out the door, I prayed for his teacher and all the staff at the school. :) God help them all. Bless all you beautiful teachers. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Students can be so thoughtful! I love that someone gave you vodka for Christmas!
Something magical about Christmas and the little gifts your children give you! Especially the Vodka, made me smile!
Happy Holidys, Sue
Very nice!!!!! Merry Christmas!!!
I'm hyperventilating on behalf of my daughter (and partially due to indigestion). Can't wait to try to win!
That is so incredibly cool that you got VODKA! Ha!
And would you believe my 5yo actually got dressed without a fight this morning?!?! Best Christmas gift ever over here!
Congrats!! I hear Grey Goose is one of the best kinds of vodka too!!
Was there chocolate in there too?
I think you deserve it all! Happy Holidays!
Grey Goose Vodka is the best brand. Someone loves you muchly!
You really did well, Good job!
You are loved by your students and parents and they did well by you!
That sticky bun body scrub is yummy! In the bath of course, not to eat. . . silly! Don't mind me. . . I would never take a spoon to bathe with while I eat the soap.
Crap. . . I'm at work and I am blogging because we are all so excited to get out of here today, we are acting like a bunch of kindergarten kids!!!!LOL
Meet me for a drink in about 8 hours~! You and your grey goose . . . me and my Bailey's and coffee. . . we'll share Christmas stories and laugh until our sides ache!
Love ya
Congrats on your mightily impressive haul there, Vodkamom. As a fellow teacher I too could use some of the clear nectar!!!!!!
Unortunately, as I teach 14 and 16 year olds, I never ever get presents :( Nor do any of my colleagues (I hastily add). Think I may have to switch the age range I teach as I'm obviously missing a trick here!
PS. For my daughter's Kindergarten teacher's gift...I directed her to read your blog...
wow - look at all the loot!
We just got a long email from the school basically discouraging teacher gifts. And if teachers do receive gifts from students they have to fill out a disclosure form.
Because, you know, everything is all legal shmegal now a days.
Grey Goose Vodka? At school? God, my mother sucked at giving my teachers gifts. If you tell me you made it to the end of the day without cracking open that bottle, I will be blown away impressed.
No wonder my kids never got the extra, *wink *wink, credit.
I never gifted teachers Grey Goose. When they were young their teachers did get chocolate. But let's weigh the options.
Grey Goose - Chocolate...Vodka by a landslide vote.
You can obviously see you are loved by both your students and their parents.
Merry Christmas, Vodka Mom!
score! my mom was a teacher and we always raided the stash when she got home...so how many teacher ornament decorate your tree?
very nice! looks like better stuff than my mom used to send to school with us when we were little. now go get a lil drunk & take the chocolate to the tub with you while you soak & scrub yourself yummy.
As much as middle son's K teacher deserves a bottle of Grey Goose, my wife has knit scarves instead.
whats in the baggies held by the kid with the tattoos?"
Vodka??? I would have never thought to give a teacher vodka...although they are probably more deserving than i..
I honestly cannot imagine giving a kindergarten teacher a bottle of Vodka. Whoever gave it is definitely letting you know they read your blog. Too funny! I wonder if it's Frank's mom?
The Fancy Nancy set looks awesome. My daughter would LOVE that! Just saying--no pressure or anything. ;P
Teachers should always gifts and more. I know our daughter is a teacher.
She teaches at A&M though. So no gifts for her...just complaints and pleas for grade exchanges.
Hope you win that lottery and also have a wonderful and very Merry Christmas!
Great gifts! I hope you win the lottery!
I hope you have luck with the lottery and if not at least you have the Grey Goose, which is very nice indeed.
Have a very merry Christmas from the Wandering Scotsman in London Tow
save that bottle of Grey Goose, cos you KNOW who's comin' to town :))))
wow! ... and all I got was some "teachery" type gifts and some mugs with hot chocolate...
Maybe I should come teach at your school ;)
Omg, that's funny. Very impressive, too. My principal was just talking about a couple of teachers (back in the day) kept bottles of booze in their desk drawers at school! Here's hoping yours are gone already.haha
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