"Where did Hong-Bo go??" asked Frank.
"Oh you know, E.S.L." said George.
"No," shouted Suzy, "It's P.S.L!"
"It's E.S.L!" George said again.
"It is not. It's P.S.L.!" said Suzy, with authority.
George looked at her like a forty-year-old exhausted with the conversation. "It's ESL. It's English as a Second Language. If it was PSL it would be Penglish as a second language. And that is just silly."
And they both resumed their coloring.
Oh, I love these kids.
LOL Since I live with a Kindergartener and a couple of other young ones I get to over hear things like this quite often...kids sure do bring humor to our lives and I am really thankful for that. :) Hope you are well. XX
George is gonna give Frank a run for his money!
And there you have it! LOL
Reminds me of when I was teaching D2's Sunday school class. A little boy, who was the youngest of 5 boys, would not behave. He kept disrupting the lesson and it seemed all we accomplished that day was saying, "Joey, please stop...." and "Joey, sit down." , etc.
Finally, completely exasperated, D2 wags a finger in his face and says, "You really need a sister!"
you've got a smarty pants on your hands!
snort...i could think of a few acronyms...
WHAT? I speak Penglish. I do.
George has a point.
I've heard of Spanglish, but never Penglish.
Penglish is spoken by penquins. I thought everyone knew that.
PSL--Persian as a Second Language. They pull kids out of class for that?
oh my god...i want your job...
OMG! BFF wuz possed to keep it DL!
Hahaha...I thought PSL was pig Latin as a second language. Even though I KNOW I would be a lousy teacher cuz when I helped in Kindergarten when my kids were in there, I screwed with their little minds, I kinda wish I knew these kids.
I'm impressed with the fact that George ACTUALLY knew what it meant!
I would like to come sit in the back of the room for a few days. I just want to be around these kids.
I will be quiet, promise.
And, of course, it all makes sense.
Penglish. Love it. :)
Love your blog and your kinders! Hope you and Kitteh are feeling strong!
Do your cheeks hurt when you go home? I mean from the smile that just has to be on your face all day long.
Hysterical. I love a little kid who "speaks with authority".
OMG! I just signed up this semester to take Penglish! I can't believe one of your students is already familiar with it!
Wait a sec...so my degree in Penglish is all for naught ?? lol
same here King....all these years, I thought my Penglish was a second language, and then i learn it's just gibberish....
You gotta love 'em :)
well there ya have it, haha.
We need to listen to these kids; they know of what they speak.
I just love it that Suzy was so sure! But Penglish is just funny!!
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